Posted on 11/12/2020 9:22:56 AM PST by WTanner1776
When the conservative philosopher Edmund Burke wrote REFLECTIONS ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION he described, with horror, the total destruction of the ancient regime in France, and the replacement of this elegant civilized (if imperfect) Medieval Country with a barbaric, mad, chaotic Reign of Terror.
If the Democrats prevail in this election, America will suffer a similar fate: Obamaism on steroids: floods of illegal immigrants; Drug Cartel money and destruction; human slave trafficking; return to Globalist Control with China, EU, and Iran. Total censorship by Big Tech, politicized and weaponized federal agencies and education. Use of medicinal lockdowns to control the population. Persecution of the Church, abortion, infanticide, euthanasia of the sick and elderly. Every perversion known to humanity: trans, pedophilia, sadism.
The end of America as ever known, as the French Revolution was of old France.
Of course, this is a worse case scenario. Personally, I think the voter fraud that would bring this disaster will be exposed and corrected. Trumpism with four more years will practically drain the entire Swamp, American values and practice (Faith, Family, Country, Work, Prosperity) will largely return, by the Grace of God.
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When it comes I’m ready. Live Free or DIE.
Depends on if they win in the Georgia Senate races. Even then some scumbag Republican may switch sides and give the RATs control. They get that and America is over. The RATs will systematicly erase all the checks and balances between them and dictatorship
You may see a secession movement in this country, the Midwest States, Texas, the Southern States, even Alaska
Secession seems to me to be more like... running away. As far as I’ve seen, Americans are frequently known for running TOWARD danger. I wonder what that would look like.
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