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This topic hits very close to home, way too close. And no; this is not meant to be an anti-Trump or a pro-Cruz post or visa versa. In full disclosure, I am not at all enthralled with Trump, I don’t trust him, but I also have some concerns about Cruz although not as many as I have with Trump. FWIW, I would have been much happier with either Walker or with Fiorina early on if you must know and the only candidate I donated to this year was a whopping $50 to Fiorina after the 2nd debate. But I just wanted to share some personal perspective on why I think the NC law is a good thing and why I support it.

For those of you who think allowing men to use the ladies room, whether they are “transgendered”- surgically or hormonally or either and or, or a just a “cross-dresser”- a man BTW who still has his “man parts” and likes and has sex with women but gets his jollies off by dressing up in women’s clothing, or someone who is “gender fluid” or “self-identifies” as a woman at will, or whatever other sort of sick twisted perversion inhabits them, is no big deal and nothing bad happens or nothing bad happens “very often”, and “they” should be able to "use the bathroom that they feel is “appropriate"” - let me tell you what happened to my one of my 7-year-old great nieces back in the Fall of last year.

My niece called me on a Monday morning before work and told me that late that Sunday afternoon, her husband and their 4 daughters; their 8-year-old daughter and their 7-year-old triplet daughters, were coming home from a family outing out of town and on their way home and still with a long drive ahead of them, they stopped at a convenience store for some some gas, snacks and drinks and a potty break. (Think one of those big Wawa or Sheetz stores.)

With 4 “little” girls, my niece often has trouble when taking all of 4 of the girls into a public restroom at the same time as there are often not enough stalls available at one time or right next to one another and having taken them out myself I know it can be difficult – as wonderful as the girls are, it can be like herding cats at times. But now that they are somewhat older they don’t need “help” going potty and they know to wipe themselves and wash their hands, their mom doesn’t necessarily stay inside the restroom stalls with each of them until they are all finished.

So after two of the girls finished their potty break, she told the other two to hurry up and reminded them as most mother’s would, “and don’t forget to wash your hands”, thinking this was “the big concern”, she walked with out of the bathroom with the other two but was standing close by, just outside the lady’s room entrance, waiting.

What she didn’t see was a male, later learned to be 17 years old and over 6” tall and with a semi beard, a man for all intents and purposes, who walked out of the men’s room and straight into the women’s room. She’d only looked away from the entrance to the lady’s room for a brief moment.

She said she heard what sounded like a bathroom stall door slamming shut but didn’t really think anything of it, thought it was one of her kids since she didn’t think anyone else was in there with them.

Mere minutes later one of the triplets came out of the restroom screaming. All she kept screaming was “Mommy! Mommy! There is a man in there! A Man!” and then finally said, “He came in and he pushed me back down on the toilet and he licked me!”

My niece yelled to her husband, “call 9-11”, someone just molested * and then she ran into the restroom were her 8-year-old daughter and the perv still where.

He had locked himself in the stall after * had managed to push him off of her and run out, and my niece grabbed her other daughter out of the stall she was still in and out of the bathroom. She was crying uncontrollably and told her mother that he was putting his hands under and then trying to crawl under the adjacent stall into hers.

Meanwhile her father and one of the store clerks were already on the phone with the police and after all four girls were safely with their dad, my niece went back into the restroom to confront the perv who was now hiding in the stall, standing on top of the toilet, trying to hide and not to be seen and with the stall door locked.

Soon the “boy’s” mother came in and told her to “stop yelling at my son” and that he had a mental disability, had a social affective disorder, that he was ADHD, he was “autistic” along with a bunch of other supposed “disorders” she rattled off and that he didn’t “know any better” and then his mother took him out and tried to leave the store with him.

But not as so soon as the 1st police officer who just arrived saw them running across the parking lot and attempting to hide in a nearby farm field and caught up to and detained them and brought them back to the store, both in handcuffs.

