Posted on 09/09/2013 12:00:09 PM PDT by NOBO2012
Have you noticed how confident and strong Big Guy looked the last few days?
Locked, Loaded and Packin
Some said it was his stare down of Russian President Vladimir Vladdy Putin,
while others suggest it was his sunset walk on the beach.
Misty water-colored memories
Of the way we were...
Butt I think its just due to strapping on the old chaps and spurs, getting back in the saddle and doing what he does best: blaming and campaigning.
Accordingly, we kick off our campaign to bash Assad today with appearances on state controlled PBS, state controlled CNN and Rude Ruperts Fox, where Big Guy will blame the world for drawing a Red Line in the sand and shame everyone into backing OWFR(Obamas War for Respect).
I think we know how this will end.
And while we might not have all the evidence youd like to prove it was Assad, not the opposition terrorists who gassed the peeps, you dont want to be labeled a racist, do you?
Even legendary anti-war activist, Chrissy McTingles, got his thrill workin again and is gung-ho for our War for Respect!
It will be the mother of all shots across A-ssads bow
So put this one in the history books, as promised, CHANGE has come to America! no longer will America fight for peace, justice and the American way around the globe; now we fight for respect. Something that up until a few years ago was pretty much a given. That is CHANGE.
Remember my little BO-bavitch, Ive got my eye on you.
Dont start something you cant end.
Return with me now to those thrilling days of 2008, when we came, we blamed and we WON!
Our First Campaign Song Obama is Here: Ludacriss
Is it possible that just showing up is no longer enough? I dont know either, be sure to tune in tonight to find out.
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
Vlad the Obama Impaler.
But it ain’t him to blame
He’s only a pawn in their game.
— Dylan
Obamas interest in invading non-enemy Syria has nothing to do with Syria, poison gas, or children.
Obamas interest in bombing non-enemy Syria has everything to do with creating a long-lasting, controversial, DISTRACTION for Congress in order to keep Congress from defunding Obamacare/Boehnerkare.
Obamas Red Herring for the 9-11 Benghazi Massacre Coverup was Susan Rices fake Video story.
Obamas Red Herring for distracting Congress until Obamacare/ Boehnerkare kicks in October 1 is Obamas Crossing HIS personal Red Line distraction speech.
Obama speaks only for Obama, not the US Federal Government or America.
Jellyfish Spine Boehner as Speaker of the House is essential to Obamas continued unchallenged destruction of the US Constitution.
Nothing will change as long as cave-in artists Boehner and Cantor are in leadership roles in the US House of Representatives.
If Boehner is replaced as Speaker with a fighter such as Col. Allen West, then the Articles of Impeachment for B. Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, can be quickly issued.
The problem is not with Obama, as he is just doing what Communist Tyrants are trained to do.
The problem is not with Boehner, as he loves to lose and wallow in the disgrace of being the worst Speaker of the House, EVER.
The problem lies with our sorry, spineless, RINOs in the House who refuse to replace Boehner with a proven fighter.
BTW, the members of the House can choose anybody to be their Speaker, even if that person is not a current Member of the House.
Tick-tock, long-time House RINOs, tick-tock - - - - .
Obama and Holder are publicly speaking about their plan of the week that are just more smokescreen distractions to divert attention away from the incompetent manner Obama has handled his day job.
The best indicator of a PHONY ADMINISTRATION is the number of its REAL SCANDALS.
Commie Tyrant Obamas current talking points are thus smokescreen distractions for the products of Obamas first 4 years in office:
* Refusal to close US Southern Border to Mexican illegal alien invaders
* No known un-forged records of Place of Birth
* No known un-forged records of University grades
* Benghazi Massacre
* Dereliction of Duty as CIC during Benghazi Massacre
* Cover up of Benghazi Massacre
* Destruction of Seal Team Six
* Cover up of Fast and Furious murder of US Border Agent by Exec. Order
* IRS-Obamacare Commune Death Grip on Wealth and Health
* NSA-Gestapo Death Grip on all citizens communications
* Use of Courts against News Media
* Use of Supreme Court to install Un-Constitutional Obamacare Tax
* Destruction of the US Coal Industry
* Refusal to permit XL Pipeline construction
* Trillion Dollar a year Federal Overspending
* Monthly violations of the US Constitution by Obama
* Use of Exec. Orders to bypass Congress.
REPLACE sniveling coward Speaker Boehner with a FIGHTER!
It is time to IMPEACH Tyrant B. Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro.
Tyrant B. Hussein Obama, (aka Barry Soetoro), continues his unopposed efforts to expand Totalitarian Obamanation in Liberty-based America.
Where are the Republican opponents of Tyrant Obama?
Why have the Articles of Impeachment for Tyrant Obama not been issued by US House Speaker Boehner, or Pro-Welfare Republicans Cantor or Ryan?
Have House and Senate Pro-Welfare Republicans formed a cave-in pact with Pro-Welfare Democrats to protect Tyrant Obama?
The main thing that Speaker Boehner is afraid of is being blamed for doing his job.
Speaker Boehners job now is to shut down the NON-ESSENTIAL parts of the US Federal Government until Obamacare is ABOLISHED, and keep it shut down for however long it takes.
Obama will continue to ruin America as long as Boehner is Speaker of the US House of Represenatives.
Four + years of Boehner has proven Boehner to be unfit to combat Tyrant Obama.
It is now up to the Members of the House to replace Boehner so that the new Speaker can shut down the non-essential parts of the US Federal Government ASAP in order to ABOLISH Obamacare.
Translation: "I can't make a decision on my own."
I’m sorry, Barry, but “the world” forced me to call you a liar. There. I feel much better.
A necessary by-product of being a “Citizen of the World”.
Historical BTTT!
Aw shucks, - - - thanks.
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