Posted on 10/03/2013 2:14:04 PM PDT by jilliane
President Barack Obama laid the blame for the U.S. government's partial shutdown at the feet of House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Thursday...With 800,000 federal government employees forced into taking leave, some agencies have almost entirely shuttered, including NASA, the Commerce Department and the Environmental Protection Agency.
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Your Obama in action.
BUMP a great thread title.
Mark Levin has loudly made the same point: The Democrat “mainstream” newsrooms don’t care about everyday Americans. They care only about their God, government.
But his 800k still get paid. These shutdowns are a joke. I say, make them sign up for unemployment.
He considers non-government employees and employers as “the enemy”.
If all these people are “Non Essential” which loosely translated means Not Required or NOT Necessary.
Make their furlough Permanent with no Pay.
Every department should shake out non essential people.
Meybe the rest of us could keep our earnings and live a little better.
I’m sorry those 800,000 are laid off but I’m not sorry that they’re getting a taste of what job insecurity is like for public sector employees.
That’s 800K employees that need to be FIRED period.
If the National parks are down, where are they getting all these Arseholes guarding statues on a lawn? Why do we need them anyways?
I wish no one had to experience it but what is unfair is they think they are above it.
“I wish no one had to experience it but what is unfair is they think they are above it.”
Very well spoken. :)
Everyone seems lulled into the same violin playing for these “special” workers. Not more special than anyone else except in their minds.
Thank you. :)
Thank you Republicans for not backing down and shutting down the government!
Awesome strategy by the Republican House. Im so happy the stupid government is shut down. maybe now Americans will realize that government is not needed as nothing is happening even though the gov is shut down. what do we need government scientists doing global warming studies? hell no! do weed IRS oppressing conservatives? NO. do we need IRS auditing Republicans NO. NSA spying on us? . The IRS cant audit us as long as gov stays shut down. Hold the line Republicans! If walmart shut down then wed cry but the useless gov can go to hell.
The only thing that the federal government should be doing is the military and border control.
NASA won’t be able to do global warming studies . boo hoo! lol abolish NASA . global warming is a hoax
The EPA won’t be able to shut down coal power plants for the global warming hoax. and that is something bad? no it isn’t its the best things that ever happened .abolish the EPA and the rest of the 1000’s of gov agencies.
The IRS won’t be able to audit and oppress conservatives. the NSA won’t be able to spy on conservatives. boo hoo. lol. thank Republicans . i do
“They care only about their God, government.”
Please, our Goebbel propagandists aren’t that myopic and restrictive, Lancey. They also care about not getting spaghetti strained through their nostrils.
Very well said, jilliane. My husband is a contractor and unable to work due to the shutdown. But, as we talked about today, we want the House to hold the line. Our situation is nothing compared to what so many others have been dealing with. This country has truly reached a “now or never” moment.
A lot of them get “unemployment” payments, then, congress gives them retroactive pay. They get to keep any unemployment money too. Great paid vacation, I’d say. What a racket these Fed “workers” have. The average citizen who is laid-off, gets squat.
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