Posted on 08/04/2014 8:07:25 AM PDT by agondonter
Weaponized Ebola ............. the story not being told
Aerosol emission of a deadly/highly contagious pathogen!
Article Below
The primary Ebola strain being spread right now (as there are 2) was bioengineered using US Department of Defense (via USAMRIID), Monsanto, Alnylam, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck and Pfizer funding through a pharmaceutical company called Tekmira based in Vancouver Canada. A common Ebola-Zaire strain from West Africa was used as the base, but bioengeneered to become a respiratory illness (a hybrid of Ebola-Zaires & Lassa Hemorrhagic Fever, weaponized via USAMRIID at Fort Detrick) becoming a genetic variant of the original strain, which allowed for airborne human-to-human transmission, an extended incubation period (to increase spread/threat), and a slightly toned down virility (to have the ideal initial wanted mortality rate (~40%)).
Ebola - Human-to-human transmission occurs viadirect contact with blood or bodily fluids from an infected person (including embalming of an infected dead person) or by contact with contaminated medical equipment, particularly needles and syringes. [link to] Lassa - Inhalation of tiny particles of infective material (aerosol) is believed to be the most significant means of exposure. [link to] Ebola/Lassa - Human-to-human transmission occurs via direct contact with blood or bodily fluids AND/OR Inhalation of tiny particles of infective material (aerosol) from an infected person (including embalming of an infected dead person) or by contact with contaminated medical equipment, particularly needles and syringes.
Note: The Sierra Leone Ebola hybrid strain (~40% mortality rate) is shown to have a lower mortality rate then the Guinea Ebola strain (~75% mortality rate), but is shown to instead be MUCH more human-to-human transmittable, due to it being an airborne hybrid (understand there are 2 strains going on at the same time, one natural (75% - Ebola), the other created (40%, Ebola/Lassa, airborne)).
Volume 20, Number 7July 2014: Undiagnosed Acute Viral Febrile Illnesses, Sierra Leone PRNT results indicated that the infecting virus was most closely related to EBOV, except for 1 SUDV-reactive patient sample. This finding was unexpected because our assumption was that any ebolavirus would more likely be TAFV, the only species described in West Africa. Although the serum samples were able to neutralize EBOV only at a low level (1:40 dilution), it is possible thatthe virus is an EBOV genetic variant. [link to]
Guinea = ~73% mortality rate = ~5-9 day incubation = Ebola-Zaires (natural) Sierra Leone = ~43% mortality rate = ~9-21 day incubation = Ebola/Lassa (bioengineered, airborne)
Because of these tweaks, the current strain of Ebola we should be worried about is actually a respiratory virus unlike all other Ebola strains that are previously known (as it is a bioengineered/weaponized hybrid). Because the US knows this airborne strain is a respiratory virus (the one that will develop into the actual Pandemic), they needed to make some last minute adjustments to their emergency pandemic protocols, which were just refined on July 31, 2014 by Barack Obama to suite the needed definition in preparation for a WHO Pandemic Level 6 Declaration (down the line).
April 4, 2003 - Executive Order Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases (b) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which is a disease associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, is transmitted from person to person predominantly by the aerosolized or droplet route, and, if spread in the population, would have severe public health consequences. [link to]
VS (just revised by Obama)...
July 31, 2014 - Executive Order Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases (b) Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled. This subsection does not apply to influenza. [link to]
This bioengineered respiratory variation of the Ebola-Zaires virus was then purposely released in January 2014 through the Takmira TKM-Ebola human trials at the Kenema Government Hospital Lassa Diagnostic Laboratory (Soros / Gates Foundation) in Sierra Leone, using select test subjects as hosts (that are immune to the disease they then carry/spread).
The TKM-Ebola Phase I clinical trial is a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study involving single ascending doses and multiple ascending doses of TKM-Ebola. The study will assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of administering TKM-Ebola to healthy adult subjects. Four subjects will be enrolled per cohort. There are four planned cohorts for a total of 16 subjects in the single dose arm, and three planned cohorts for a total of 12 subjects in the multiple dose arm of the trial. Each cohort will enroll three subjects who receive TKM-Ebola, and one who will receive placebo. [link to]
And go figure Tekmira just so happens to be heavily funded by the United States Department of Defence...
Tekmira doses first subject in human clinical trial of TKM-Ebola Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation has dosed the first subject in a Phase 1 human clinical trial of TKM-Ebola, an anti-Ebola viral therapeutic that is being developed under a US$140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense. [link to]
With Monsanto invested heavily as well (just a small sample of Monsanto funding)...
Tekmira Receives $1.5 Million Milestone Payment Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation (TKMR) (TKM.TO), a leading developer of RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics, announced today that it has received a $1.5 million milestone payment from Monsanto following completion of specified program developments. [link to]
And go figure, Tekmira is currently the leading pharmaceutical company being pushed as the best chance for the Ebola cure, as they already start hyping that this strain will get out of control...