My niece’s husband showed remarkable restraint but when he heard the woman tell the officer that her son was mentally disabled and it “wasn’t his fault”, he launched into her, saying something to the effect that “if you son is so messed up and dangerous, his fault or not, this is ultimately your fault because you know it and if you can’t control him you shouldn’t be taking him out in public – he needs to be in an institution and not being in places where he can molest my daughter” among a lot of other things that can’t be repeated here. One of the other cops had to pull him away.

When the police officer asked the perv what he was doing in the lady’s room, he would not answer, but his mother did, saying….wait for it….wait for it….“HE’S GENDER CONFUSED!” and “He doesn’t really understand the difference between boys and girls sometimes”.


After the police officer interviewed my great niece (and my niece said the cop was really great with her), she finally told him that the man licked her face and her neck and then he put his tongue in her mouth and then grabbed her legs, but the officer and her parents were and are still not sure if she meant that he grabbed her leg or put his hand between her legs, as she wouldn’t and still won’t answer that question. She also said that the man whispered something in her ear but she could not make out all the words except for “I want to” and “you”. I can only imagine what this sick mf’er actually said to her but you can fill in the blanks and draw your own conclusions.

My older great niece also told the officer how after her sister escaped, that “the man” was putting his hands and eventually his head under the stall and into hers, sticking his tongue out and was trying to crawl under the divider before her mother pulled her out.

A customer who had been in the men’s room moments earlier told the officer that he’d seen the guy just as he walked out and that he had pulled his tee shirt up over his head, hiding his face and thought it was very strange but that if he’d seen him walk into the lady’s room or known what he was up to, he’d have pummeled him into a bloody pulp and then he patted the outside of his leather jacket and said to the cop “or I would have just shot him”. The cop just smiled and winked and nodded in agreement and said, “Well if you told me he had attacked you, if you told me you thought you saw a weapon on him, it would probably be justifiable homicide – justifiable self-defense” by CCP holder - right?” “Yep”, the man answered. I wish that had been the case.

Then the cops, over the pleading of his mother, crying - “don’t hurt my baby, my “boy”” arrested the perv. One of the officers who talked to the sick perv said to my niece’s husband, “Yes he’s obviously “mental”, but it’s also obvious to me that he also knows right from wrong”. But he wouldn’t answer his question as to if this perv had a previous record of this sort of thing or not but only said to my niece’s husband - “We know him”, seemingly indicating that this was not the first time this sort of thing had happened.

The girls have been told many times by their parents and at school about what to do when a stranger tries to touch them inappropriately or grab them – things like yelling “Stranger Danger” or even “Fire” but * and her sister were frozen with fear on this day. Keep in mind that this all took place in and over a matter of mere minutes.

And * had nightmares for weeks and her father was sleeping on the floor next to her bed during those weeks to comfort and console her and tell her she was safe when she woke up several times a night screaming.

FWIW later that week, and something he’d been thinking about even before this happened, their dad enrolled all four girls in a self-defense school that came highly recommended, a mixed martial arts class. Not that this will enable them, little girls to fight off a large and strong male attacker per se, but it can give them the tools to disable one however briefly in order to get away and the confidence to not be a silent victim.

At this school they teach many martial arts and self-defense moves including Judo, Kenpo, Kung Fu, Hapkido, Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai, just not karate and that they also teach kids integrity, respect, humility, patience and discipline and they don’t just hand out black belts to anyone who pays for one like a lot of other martial arts schools. I checked out their website and observed one of their classes and was so impressed with it and with the Sensei, that I’m even thinking of signing up for one of their adult classes.

The girls BTW love their classes and recently earned their white belts and * finally stopped having nightmares.

But here’s the thing….

What this perv did to my great niece was a crime and would be a crime with or without laws – federal laws, state laws and with or without any store policies like Target’s regarding whether a person of the opposite biological gender has to use the men’s or lady’s room or the rest room of their biological birth or can use the one of their “choosing”.

