Posted on 03/22/2013 8:12:52 AM PDT by fwdude
It was never a medical decisionand thats why I think the action came so fast It was a political move Thats how far weve come in ten years. Now we even have the American Psychiatric Association running scared.
-Barbara Gittings, Activist
Getting Started
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) currently considers same-sex attraction a diagnosable and treatable mental disorder if one is marked by persistent distress about their sexual orientation. The disorder is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV TR (DMS-IV TR) as a paraphilia, euphemistically entitled, Sexual Orientation Not Otherwise Specified.
Psychiatrists began to use this clunky phrase to refer to homosexuality in 1987, after compromising with radical activists for more than a decade about what constitutes politically-correct verbiage. Negotiations have centered primarily on how to balance the demands of radical political activists with the right of the individual patient to self-determination, which requires that psychiatry leave the doors open to treatment and implies that homosexuality is in fact a mental disorder.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
There is a very good scientific reason that homosexually active men are banned from donating blood and organs. That they demand the "right" to donate is proof of their irrational persecution syndrome. Since when to people who've visited Haiti and the U.K protest for a "right" to donate blood? When do any sane people do so?
As far as psychology -what is notmal? Is it not what is predominantly observed in society, that incorporated historically and culturally -objectively when looking at arbitrary things, that which is not self destructive?
Homosexual sex is abnormal AND self destructive individually and societally -the sickness has always and always will be vowed by a normal culture with a negative bias.
The 'unbiased' culture you wish existed is the same 'unbiased' culture the leftists seek to impose upon us -get a clue and troll your leftist garbage elsewhere.
"But thirty-five years have passed since the infamous Stonewall riots of 1969 in New York, the Lexington and Concord of the gay liberation movement. During that time, homosexuals have carved out for themselves public spaces in every major American city, and many of the minor ones as well. They have had the chance to create whatever they wanted in those spaces, and what have they created? New spaces for locating sexual partners."
- Ronald G. Lee, "The Books were a Front for the Porn: The Truth About the Homosexual Rights Movement"
Not to mention GRIDS: Gay Related Immunodeficiency Syndrome (now disguised as AIDS)
It's well past time to revive these accurate terms again.
It's always makes something dark and horrible look just fine if you surround it with balloons, unicorns, and-—of course-—rainbows!
Probably because it was. Sorry, but the Hooker study is one I've reported on a few times and it should have been discredited at the outset. I'm not the only one here who's reported on it either. I'll see what I can find.
"Evelyn Hooker has been among the most influential figures in the highly successful movement to convince the American people that homosexuality is a "normal variant" of human sexual behavior. Her 1957 study, "The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual" (Journal of Projective Techniques, 1957, 21, 18-31) is the most frequently cited scientific source for the argument that homosexuality is not a pathology, that homosexuals are as free from mental disorder as heterosexuals.CONCLUSIONSuch assertions have not only found their way into standard psychology textbooks but have also provided a scientific basis for decisions in major court cases involving the legality of state sodomy laws and prohibitions against homosexual employment in certain state and local agencies (e.g., schools, police departments). Indeed, when the American Psychiatric Association debated the issue of homosexuality in 1973, Evelyn Hooker's work was Exhibit A for those who wanted to remove homosexuality from the group's list of mental disorders.
For many commentators and activists, the Hooker study effectively ended the debate over whether or not homosexuals were in any way abnormal in their relationships with each other and with the community at large. Today many Americans have accepted the idea that homosexuality is "normal" and "healthy" without realizing that such an opinion is derived in large measure from a single study -- one conducted by a UCLA professor whose previous laboratory subjects had been rats...
This unquestioning acceptance of "authorities" on the basis of professional reputation or political correctness threatens the integrity of our legal system. Judges must take greater responsibility for assessing the soundness and accuracy of testimony by so-called experts; yet, paradoxically, such a task is manifestly beyond the competence of the court. This dilemma is the consequence of the politicizing of the scientific community over the past several decades, particularly in questions of sexuality. The recent exposure of Kinsey's errors indicates just how long researchers have been careless or deliberately misleading in approaching sexual questions. And the widespread acclamation of recent, flawed studies "proving" that homosexuality is inherited genetically is evidence that the problem has only worsened over the years."
Thanks for the info.
It's really sad so many people put their trust in Hooker's studies, just as some put their faith in Kinsey's studies. Everybody needs to read what's posted above so they can have an informed opinion... but will they? I hope so.
I’m of the belief that gays just happen to have been simply another group culled from the masses to form another splinter group to further divide the country. There are all kinds of gays both liberal and conservative. If they weren’t isolated they would be mixed in with the other general groups.
You’re assuming that Portman wants or accepts his son being promiscuous as well as homosexual. That may not be the case.
Destroying core values is what degenerates are about. . More to the point is homosexuals destroy lives mentally and physically. Little boys are their obsession and have been for thousands of years. The Sandusky case barely scratched the underlying truth.
If Portman doesn't know that they are one and the same, he is stupider than I thought.
Hildred is a troll. Check it’s comments (hardly any).
Probably a hireling.
And signed up 3/20 as an obvious sniper.
Parents in his position may be thinking they can't make their adult children heterosexual or completely chaste or monogamous but their actions can affect just how promiscuous or abandoned or reckless the children become. They could be terribly wrong about that, but I don't really see people engaging the argument.
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