Just try it Hussein...there’s a reason why firearm sales have skyrocketed during your 8 years in office.
I would like to see it.
It would be an open declaration of war, and thus open season on progressives/leftists. Everything would be in play and open for change.
If Obuggery tries to impose martial law he will be swiftly removed from office by the military.
Hillary is going to win the vote count .. 49.999999 to 50.000001. That’s how these slimebags work.
I would be VERY surprised if Trump simply won. Because the map should be 100% red. But these types of people never leave office willingly. They are only removed by force.
Do it without Kansas. We aint playin’.
YEah and who exactly will enforce it? The military? I doubt it.
Moving party at 1600 Penn. Ave. on January 21!
Much much easier for him to declare a State of National Emergency. No congressional approval required and it could initiate control of just about everything from travel to firearm possession to buying gasoline.
Both major political parties would support this. The Supreme Court would be a non-player because it would likely tie.
Barky won’t do it, but only because he can’t do it. He would like to think, just a stroke of his pen and the tanks are rolling.
Look up “can the President federalize the nation’s police”. Not as easy as he might think; cut off federal money, sic DOJ on departments, but not much else.
I remember, towards the end of GWB's presidency, how some people were absolutely convinced he would declare martial law to hold on to power.
Now, at the end of Obama's presidency...
No he won’t. And this kind of thing is just stupid and the people who put it out there are evil. Liberals said the same stupid crap 8 years ago about Bush trying to gin up paranoia, and conservatives went down this stupid path 8 years before that with Clinton. It’s not going to happen, and you should immediately distrust any jackass that says it will.
Good way to kickoff CWII while committing suicide at the same time. :-)
Ah, yes. The old “martial law to suspend elections” bugaboo. Unfortunately for The W0n, there aren’t enough federal agents, even combined together from all agencies and meshed with the entire US military, to impose martial law on more than a few of the larger cities. All anyone has to do is look at how much manpower it took to handle Dorner, or the Tsarnaev brothers, and you can see their problem. Trying to maintain control over, say, Los Angeles, NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Houston alone would strain their resources.
Sure, they could start with an on-paper martial law that just suspended the election “for the duration of the crisis” whatever that might be, but it would very quickly have to become a boots-on-the-ground martial law, because a large segment of the country wouldn’t stand for that. The US didn’t suspend elections for the Civil War, WWI, or WWII, and while the Presidents during those conflicts were nothing like the petty poseur in office today, cancelling elections over anything short of an all-out nuclear exchange on US soil would be met with derision and resistance immediately. I’m not saying they wouldn’t try it, or that they’re not considering it, but I cannot see how they could possibly expect it to have any kind of positive outcome for them.
Martial Law won’t be declared until something much worse happens.
Ain’t gonna happen, the same idiots hyperventilate about elections getting suspended every four years.
The liberals said the same thing in 2008 about Bush. Nobody is declaring martial law.
I see this theme a lot, but what would be the cause of declaring martial law? In what area(s)?