Posted on 10/31/2013 7:58:41 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
In April, Rafael Cruz, the father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), spoke to the tea party of Hood County, which is southwest of Fort Worth, and made a bold declaration: The United States is a "Christian nation." The septuagenarian businessman turned evangelical pastor did not choose to use the more inclusive formulation "Judeo-Christian nation." Insisting that the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution "were signed on the knees of the framers" and were a "divine revelation from God," he went on to say, "yet our president has the gall to tell us that this is not a Christian nation The United States of America was formed to honor the word of God." Seven months earlier, Rafael Cruz, speaking to the North Texas Tea Party on behalf of his son, who was then running for Senate, called President Barack Obama an "outright Marxist" who "seeks to destroy all concept of God," and he urged the crowd to send Obama "back to Kenya."
Comments uttered by a politician's parent may have little relevance in assessing an elected official. But it's appropriate to take Rafael Cruz into account when evaluating his son the senator. Ted Cruz, the tea party champion who almost single-handedly spurred the recent government shutdown, has often deployed his father as a political asset. He routinely cites his Cuban-born father, who emigrated from the island nation in 1957, when he discusses immigration and justifies his opposition to the bipartisan reform bill that passed in the Senate. (Ted Cruz hails his father as a symbol of the "American dream" who came to the United States legallythough Rafael Cruz began his career in the oil industry in Canada, where Ted was born.) Moreover, Ted Cruz campaigns with his father; he had him in tow on a recent trip to Iowa (where the evangelical vote is crucial in GOP presidential primaries). Rafael Cruz regularly speaks to tea party and Republican groups in Texas as a surrogate for his son; during Ted Cruz's 2012 Senate campaign, his father was dispatched to events and rallies across the state to whip up support. And thanks to Ted Cruz's political rise, Rafael has become a conservative star in his own right. He has been prominently featuredand praisedat events held by prominent right-wing outfits, such as FreedomWorks and Heritage Action. What Rafael Cruz saysespecially when he is speaking for his sonmatters.
The elder Cruz is a North Texas-based pastor who directs a small outfit called Purifying Fire Ministries.* Rafael Cruz's inflammatory remarks and fundamentalist views have recently started to attract increased media attention. A few weeks ago, he sparked headlines when he told a gathering of Republicans in Colorado that Obama has vowed to "side with the Muslims," that Obamacare mandates "suicide counseling" for the elderly, and that gay marriage is a plot to make "government your god."
A sermon Rafael Cruz delivered in August 2012 at an Irving, Texas, mega-church has also come under scrutiny. At that event, he asserted that Christian true believers are "anointed" by God to "take dominion" of the world in "every area: society, education, government, and economics." He was preaching a particular form of evangelical Christianity known as Dominionism (a.k.a. Christian Reconstructionism) that holds that these "anointed" Christians are destined to take over the government and create in practice, if not in official terms, a theocracy. Rafael Cruz also endorsed the evangelical belief known as the "end-time transfer of wealth"that is, as a prelude to the second coming of Christ, God will seize the wealth of the wicked and redistribute it to believers. But, Cruz told the flock, don't expect to benefit from this unless you tithe mightily. Introducing Cruz at this service, Christian Zionist pastor Larry Huch offered this bottom line: In the coming year, he predicted, "God will begin to rule and reign. Not Wall Street, not Washington, God's people and his kingdom will begin to rule and reign. I know that's why God got Rafael's son elected, Ted Cruz, the next senator." (In July, several prominent Dominionist pastors at a ceremony in Iowa blessed and anointed Ted Cruz, rendering him, in their view, a "king" who would help usher in the kingdom of Christ.)
During his sermon at this church, Rafael Cruz preached that men, not women, are the spiritual leaders of their families: "As God commands us men to teach your wife, to teach your childrento be the spiritual leader of your familyyou're acting as a priest. Now, unfortunately, unfortunately, in too many Christian homes, the role of the priest is assumed by the wife. Why? Because the man had abdicated his responsibility as priest to his family So the wife has taken up that banner, but that's not her responsibility. And if I'm stepping on toes, just say, 'Ouch.'"
As Rafael Cruz recounted at the Hood County tea party event, he had a powerful role in shaping his son, introducing Ted, when he was in middle school, to the Free Enterprise Education Center, where the young Cruz was flooded with Austrian School libertarian economics and archly conservative interpretations of US history. Cruz excelled in this setting and went on to become part of a traveling road show of teens called the Constitutional Corroborators. They appeared at Rotary Club luncheons across the state to extol the wonders of the free market and the US Constitution. While the Rotarians ate lunch, the whiz kids transcribed from memory the articles of the Constitution on easels placed at the front of the room.
At the Hood County gathering, Rafael Cruz, in full sync with his son's political stance, attacked RINOsRepublicans In Name Only. He noted that the "wicked" were now ruling the United States. He insisted that "those death panels are in Obamacare," and that the US government wants "to take all of your money" and confiscate "our fortunes." He asserted that the Democratic Party promotes "everything that is contrary to the word of God." He also exclaimed, "Social justice is a cancer. Social justice means you are ruled by whatever the mob does. What social justice does is destroy individual responsibility."
