This whole thing is directed at getting a single payer. The individual mandate is not the problem, because just having to get a certain dollar amount of insurance coverage from independent companies or post a bond is exactly like automobile insurance. You have to buy a certain minimum dollar amount of coverage. Depending on your record, it can cost more or less, and you can also buy more of it if you wish and have assets you want to protect. But you have to have the basic amount or in some states you can post a bond that would cover that amount. (That said, the amount is way too low for most accidents.)
But controlling the specifics of what is offered and directing exactly how the payments go is a whole nother thing, and that’s what people are not understanding. The Marxists in our government ultimately want a single payer system; but in the meantime, they are achieving this end by imposing their highly specific “coverage requirements” on the insurance companies, which have become de facto government (and Planned Parenthood) agencies.
No, it isn't exactly like auto insurance. You are required to hold liability auto insurance, to protect other people whom you may injure. You are not required to hold collision insurance to protect yourself. The Obama mandate is equivalent to requiring you to hold collision insurance, since it's to pay your medical bills.