western society has become a running joke.
not to be taken seriously at all.
NO evidence of catastrophic damage.
had snow in NY 3 days ago.
Can they sue themselves for expelling CO2 with every breath?
Yes, hang the hereticks.
So we can’t sue when Obama runs roughshod over the Constitution, but this nimrod gives kids and a top alarmist the ability to sue over a phantom menace.
Can they also sue for accumulated national debt?
Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide - Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts? By Timothy Ball
No Smoking Hot Spot (The Australian)
Those two articles take Greenhouse Theory at face value and by the criterion set up in the theory itself finds no evidence of warming on the basis of greenhouse effect.
Sky-high hole blown in AGW theory?
"Forbes reports on a peer-reviewed study that uses NASA data to show that the effects of carbon-based warming have been significantly exaggerated. In fact, much of the heat goes out into space rather than stay trapped in the atmosphere, an outcome that started long before AGW alarmists predicted:"
That article explains why no Hot Spot has been found.
The Hidden Flaw in Greenhouse Theory
Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics
Harvard astrophysicist dismisses AGW theory, challenges peers to 'take back climate science'
It Is Impossible For A 100 ppm Increase In Atmospheric CO2 Concentration To Cause Global Warming
Simple Chemistry and the Real Greenhouse Effect.
Those five articles each show that Greenhouse Theory has no basis in reality due to a direct conflict with the known laws of physics. No wonder the smoking gun "hotspot" can't be found.
Wonder how far to the dumb side of the Bell curve the lawyer and kids are.
Obviously, if we just stick to science IQ, we’re talking six sigma min.
Folks, that’s Dorkbama the Muslim level.
Let’s Alinsky them.
Find out who they are and protest in front of their houses and in front of their parents’ businesses and employers.
This is once again a glorious leftist waste of taxpayer dollars.
...meanwhile Odungo issues 860,000 green cards to mooslem immigrants....
April Fools day was two weeks ago.
“In declining states the leadership intuitively chooses the most harmful course of action.”- F. Nietzsche
It’s called brain washing.
This decision is one of the most absurd ever.
Are all judges morons with compromised logic centers in their cranium? I’d like to sue those “kids”...and the judge for being so ignorant.
Palin: willie nye is a kids actor
Yes it is. It illustrates just how friggin insane this nation has gone.
so they should be able to sue obama for all the debt he’s put them in....
Dumb***es all around!
Lord just take me now! LOL