To: Hildred Castaigne
You are willfully blind. The physical and psychological damage done by homosexual behavior is an open secret to those who are honest enough to examine the data. The CDC and FDA contain a wealth of information relating to the verifiable risks associated with male-to-male homosexual behavior, and other sources document similar hazards, both behavioral and physical, of lesbian activity. The anecdotal observations merely confirm the hard evidence, and blow away the carefully crafted facade of almost "gay supremacy" that the entertainment and news media would have you believe. When was the last time they presented a down-and-out, drugged, disease-ridden homosexual as an example? Instead, it's always the rich elite types with money to treat their disorders into temporary obscurity - ALWAYS.
There is a very good scientific reason that homosexually active men are banned from donating blood and organs. That they demand the "right" to donate is proof of their irrational persecution syndrome. Since when to people who've visited Haiti and the U.K protest for a "right" to donate blood? When do any sane people do so?
21 posted on
03/22/2013 3:33:03 PM PDT by
( You cannot compromise with that which you must defeat.)
To: fwdude
The physical and psychological damage done by homosexual behavior is an open secret to those who are honest enough to examine the data. The CDC and FDA contain a wealth of information relating to the verifiable risks associated with male-to-male homosexual behavior, and other sources document similar hazards, both behavioral and physical, of lesbian activity. The anecdotal observations merely confirm the hard evidence, and blow away the carefully crafted facade of almost "gay supremacy" that the entertainment and news media would have you believe.
OK. Assume that I agree with you. Now let me ask one question.
When pro-marriage proponents have been challenged to produce this FDA/CDC data court, they have never been able to do so, most famously in the Prop 8 case. WHY have they not done so? Is it because of incompetence? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson