The FBI is completely corrupted.
If there were any decent people there, some would have resigned in disgust by now.
It was a message.
I smell P. Bharara and friends of McCabe at the bottom of this.
Coup in progress so dont stand in the way. Cohen probably said on his mortgage app the money was for something other than hush money. Walla false statement. His attorney should learn one word: materiality. He did not default on the note so immaterial. Next up the will charge election law violation. He may not avoid that one but aside from that a big nothing.
The raid was orchestrated by people appointed by the President.
Possible straw that broke the camel’s back?
Until Trump cleans house nothing will change. If Sessions cannot do it, he needs to gracefully resign and let Trump appoint someone ready and willing to do the job of AG.
A year ago, I proposed cutting the FBI’s budget by half, as a collective punishment to the organization and above all, a future warning to more potential deep-state gestapo.
Is this raid more of that 3D chess stuff that Trumpbots and Sessionsbots talk about or just a case of being had?
Drain the swamp.
More details
“All courtesy of the New York FBI and Justice Department. And now perhaps you can understand why FBI insiders are frustrated.”
Too bad for them but for the rest of our lifetimes and beyond the irreparably stained FBI will be considered a very dangerous and unfunny joke.
Every single day we are given more and more reasons to just ignore the law and do as we wish - given that those in power ignore the clear wrongdoings of each other, and ignore the Constitutional protections that all of us “little people” are supposed to have. Two standards of justice = NO standard of justice.
Now it just seems like avoiding getting caught is what is important.
So, how many clients will have their protected information “looked at” in the course of the “investigation”?
“The frustration of FBI veterans is simple to decipipher.”
But not frustrated enough to go public.
The silence of the rank and file makes them accomplices.
I currently see only one way to fix this and start the process of restoring Truth, Justice and Liberty. If a few loudmouths on the Radio began preaching Jury Nullification for ALL CASES Involving the FBI, and constantly hammer home the point that they are all CORRUPT LIAR’S and should Never be believed or trusted in ANY COURT OF LAW, by the second or third acquittal or hung jury, it will start to change.
Rush and Hannity could Start and Finish this job and it will work, somewhat radical yes, but it will work.
Apparently, Wray was a bad choice. The President should have chosen someone from outside the agency. The Swamp may have damaging material on him. That’s their stock in trade.
“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” ~ Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, Chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus under Joseph Stalin
Infamous criminal political assassins of the totalitarian communist state. Everything old is new again.
The District of Corruption slime is drifting to cover the entire country.
FIBs running amok. DOJ run by a simpleton. Congress running kabuki shows. No end in sight, this country is heading south at a growing rate.
The country has long known there are different sets of rules for Them and Us. People largely do not care, as long as they can make their mortgage and car payments and afford food and entertainment - and the Deep State is well aware it is highly unlikely that any wave of moral outrage will suddenly arise in the hearts of average Americans. Hillary might have pushed her "Them Privileges" to the very limit, but she has not in the public's perception exceeded it. Even Obama didn't with his IRS audits of conservatives - just look who still runs the agency.
When we see the first Deep State affiliate jailed without bail on serious felony charges, we will know Trump is gaining the upper hand.