HOWEVER - and I think this is the VERY IMPORTANT PART - in the police report and the charging documents it was noted that “a 17-year old “male” entered the women’s restroom, where he did not belong and with obvious bad intent.”

If a biological male decides he wants to use the Lady’s Room because he’s using the bathroom he “feels is appropriate”; and who is to say otherwise if that’s how he/she/ it “feels” on any given day or moment, or as this perv’s mother claimed, “HE’S GENDER CONFUSED!”, then the fact of him being in the woman’s room in the first place would not be something that would support in the police report and charging documents as having “bad intent”. And the only thing to support the charges against him would be the word of a 7 and 8-year-old as to what happened as there were no adult witnesses. And we know how that works out some times.

If a biological male can use whatever restroom that he wants to use at the time based on how he “identifies” at any given time, then no one could really question why he was there in the first place.

No one BTW, not even Cruz is proposing to post the police; local, state or federal outside of the Lady’s Rooms in order to do a “penis check” on everyone entering, however, giving pervs a blanket allowance to go into the women’s rest rooms, showers or locker rooms in the first place is asking for more instances like the one I described and will make prosecution of such offences more difficult.

BTW – the last I time I talked to my niece about it, she said the DA was still intending to prosecute but was vacillating on whether to accept a plea bargain to a lesser charge like “voyeurism” or “simple assault” and the perv’s mother and his lawyer keep delaying. By the time this finally gets to trial, if it ever does, I have to wonder how much my great nieces will actually remember about what happened that day if and when they have to testify. The only solid piece of evidence against him that might stand up in court is that this “man” went into the lady’s room where he did not belong in in the first place.

Think about that. Debate, discuss and flame me if you like, but I stand by not allowing men to use female restrooms, lockers, shower rooms, etc.

1 posted on 04/22/2016 12:48:28 PM PDT by MD Expat in PA
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To: MD Expat in PA

Check out this compendium of cross-dressing pervs and rapists posing as trannies.

They would all be free to use any ladies’ room under the Charlotte type laws.

“The threat to women and girls presented by transgender bathroom bills”

2 posted on 04/22/2016 12:50:49 PM PDT by Travis McGee (
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To: MD Expat in PA

My first and only question/observation is this, why did not dad go in the restroom and beat the living crap out of this person but instead chose to stay with the clerk and call 911 while the wife went into a restroom to confront a pervert and even then not beat this scum bag before police came and he ran off?

Where are the men of this world?!!!

4 posted on 04/22/2016 12:54:57 PM PDT by Resolute Conservative
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To: MD Expat in PA
Yours is an important post. Your niece will be in prayers.

A year ago, anyone seeing a man entering a women's rest room would have immediately raised an alarm. Now, most folks will hesitate for fear of appearing non-PC. It's very much like the hesitation to report a Muslim doing anything wrong.

Innocents will continue to be hurt - or worse - just so deviants can claim their "rights".

I regret to say we'll be seeing more of what you bravely described, much more. And the "gender confused" will next ask for access to women's locker rooms, and to women's showers. And they'll get it.

7 posted on 04/22/2016 1:04:40 PM PDT by Leaning Right (Why am I holding this lantern? I am looking for the next Reagan.)
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To: MD Expat in PA

Appreciate the post.

I just don’t think I have the words to express my disgust and contempt with ‘leaders’ who see no problem with giving free reign to these perverted psychos. If I had been there that day, I guarantee I would have killed that damned freak. And again, for the politicians, celebrities, corporate CEO’s that are doing everything they can to enable this sick insanity, condemning the NC law, I’d like to see each and every one of them violently dispatched to hell.

8 posted on 04/22/2016 1:04:47 PM PDT by greene66
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To: MD Expat in PA
No flame and what happened was sick, but the lesson is at no age should a female be unaccompanied in a public restroom. Far to many sickies in the world but who would have been at the door to monitor that young man or in the case of a transgender to verify equipment. People act as if one more la will make it better.

