You have to have something to replace it.
Why?!?!? Why do we have to have something to replace something that didn’t exist in our 200 plus year history until several years ago?!
Health insurance is not listed in the constitution.
It may sound cold, but it is not a right.
Repeal it and let market forces do their thing.
I do. The constitutional solution intended by our founders: Free markets.
Nothing is better than Obamacare.
Then introduce free market measures that allow competition.
You have to have something to replace it.
Get rid of it THEN replace it.
It was repealed in 2015...pass THAT bill and stop all this futzing around.
No, frankly, no we don’t need to replace it with anything.
What needs to happen though is along with the repeal we will need some sort of ‘price’ controls Shriek!!! Did I just write that!
Yes, why yes I did and here’s why. 0bamacare so warped the health insurance industry and Medical care fields, that there is a temporary need for price controls and monopoly busting.
Example: I had to have an aircast boot for my broken foot. Orthopedic price $545 at the office. Same exact aircast found on Amazon new...$149. Oh...and the $545 aircast refunds once it leaves the office.
If something that an Orthopedist would order in bulk at a discount and then markup over 400% is market type pricing...shoot me now. Seriously folks, until we start to really dig into what is going on in the MEDICAL field, we are never going to have a healthcare system than functions.
Oh’s the PS to that aircast boot insurance only covers two (2), yes two orthopedic doctors in the entire state of Ohio.
The whole system sucks and I have decided that doctors, hospitals, etc. are no longer attainable in my budget. Recently fell a second time a few weeks ago. Pretty sure my wrist is broken or the ulna has a hairline fracture. No, I won’t go to the doctor for it. I can’t afford it.
Hospitals, doctors, specialists are for the elite in America. This isn’t the America I had hoped for or believed in.
They didn’t have anything to replace it when they sent 6 repeal bills to Obama.
They were bluffing, and now they are exposed.
Trump wasn’t supposed to win, and the GOP was not supposed to be in a position where they could actually do anything.
navysealdad wrote, “You have to have something to replace it.”
Why? Never had to, before Zero-don’t-care.
But, if you insist...
1. remove any and all Federal blocks to selling insurance across state lines; understanding that the States will have act in the affirmative on this, as well.
2. legalize international purchase of prescription medicines.
3. Prohibit Medicare and Medicaid services to non-citizens.
No, you dont “have to have something to replace it”
If there is money swirling down the drain you firs plus the drain.
Obamacare costs more money to keep than it costs just to end it.