Posted on 05/22/2018 4:53:38 AM PDT by NOBO2012
Im so old I remember when the University of Michigan was renowned for its STEM programs. Clearly this is not your patriarchs university anymore. Even if that wasnt a sexist comment.
Summary: Everything wrong with higher education in 2 tweets - or as the Instapundit might say -
As my contribution to the ever escalating price of college credentials I am offering this complimentary course in Gender Studies from the University of Michigan for FREE! I cant guarantee you a $100k job at the university of your choice but I will guarantee you a better education than you will get for the $250k cost of obtaining the same B. S. degree from the University of Michigan.
Comprehension of this chart entitles you to a baccalaureate degree in GENDER STUDIES from the MOTUS University of Life Sciences.
Posted from: MOTUS A.D.
Fail, fail, to Michigan,
The snowflakes of the West.
14 teams in the Big Ten.
No wonder they’re confused...
Diversity staff of 100. What a racket. All no doubt getting a generous salary and full bennies.
STEM degrees are viewed as racist now.
Which is a great reason to be worried about any new bridge built in the last ten years.
That's because four of those teams aren't REALLY in the Big Ten...
...they just identify as being members ...
Michigan was always part of the vanguard. Even in the 1930’s they had a radical edge. The 60’s same thing. Radical student voices were always strong at Ann Arbor. The only thing that has changed are the causes and caving to PC trends and pressures.
I’m so old, I remember when homosexuality was deviant behavior.
The trips were paid for by alumni, isnt that illegal under the NCAA rules?
The way I understand NCAA enforcement, Blue Bloods like Michigan get a free pass :)
Back when there were 10 it was the Big 2 Little 8. They didn’t like that so they messed with the numbers.
The times were changing. Johnny Carson would look at Ed and say, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that ...”
I was raised during the Bo era, so I’m not old enough to remember when UM was great. I’m starting to forget how long ago MU/OSU was considered a rivalry...
That's before recruiting was completely nationalized. Regional and state ties were important and even the elite programs relied heavily on in-state recruiting. The two big population states dominated the small population states. Illinois should have been able to hang with Michigan and Ohio State except that Chicago had no particular attachment to the rest of the state and was the happy hunting ground for the whole league.
Television dollars and the erosion of academic standards have changed college football beyond recognition, and not for the better.
I'm so old,I remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty.
“...Mean-hearted harpies are breaking all the laws
Tearing up their girdles and a-burning up their bras,
Now the air is dirty and the sex is clean
And your coffee makes my hair turn green...”
Or maybe the women must be punished and forced into majors that they don't want, just like anti-segregation busing in the old days. Won't that be grand?
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