Ebola outbreak may already be uncontrollable; Monsanto invests in Ebola treatment drug company as pandemic spreads Monsanto and Dept. of Defense help fund pharma company that could earn billions from Ebola treatment [link to]
And because of this they are going to be holding more clinical human TKM-Ebola trials very shortly (again remember what happened after the last human TKM-Ebola trial in Sierra Leone...).
Experimental Ebola vaccine will be tested on people NEXT MONTH as U.S. pushes clinical trial of possible life-saving drug The U.S government will begin testing an experimental ebola vaccine on humans as early as next month, it has been reported. The drug, which is currently being developed, has seen positive results in clinical trials when used to treat primates. It has prompted the U.S. government to move towards testing the possible life-saving vaccine on people for the first time, USA Today said. The National Institutes of Healths infectious disease unit has been working with the Food and Drug Administration to put the vaccine through trials as quickly as possible, according to the report. Health campaigners are calling for U.S. authorities to speed up their approval of a new drug hoped to be the first cure for the deadly Ebola virus. A petition, created on, states: One of the most promising is TKM-Ebola manufactured by Tekmira Pharmaceuticals. [link to]
Note: I love how it says the U.S Government will BEGIN human trails... when the first DoD funded trails using the same company already happened months ago.
And go figure they want to do more human TKM-Ebola trials, even though human tests were put on hold last month due to safety concerns (Ya I would consider starting a hybrid Ebola Pandemic as a safety concern wouldnt you?)...
While human tests of the companys treatment,TKM-Ebola, were put on hold last month due to safety concerns, investors scrambled to buy its stock, sending shares up 1.5 percent to $13 in midday Nasdaq trading, and up more than 50 percent over the past fortnight. [link to]
But thats not hurting Tekmiras stock prices at all, which are basically skyrocketing as this event unfolds...
Tekmira shares skyrocket as Ebola outbreak intensifies in Africa Shares of Canadas Tekmira Pharmaceutical Corp TKMR.O TKM.TO, which has ambitions of producing the first treatment for the deadly Ebola virus, have skyrocketed as the worst-ever outbreak of the virus intensified in West Africa.
And for anyone looking at the bigger picture, it appears like they are going to attempt to do what they failed to do in 2009 (due to a Baxter AG fuckup in Europe prior to Phase 2, forcing them to call it off)... This time they expect to be able to declare the long-awaited WHO Pandemic Level 6, allowing for international & national emergency powers to kick in, such as, The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector, the National Emergency Act, National Security Presidential Directive 51 and so on...
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act: planning for and response to bioterrorism and naturally occurring infectious diseases The Model Act is structured to reflect 5 basic public health functions to be facilitated by law: (1) preparedness, comprehensive planning for a public health emergency; (2) surveillance, measures to detect and track public health emergencies; (3) management of property, ensuring adequate availability of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and hospitals, as well as providing power to abate hazards to the publics health; (4) protection of persons, powers to compel vaccination, testing, treatment, isolation, and quarantine when clearly necessary; and (5) communication, providing clear and authoritative information to the public. USA: [link to]
The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector Canada: [link to]
50 U.S. Code Chapter 34 - NATIONAL EMERGENCIES [link to]
National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD #51: National Continuity Policy [link to]
When a WHO Pandemic Level 4 Emergency is declaired preparations for countermeasures would be started, which if escalated to a Pandemic Level 6 emergency, would then trigger implementation of mandatory (by law) mass vaccinations of the populous of even not effected areas/countries in what is deemed as Pandemic Management (aka the long awaited phase 2 that Baxter AG fucked up in 2009).
WHO Pandemic Levels Level 4 = Prepare (preparation) A reassortant virus is causing community-level outbreaks, meaning there are sustained disease outbreaks in a community. This marks a significant upwards shift in the risk for a pandemic. However, a pandemic isnt necessarily a forgone conclusion.
Level 5 = Mobilize (initiation) There is human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one WHO region. Most countries arent affected at this stage, but declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent. There is little time remaining to finish the organization, communication and implementation of the planned mitigation measures.
Level 6 = Sustain (vaccination) In addition to the countries affected in Phase 5, there are community-level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region. A global pandemic is occurring.
Just hope people see this event for what it is... and understand what is to come.
conspiracy theory ping
... but, but we were told it is like AIDS and not easily transmitted and we should not fear anything... /sarc
I wonder how long the curative serum that doctor Brantly received for this particular strain has been in development. The first sequencing paper for this strain was published sometime in April of this year.
That reminds me, how many people did Bill Ayers say they had to kill to acheive their fundamental transformation of society?
And now George Soros and Bill Gates/Gates Foundation are in league with Bill Ayers.
Population Control/Reduction...every good Progressives dream come true.
Tom Clancy had a story about weaponized Ebola years ago in one of his novels.The name of which I can’t remember now.
In the story a terrorist group had kidnapped people and purposely contaminated them with the Ebola virus.
They then harvested there organs,Mostly the liver If I recall accurately.Then placed the virus into aerosol spray cans.
These cans were then left at airports around the country and by the time the first person was discovered to be carrying Ebola it was already to late.
They already had an epidemic growing.
