Posted on 03/24/2015 8:37:35 AM PDT by NOBO2012
In a very lengthy interview with HuffPo, Big Guy pretty much laid out his entire presidential game plan:
By hook or by crook, were going to make sure that when I leave this office, that the country is more prosperous, more people have opportunity, kids have a better education, were more competitive, climate change is being taken more seriously than it was, and we are actually trying to do something about it. Those are going to be the measures by which I look back and say whether Ive been successful as president.
Make sure that the country is more prosperous:
Remember that old Winning the Future (WTF) campaign?
To win the future, we must out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world
The truth is that in the 21st Century, world economies are trying to do more with limited resources, and part of that ultimately means we can not have an energy sector that is rooted in the infrastructure of the past.
Carbon based fuels are sooooo last century. Were on to wind, solar
and nuclear[ed.except for Iran] and super-hamster technology. Because what better way to drive a $15 trillion economy in the 21st century than windmills?
So lets just stipulate that the economy is coming along quite swimmingly. Because if it wasnt, could we say that it is?
If this wasnt real, could I do this?
And hey, if youre not feeling it, just go to the White House page on the Economy for a complete propaganda primer on every aspect of the economy - By hook or by crook.
More people have opportunity:
This years White House Science Fair focused on diversity something Big Guy is especially proud of.
I hope we managed to identify at least as many young science protégés as did diverse science.
Opportunity - By hook or by crook.
Were more competitive,
The Federal Communications Commission, Mr. Obama said, needs to adopt the strictest rules possible to prevent broadband companies from blocking or intentionally slowing down legal content and from allowing content providers to pay for a fast lane to reach consumers. That approach, he said, demands thinking about both wired and wireless broadband service as a public utility
Because everybody knows you get the very best competition with monopolies regulated by the government.
Competition: By hook or by crook.
Climate change is being taken more seriously than it was, and we are actually trying to do something about it.
A new policy from FEMA will cut mitigation funding to governors who dont adopt plans to reduce the effect of natural disasters caused by anthropogenic climate change. Mediaite
Climate Change taken seriously By Hook or By Crook.
So I hope you got the message: Big Guy plans on getting his way by hook or by crook or both. Butt then you already knew that.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. Jonathan Gruber
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
But you all knew that!
“by crook” it is then!
The Largest, Best Funded Voter Fraud Operation in US History Happening Before Your Eyes
Red Statements ^ | 3/12/2015 | Steven Ahle / FR Posted by HomerBohn
Within the first couple of months of Obamas illegal immigration executive memos he signed on AF One, at least ninety thousand Social Security cards were issued to illegal aliens. Now Senators Ben Sasse and Jeff Sessions want answers on how many additional social security cards were issued. The answer is important because it will allow citizens to know just how much money taxpayers are spending on illegal aliens.
Social Security cards are keys of the kingdom to illegal aliens. With them, they are able to access a number of all sorts of benefits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit, Social Security disability payments or Social Securitys supplemental income program.
The senators also want to know how much in benefits these illegals have collected. The senators have yet to connect the dots in Obamas real scheme. Let me help them out.
Social Security cards besides making illegals eligible for benefits, can have a more profound problem for the United States. The cards make it very easy for illegals to register to vote, even in states with voter ID laws.
One of the documents accepted for registering to vote is .Social Security cards. But administration officials dont dare instruct the illegals on how to vote and many might not trust them. The Washinton Times explains how easy it would be to add millions of new voters through the democrats illegal amnesty.
So how do you get around this? Simple. You have the latino-centric America hating La Raza do it. Yes, La Raza actually teaches illegal immigrants where and how to register and vote. With the advent of so many illegals being able to vote and limited resources, La Raza couldnt possibly handle the volume or afford to spend the kind of money necessary to facilitate such a huge undertaking.
NOTE WELl: Obama and congressional democrats along with a huge assist from Eric Holder may shed some light on this, too. What if we add the former ACORN into the mix? No, they arent defunct, they just use the democratic playbook, which calls for changing the name of ACORN to NeighborWorks America. That may answer the manpower problem to a large extent, but what about the massive amount of money that would be needed?
Both NeighborWorks America and La Raza have found a huge funding source. The DOJ has sued several banks and made settlements in which the banks have paid 24 billion in fines. One of the banks, CitiCorp was also ordered to pay $50 million to La Raza and NeighborWorks America as part of the settlement.
But wait, it doesnt stop there. Another clause in the agreement makes it possible for La Raza and NeighborWorks America to rake in even larger amounts of money.
Of the remaining money the banks needed to pay in settlements, the banks were able to contribute additional money to La Raza and NeighborWorks America. For every dollar they contribute, it reduces their debt to the government by 2 dollars. Thats some mighty powerful incentive to give generously.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling have questioned why this money was sent to the two organizations rather than to the alleged victims of the banks crime. The administration of course declined to answer.
So now, with Social Security cards, manpower and tons of money to go along with the two years before the next presidential election, the largest and most successful voter fraud campaign may alter the course of the elections not to mention the future of the United States.
Wow, from “this is the moment the oceans recede” to “climate change being taken more seriously than it was”. See what he did there? Heh.
This President is a crazy person, some kind of anti-Christ or both.
Nothing about this man seems to say he works FOR America.
First anti- Jewish President of my lifetime as well.
With democrats in control there is no future for the United States their record proves it the next two years will be a test to inform the brain washed Obama voters some of the young have wised up.
Ends justify means.
Carter was anit-semite
climate change being taken more seriously than it was.
Correction: Climate change facts will be buried so that mankind isn’t aware how l ittle CO2 we actually produce, and what little effect it really has on climate
Fact, the amount of CO2 man produces makes up just 0.00137% of the atmosphere
Fact, the amount of TOTAL atmospheric CO2 is just 0.04% (and man is only responsible for 3.4% of that 0.04%, meaning that the total amount of CO2 man produces makes up just 0.00137% of the atmosphere)
Fact, Temps rise FIRST, and decades later CO2 rises- so CO2 can’t possibly be responsible for climate change-
Fact: 0.00137% of our atmosphere can not possibly capture enough heat, and back radiate it to earth to cause any sort of temperature rise- only a tiny fraction of heat captured by man’s piddly 0.00137% CO2 gets back radiated I nthe right direction, meaning much less than 0.00137% of the heat escaping earth makes it’s way back to earth.
What this is equivalent to is someone lighting a match in a football stadium and claiming that it is raising the temperatures to a ‘dangerous irreversible level’- Seriously- there simply is NOT enough CO2 in our atmosphere to do Anything- and there certainly is not nearly enough CO2 produced by man in our atmosphere to do anything-
The numbers do not lie- our atmosphere is made up of just 0.04% CO2 - mans contribution is just 3.4% of the total atmospheric CO2, meaning the amount of CO2 man produces makes up just 0.00137% of the atmosphere
99.96% of the atmosphere has no CO2 in it- There simply is nothing in our atmosphere of any significant value to impede and capture escaping heat and back radiate it to earth causing global climate change-
There is NO thick blanket of CO2 enveloping the earth bouncing every last bit of escaping heat back to earth- so little heat gets back radiated that it’s incredibly mind boggling that scientists, who’s reputations are on the line, have even put their names to the idea that man is causing climate change. They should be ashamed of themselves yet apparently they feel no shame scamming the world using such a colossal LIE
Hitler got the trains to run on time too.
Obama has the same blood.
I so much want to see this jackhole perp walked out of the next inauguration. Cuffed.
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