Pastor Cruz is a fiery speaker whose rhetorical red meat is well-received by hardcore Republican and tea party audiences. He regularly has compared Obama to Fidel Castro and routinely echoes the no-surrender calls of his son. At a "freedom rally" at the Alamo in 2012, he vowed, "We've had enough compromise enough of Establishment Republicans that don't stand for anything." Speaking to Houston Republicans in September, he decried John McCain and Mitt Romney, blasting both of the former presidential candidates for having "played dead" when challenging Obama. He blasted McCain for refusing to slam Obama regarding the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright. He asserted that the elderly would be harmed by Obamacare, claiming that "everywhere in the world when socialized medicine has been instituted it takes 12 to 18 months to get any kind of medical proceeding." (That is not the case with Medicare, a form of socialized health care.) He also declared, "I haven't heard Obama ask us for our consent when he's trying to ram Obamacare down our throats"without noting that Congress voted for the Affordable Care Act. At the Hood County event, Rafael Cruz, a fervent foe of gay rights, vowed that he would be speaking "across this country to support constitutional conservatives to retake the Senate."
Whether he's at a prayer breakfast or a tea party rally, Rafael Cruz easily and enthusiastically mixes religion and politics. At an event hosted by the National Federation of Republican Assemblies in September, he contended that after the 2012 election, God told him, "If we could blame one group of people for what happened in the last election, it is the pastors." By that he meant that, for decades, too many Christian leaders have remained on the political sidelines, declining to do combat with liberals and Democrats. Consequently, he explained, prayer has been removed from schools, legalized abortion has continued, and gay marriage has come to pass in several states. He insisted that the advancement of Christianity (his fundamentalist version of it) depends on political battle, noting the need not just for a "spiritual savior" but a "political savior." (The idea of states' rights, he said, was based in the bible.) Obama, Cruz proclaimed, believes "government is your god." When Cruz was a keynote speaker at a tax day rally hosted by Texas tea partiers in April, he told the crowd that conservative Christians need to take over "every school board in this nation." At a Texas tea party rally in September 2012, he claimed that Obama has "a clear agenda to destroy American exceptionalism"and "to achieve a "worldwide redistribution of wealth" and "make us subject to the United Nations."
The United States as a "Christian nation"; death panels; social justice a cancer; gay rights a conspiracy; the "wicked" in charge in Washington; women inferior to men as spiritual leaders; Obama a Muslim-favoring, God-hating, Marxist Kenyan; End Times; a UN worldwide dictatorship; states' rights; free markets over allRafael Cruz blends the far reaches of extreme conservatism and Christian fundamentalism. He embodies the full synthesis of the tea party and the religious right. In fact, he has noted that the rise of the religious right in Ronald Reagan's 1980 campaign "was the precursor of the tea party." Rafael Cruz may well be key to understanding the ideas, desires, and long-term aims that drive Ted Cruza politician who is exerting an outsized influence on the GOP.
At the least, Cruz ought to have to explain whether he shares the more extreme views of his No. 1 surrogate. Asked to comment on Rafael Cruz's remarksparticularly his statement that the United States is a "Christian nation" and his call for Obama to be shipped back to KenyaSen. Cruz's office requested citations for these quotes. After receiving the citations, Sean Rushton, a spokesperson for Cruz, replied, "These selective quotes, taken out of context, mischaracterize the substance of Pastor Cruz's message. Like many Americans, he feels America is on the wrong track." Rushton added, "Pastor Cruz does not speak for the senator."
"People here are trying to figure out Ted Cruz," a Democratic senator recently told me. "And a lot of them are saying, 'He went to Princeton, Harvard Lawhe doesn't really believe what he says.' But I think he does. All you have to do is look at his father. So much of our life is mirroring. And Ted Cruz is mirroring his father."
Correction: An earlier version of this story misidentified Purifying Fire Ministries as Purifying Fire International Ministry. The office of Sen. Ted Cruz says there is no connection between the two. Go back.
Backing up his son.
That’s impressive.
Go Ted. :D
Don’t want to borrow trouble - I greatly admire Rafael and agree Ted is mirroring his father - but I hope nobody tries to put Rafael’s words into Ted’s mouth in order to associate HIM with the “Obama should go back to Kenya” remark.
Wouldn’t do Ted anything but harm.
Ted will be on Jay Leno Friday night.
I’ll be watching.
Love Ted Cruz, but the “Kenya” part of this is NOT good for him.
David Corn needed a Xanax after writing that...folks who think like Rafael and me and probably you too scare the beejeezuss out of Corn and his fellow God rejectors
basically the entire staff at Mother Jones
a magazine sadly I confess that in the 70s former radical somewhat libertarian myself bought
anti establishment had it’s tar pits to be sure but I learned 22-23 I was moving on and by late 20s not a lot different politically than now
a pivotal moment were I knew I was getting more and more different than my liberal pals was South Africa issues....I was living in Manhattan then
Thats right.