That was a great book.I just hate it when fiction has the possibility of becoming fact.Especially now.
I heard a doctor (Dr. Elaina George) on the Bill Cunningham show last night. She said this Ebola isn’t acting like Ebola has in the past. She also commented that she’s not sure it isn’t spread via air (i.e. without direct contact), especially with the way it seems to be spreading and ‘acting’ with the current outbreak. She mentioned the pigs-to-macaque monkey study which did seem to show ZEBOV (Ebola Zaire - the deadliest strain of Ebola and the strain currently on the loose in this outbreak) infecting the monkeys without direct contact.
The two patients who will be at Emory (Writebol is on the way or soon to be, I think) are not the first Ebola cases in the US - they are the first human cases, but it’s been here in primates (Reston & there is an Ebola-Reston strain named after that incident).
Dr. George is EXTREMELY concerned about what is coming across the southern border. Potentially it isnt diseases that we have been vaccinated against that are the most concerning, but ones like TB which have developed multiple drug resistance, or tropical diseases such as Dengue fever that doctors may have difficulty diagnosing and there is no treatment for them.
"You have to come into very close contact with blood, organs, or bodily fluids of infected animals, including people,"
Ebola Virus
If what is intimated here is actually true, that would mean we’ve got a DOD that is at war with the people of America. Why is the DOD involved with viruses?
Here is an article about possible air-born Ebola.
My friend got a reply from one of his buddies,,,, he aligns with ‘airborne’ and gives Good facts about why ! got my curiosity up on this one. I sent the message to one of my very close friends who is at least as conservative as you and I are. He is damn knowledgeable in this area.
He has about 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry at a HIGHLY technical level.........
Biology degree talking here. I sell drugs for a living. Here we go-
First off if you are a terrorist, BW (biological weapons) are the answers to all of your prayers. Cheap, easy to make, cause an exponential amount of damage, scare the crap out of people, difficult to defend against unless you are the Military, and most importantly you do NOT have to worry about killing your own people, societal decay after use, denial of use of area, cleanup, and so fourth. What you DO have to worry about is THAT SHIT WILL KILL YOU, you can NOT SEE IT, you can NOT TEST FOR IT EASILY, there may NOT be an ANTIDOTE for it, & if there is you better have some on you at ALL TIMES, and this is the key.... Listen up people, you better pray to God that you do NOT get the one BW strain that MUTATED so that YOUR antidote is ineffective! Remember you are making trillions to the trillions power copies, and when you do that you get mutations, and mutations have the effect of making your biological untouchable. So now, where is that book on chemical/nuclear weapons?????
BTW, there are 4 strains of Ebola (not 2), also called hemorrhagic fever (actually 5 strains, but 1 doesn’t affect humans.... Yet). Lethality is TRICKY to discuss, but ranges from 14% - >90%. Lethality is LOWER if you are from one of the areas where it is common, and much higher if you are from an area where it is not (like the US). It is a bio safety level 4 BSL-4 (highest level- only 15 complexes in America, 9 are Federal), and the highest Biological Weapons Potential.
Ebola was named from the 1st recorded outbreak in 1976 on the Ebola River. The Ebola strains that come from the Congo & the Sudan are considered unstoppable with a 90% lethality rating. Ebola is a “FILO” virus that uses a host and different vectors of transmission. Current thinking is the Fruit Bat is the main reservoir of virus, fruit bat eats fruit (partially), and drops it on ground where monkeys/apes eat it. From there tribesmen eat the “bush meat” and become infected & feed it to their “out of town guests” there on a Mission trip. Or a Mission worker contracts it while touching an infected person. Takes 5-21 days to incubate. The less lethal strain is shorter, the more lethal is longer. Interesting fact, the live virus WILL SURVIVE in the seamen for 7 weeks after you “survive”... Thus leading to another “last chance” vector of transmission that intercourse spreads the virus further. BTW, this virus use VIRONS to replicate & spread-—
Oh, one more thing, Ebola is “transmission-able through breath”. That means if someone breaths on you and you breath it in you are infected AND, if they breath on you and their breath touches your EYE you will get a matter of fact conjunctiva infection is considered a main vector. Get the point here, bad to the muther f***in bone!!! Oh, and there is no cure, but you knew that.
If you were gonna design something better than this, you would be hard pressed to do so IMHO.
BTW, I studied “Hemorrhagic Fever” in Parisitology class at KSU.
The problem with Bio weapons is that can be spread to the ahole that used them.
It is pure insanity to cultivate a bio weapon.
If there is a cure for the Bio pathogen then it is not effective, if there is not you seal your own fate.
"Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish?
Nothing else."~Epictetus
God bless this site, this Free Republic.
Please click the pic
Then how is it spreading so easily?
So when the CDC was saying not to worry about bringing the Ebola victims to the USA because it was only spread by "bodily fluids" (like HIV) they were full of $hit?
I knew they were, because we don't isolate HIV patients and put everyone they come into contact with into quarantine. And the two doctors were probably doing everything they could to protect themselves and they still caught it
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