We don't control everything and law or not, we have to protect ourselves and others. There are so many laws already that are not enforced. A law about this will be no panaceas unless there is someone at that door to enforce it.

9 posted on 04/22/2016 1:05:09 PM PDT by nclaurel
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To: MD Expat in PA

I am so sorry for what happened

This crime is not about people using bathrooms.

I keep asking with no answer forth coming how do you enforce such a law?

If someone is dressed like a woman enters a bathroom and uses the facilities and leaves what is there to do? If a crime is committed regardless of dress then I hope it is a CCW location

10 posted on 04/22/2016 1:06:51 PM PDT by Nifster (I see puppy dogs in the clouds)
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To: MD Expat in PA

This country has lost its morals, and until it regains them, watch your back.

12 posted on 04/22/2016 1:13:19 PM PDT by thoughtomator
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To: MD Expat in PA

Firstly, I hope your family heals from this horrendous event.

Secondly, the law is moral restraint. It has no hold over an immoral person.

15 posted on 04/22/2016 1:19:19 PM PDT by PJammers (Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?)
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To: MD Expat in PA

Restrooms are a plumbing question. Your plumbing should
match the sign on the restroom you use.

There are many issues here, and changing the plumbing doesn’t make you change sex. You have a good point though. Requiring the change does make it harder for evil and predatory people (as opposed to those who are just confused and mentally ill) to act out without consequences.

16 posted on 04/22/2016 1:24:43 PM PDT by Pollster1 (Somebody who agrees with me 80% of the time is a friend and ally, not a 20% traitor. - Ronald Reagan)
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To: MD Expat in PA

I just found this website. It’s a virtual armory for fighting back against this madness.

18 posted on 04/22/2016 1:28:16 PM PDT by Travis McGee (
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To: MD Expat in PA
Of course they shouldn't be in the opposite sex bathrooms, but there are already laws in place to handle this.

The Right must not overreact with more laws which will throw the issue into the Federal courts, which is what the Left wants.

21 posted on 04/22/2016 2:23:42 PM PDT by fortheDeclaration (Pr 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation:but sin is a reproach to any people)
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To: MD Expat in PA


23 posted on 04/22/2016 3:01:30 PM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: MD Expat in PA

I’m terribly sorry and sad this happened to your family. I’m thankful it wasn’t worse than it was.

What happened to your family is going to happen more and more, what with the excuses being concocted by politicians, psychiatrists, lawmakers, local businesses, and idiot parents who have done a lousy job with their kids.

So of course perverts will be taking advantage of the excuses being offered them on a silver platter ... of mental disorders, gender identity issues, etc., and they’ll be getting away with it.

I’d say, just wait for it, but it’s already happening; although, for the time being, restricted to liberal hellholes for the most part.

And I’m sure all the “educated and enlightened” twits will be twittering their “wisdom” — while telling the rest of us we’re bumpkins. It’s already happening on FR.

I do appreciate what the officer had to say:

>>>Well if you told me he had attacked you, if you told me you thought you saw a weapon on him, it would probably be justifiable homicide – justifiable self-defense” <<<

I’d shoot one of these sickos in a heartbeat if I felt he was endangering me or my loved one. As a matter of fact, if I run into a man in the ladies’ room, I’m going to assume he means harm and I will act accordingly.

27 posted on 04/22/2016 3:39:55 PM PDT by Heart of Georgia
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To: MD Expat in PA

Wonderful summation. Target Corporation and all entities that support this perversion can go to Hell! Anyone who goes along with this will end up In hell if they do not repent and turn back to truth and righteousness.

31 posted on 04/22/2016 5:47:25 PM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: pastorbillrandles; StoneWall Brigade

Need to read this first hand account of Transgenders in female restrooms. We are in the “Days of Lot”...

39 posted on 04/25/2016 2:26:31 PM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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