Is there a problem, Mother Jones?
Ted Cruz talked about his father during his filibuster. He spoke of how he came to America - Texas, to the University of Texas - spoke no English but learned from watching movies over and over again. He recounts how his father washed dishes (they would feed you in restaurants), and how he worked up to cook and then graduated and got an IT job (and eventually began his own business). He recounts how at the place his dad went to get coffee, he saw the waitress throw away the heels from the loaf of bread. He asked if she'd save them for him. He'd come in, have his cup of coffee and eat those heels.
Kenya doesn’t want him.
Did you see this thread I posted a day or two back?
It has exploded to more than 700 comments!!
My mind is blown.
Here's the essence of our problem with the left. They actually think that this thought is controversial...even scandalous.
I felt a similar pang but it passed quickly. Average Americans (so fed up with this poser) understand that sentiment because they’re ready to send him packing too.
I don’t suppose Cruz, senior would like to run for Cornyn’s seat, would he?
Txrangerette, is Cruz’s Leno appearance tomorrow night, or a week from tomorrow?
During his sermon at this church, Rafael Cruz preached that men, not women, are the spiritual leaders of their families: “As God commands us men to teach your wife, to teach your childrento be the spiritual leader of your familyyou’re acting as a priest. Now, unfortunately, unfortunately, in too many Christian homes, the role of the priest is assumed by the wife. Why? Because the man had abdicated his responsibility as priest to his family So the wife has taken up that banner, but that’s not her responsibility. And if I’m stepping on toes, just say, ‘Ouch.’”
Spot on!
Although I totally disagree with Mojo’s editorial stances, once in a while, they can still churn out an interesting insightful story to read. Reading this story, as long as they are stating the facts, I can’t find great problems with. The response is given as well from Cruz’s office. I can’t fault Mojo for merely reporting on a story.
We can say they are trying to find dirt but is there really any dirt here? President Obama has even made some sort of wisecrack about a birth certificate.
This excerpt from the story:
“A few weeks ago, he sparked headlines when he told a gathering of Republicans in Colorado that Obama has vowed to “side with the Muslims,” that Obamacare mandates “suicide counseling” for the elderly, and that gay marriage is a plot to make “government your god.”
Except for the latter, I think many people say this and that last thing I see I do understand, not sure of what is the best way to say it. “That same sex marriage will undermine marriage a cornerstone of society and could threaten religious freedom”? Maybe.
September 22nd, 2012
Megyn Kelly exposes David Corn and his fraudulent edit to Romneys Palestinian remarks
David Corn Caught Lying About Romney 47% Clip
Foxs Bret Baier Hits Back: No Examples of a Host Saying the President Is a Muslim
Mar. 20, 2012
On Monday night, Fox News anchor Bret Baier took a moment to set the record straight.
In response to President Obamas claim, as reported in David Corns new book, that he is losing American males because fed by Fox News, they hear Obama is a Muslim 24/7, and it begins to sink in, Baier responded, For the record, we found no examples of a host saying President Obama is a Muslim.
David Corns book is called Showdown: The Inside Story of How Obama Fought Back Against Boehner, Cantor, and the Tea Party. In it, he [takes] the reader into the Oval Office and the back rooms on Capitol Hill for a fast-paced and gripping account of the major events as they unfolded.
Apr 3, 2004
David Corn: Lying About Rwanda’s Genocide
Authors paint Bush as liar in a flurry of new books
Oct 13, 2003
Bush’s Other Lies by David Corn
May 25, 2004
The Lies of George W. Bush by David Corn
Apr 17, 2008
Leave Barack Obama Alone! by David Corn
Feb 2, 2000 - David Corn ... “I hear very often that Clinton is a ‘liar.
How Credible Is David Corn?By: David Horowitz | Thursday, April 14, 2005
In my political career as a conservative, I have had to get used to the unscrupulousness of my leftwing critics, and accept it as a fact of life. Whenever one of them puts a finger to the keyboard to write a story about me I know Im going to be misrepresented and caricatured, my ideas will be shredded, my values turned upside down and the emerging picture will be an object of easy derision and scorn. Leftists long ago apparently lost the ability to argue a reasonable case.
On February 14th of this year, the Nations Washington Bureau Chief David Corn wrote a column about me with the charming title Is David Horowitz a Lunatic? It was actually the second time a frustrated leftist had so referred to me. The first time instance was Paul Bermans charge that I was actually demented lunatic Im still intrigued by the thought of what an undemented lunatic might be.
OK. . OK ..OK I’ll vote for Ted Cruz’s dad if Ted doesn’t run. Just please give me a nonmarxist American. Palin or Cruz,or whoever believes in the Constitution. Please run in 2016 and run this bunch of Saul Alinsky marxists out of town!
Dream on...I can see the headlines “Cruz says Obama should Go Back to Kenya”....
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