Posted on 01/07/2017 6:18:02 AM PST by NOBO2012
And so it ends the way it began with a big party; a private party for friends and donors (redundant) that was closed to the press. Apparently it was casual Friday as both David Letterman and Robert DiNiro arrived in sweaters. Im a little surprised DiNiro was allowed in at all, as he is on record having threatened to punch President Elect Trump in the face. I guess thats okay though, since Trump isn't Black.
The graybeards havent aged that well; possibly due to all the teeth gnashing over the past 2 months.
The party was otherwise populated with what have been classified as A-listers which to the press means celebrities. They chortled that Obamas farewell bash would host more A-listers than Trumps inaugural, as if thats the measure of a mans import.
Recognize any of these celebrities? Me neither.
The group will then be clearing out of DC, and no doubt staying far away when Trump is inaugurated on January 20, an event that has failed to draw any of the big names Obama did during his two ceremonies. - Daily Mail
To which many Americans can only say amen and hallelujah. Clear out of town and take your celebrity POTUS and FLOTUS with you; time for the serious people to Make America Great Again.
In other celebrity news yesterday Lady M, still the fashion icon and busy mom shes always been, hosted one last speech honoring the 2017 school counselor of the year. She chose an expensive new designer frock and a new Cleopatra hairchop for her final FLOTUS speech.
Nor did she disappoint the gathering of school counselors and celebrities (because what would a White House event without celebrities be?).
Diversity makes us who we are, Obama said at the 2017 School Counselor of the Year event in the East Room of the White House, where she hosted 50 school counselors and a slew of stars. Dont ever let anyone make you feel like you dont matter, or like you dont have a place in our American story. You do.
You dont have to go to Princeton or Harvard Law to craft a message like that - as saccharine as it is banal; its just a gift Lady M has.
If your family doesnt have much money, I want you to remember that in this country, plenty of folks, including me and my husband, we started out with very little. But with a lot of hard work and a good education, anything is possible even becoming President. Thats what the American Dream is all about.
Rest assured Barry and the Broad will not be leaving the White House flat broke like Americas lesser first black POTUS and FLOTUS did.
Then things took an emotional turn as Lady M, her voice breaking and eyes filling with tears, said that being First Lady has been the greatest honor of my life.
Being your First Lady has been the greatest honor of my life, and I hope Ive made you proud, Obama said. NY Daily News
Oh honey how could we not be proud?
Why, you might even say that for the first time in my adult life Im actually proud to see the American First Family moving the hell out.
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
This should have been the opportunity to round them up and provide each a free one way ticket to Canada where they promised to move after the election!
This should have been the opportunity to round them up and provide each a free one way ticket to Canada where they promised to move after the election!
How much did that hair and dress cost us?
No, I don’t recognize any of the A-listers. Didn’t recognize Letterman until the author identified him. He could pass for a homeless wino.
It’ll be 13 more days until I’m proud of my country again.
My TV and movie watching has greatly diminished over the years as my tastes have changed, and the fact is I have much less patience for plot subtexts or comedy routines that insult me than I did when I was younger. And I find it harder to ignore an actor’s off-screen antics for the hour and a half he is trying to portray someone else.
And of course many families have veterans in them, and if you’ve got a nephew or uncle in the marines you aren’t going to be impressed with some pretty boy pretending to be an action hero. You know what the real thing looks like.
Probably mostly rappers with lyrics that are favorable to BLM and anti police.
Gag me with a spoon.
That crowd, by congregating in one spot, created a intelligence suck vortex that was the worst one this year. (The worst one last year was in all probably the Democratic Convention.) Such things should be monitored because they are an existential threat to intelligent life.
Oops, that’s “ all probability...”
See, even talking about rappers sucks the very essence of anything intelligent from even the computer.
I wish to thank the Obamas for greatly improving my reflexes. I’m 8 years older but I can hit the mute button and change the channel on my TV remote faster than ever.
Hey, Mooch--Does that message extend to the autistic kid in Chicago that was beaten up by four of "your people?"
- I hate this place and I can’t wait to be out of here...”
Michelle Obama’s real feelings on Whitehouse life.
Sometimes she does look halfway decent but seldom do I see anyone who more often seems pissed off at the world.
thankfully the last taxpayer funded c-list soul train dark partay by the DC grifters
Hair and makeup has cost American taxpayers up to 15,000 per day as reported 8 years ago. No telling how much extra for granny and the two ‘senior staff’ members called malia and sasha.
It would be interesting to see how much this has cost Americans over the past 8 years.
We definitely need a number to see how much it does indeed cost to polish a...well, you know.
The sound of his smug pompousness is IRITATING.
(Thank goodness we don't have to listen to Hillary's droning and screeching.)
The door should hit them ALL in the ass on the way out of town!!
“Hair and makeup has cost American taxpayers up to 15,000 per day as reported 8 years ago.”
I don’t believe that.
I’d laugh if Trump published the cost.
Letterman, who had a sex den in his studio, they invite to the White Hut.
I’d love that! Unfortunately, Moochelle, Obummer and the fam are moving not far from the White House supposedly so Sasha can finish high school (she’s a sophomore now). I don’t have an issue with that, just like I don’t have an issue with Melanie and Barron staying in NY until this summer when he finishes this year of school. What I do have an issue with is that there have been stories here on FR about Obama stating he’s going to speak out, will probably continue to fund raise, and I think even one mentioned a shadow government type situation.
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