The State Department is run like the Mafia. Or perhaps I should say *by* the Mafia.
Red China last December ordered that U.S. citizens be disarmed and Feinstein is merely following orders.
And there's this from 2001,
Chinese pilot Wang Wei twice "buzzed" the U.S. EP-3 Aries II plane over international waters, flying directly for the EP-3 Aries II, the F-8 hit the propeller of the U.S. plane's No. 1 engine causing the crash of the Chinese F-8.
I was angered that Ms Feinstein expressed her feelings "on behalf of the American people." I informed her in an angry letter that she did not speak for me. Her staff's reply was a copy of their publicity release claiming that she "did not apologize for the incident" and blamed confusion about her statements she made on "Crossfire;" she was expressing "sorrow that the Chinese pilot lost his life."
Best if the Americans apologise now - soon the Chinese could rule the US (2001)
"Dianne Feinstein, the senior senator from California, was unusual in rushing to apologise for the EP-3 incident."
The people in power know how bad things are and who is responsible. The lessons of the French Revolution lead them to try gun control as their next move.
I’m sorry but who is surprised by this, it does not take a genius to figure out how elected reps, and sadly not just the Democrats, become multimillionaires while being in office for only a short time. Too many of those that are elected to serve the people only serve themselves at the peoples expense! I think there should be a absolute term of four years in office period! We would probably have a much better government if office holders had less time to stuff their wallets and one term means no time wasted on campaigning for re election!
Sadly that is what alot of Elected officials who are sent to Washington DC end up doing.....Stuffing their own pockets and NOT serving the voters. Just like when Queen Pelosi was Speaker and the deals she made to line her pockets.
How about all the “no-bid” contracts awarded by Sen. WAR PROFITEER while she chaired the Pentagon Construction Committee to her WAR PROFITEER husband (Richard Blum) through Perini Corp, Fluor Corp. and other corporations to do work in Iraq during that phase of the WOT?
Despite Teapot dome and some other scandals, America has been an otherwise remarkably uncorrupted nation compared with most.
No more.
We are becoming a deeply corrupt nation. It all fits. You destroy morality and deny God and you are going to get an immoral people and a corrupt nation. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ that I was born 50 years ago and will be spared from seeing the worst of my wonderful nation’s fall. I will not be spared the decline however, and I find living through the decline insufferable.
But I do humbly thank you Lord God for sparing me living through the fall. I grieve for all of the grand children and great grandchildren who will not be so spared.