Posted on 08/22/2012 12:50:15 PM PDT by NOBO2012
Who knows exactly what our crazy old uncle has up his sleeve?
The only thing I know for sure is its not his sleeve.
As far as Ive been able to determine this is Val Jars idea, although it looks like shes working in concert with the rest of the handlers. Im not clear on the particulars, butt it sounds like a nefarious update on the old Dirty Tricks strategy. You know; create a rumble of some sort Im hesitant to say what sort, butt if you read the comments on Ulstermans WHI report youll get the gist of it then blame it on the other side.
And the RNC in Tampa is the perfect locale for such a gambit, hence the announcement of the Joey Unleashed Tour.Heres the buzz...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
they’re like bratty kids but saying that we only have to look at their support like the homostapo who too acts like bratty children.
I swear this election and the way bozo the clown has acted and not led but more interested in fund raisers has degraded the white house.
Now we have this report, yet again the left show us their lack of class
Romney/Ryan should tell Barack not to Chicago-ize this election!
If I were going to put my Tim foil hat on the false flag might be an Obama hit on Biden that they blame on the Tea Party thus killing two birds with one stone. But that’s just crazy thinking....../sarcasm.
(He'll be in the news without spending money, too.)
I’ll need to look at my email when I get home, but a friend there was saying they found a fake group passing out really nasty flyers to delegates about Romney encouraging them to protest diring the convention. The group was something like ‘Jews and Christians united against Romney’ but when they checked they think it was done by Dem activists.
“Biden/DNC Set to Play Dirty Tricks at RNC Convention and Try to Pin it on the Tea Party”
Well.. if they didn’t, you’d have to say: ‘What’s wrong with this picture?’
The VP of the United States engaging in sabotage or disrupting the opposition’s campaign event? ARREST THE SOB ON DOMESTIC TERRORISM CHARGES.
Would be a clever way to get Hillary on the ticket. We’ve seen a few false flag ops lately.
“He who dares wins.”
The fear coming from some quarters is that Obama’s team is going to stage an attack on Biden and blame it on the Tea Party. False flag operation. It sounds pretty crazy but with this bunch of Marxists itching for a civil just may be true. The only way to stop something like that is to expose it before it even gets off the ground....even if you sound crazy.
A white dude with a Tea Party sign will push a woman in Biden’s entourage to the ground. The media will focus on this throughout the convention coverage. It’s all staged with the white dude belonging to the Biden camp.
Read the post on that website that shall not be linked, and even before I read the comments, I instantly thought of the ‘68 Dem convention in Chicago.
I wondered to myself if some of the folks think a “re-run” would help their cause, then decided they couldn’t be that foolish.
And then I started thinking about all the ammo that the various alphabet agencies have been buying (hollow points, no less), and began to get paranoid. When I started to read the comments, my blood ran cold.
I am now praying that we are all paranoid.
Democrats don’t know the meaning of the words Dignity, Courtesy,Integrity,Etiquette.
I don’t recall this ever happening before.
Yep and Biden may not even know what they have planned for him. They have certainly set up some ‘reason’ for conservative anger with his chains crap. Now they just have to have some union goon pose as a Tea Party ‘nut’ and they have their false flag....getting rid of Biden ad the Tea Party at the same time and possibly wide spread violence that could stop the elections. I can’t believe we even have to worry about this kind of evil but unfortunately we probably should. I put nothing past these Marxist usurpers in the WH.
Pray for our country!
I went to the site after I posted my paranoia and apparently I am not alone in my thinking if this is true.
Chilling thought to be sure.
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