Posted on 01/15/2012 10:31:26 AM PST by Oldpuppymax
A bill has been introduced in the United States Senate which will authorize the federal government to revoke the citizenship, creating practical expatriates, of American citizens.
Introduced by Connecticut Independent Joe Lieberman and Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown, S 1698, the Enemy Expatriation Act, is a simple, 2 page document which offers apparently innocent amendments and additions to existing federal legislation. (1)
That legislation, known as Title 8, outlines the role of aliens and nationality in the U.S. Code. And it is just one small piece of this massive and complex law which the Enemy Expatriation Act seeks to modify, that being Section 349, the means by which a person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality , that is, his citizenship. (2)
Though there is currently little contained in Section 349 which would alarm any American citizen, one phrase added to the legislation by the Enemy Expatriation Act would change everything.
For it states that anyone voluntarily engaging in, or purposefully and materially supporting, hostilities against the United States will lose his nationality. And nationality means citizenship! (1)
To be sure, most of us would be in favor of revoking American citizenship if it has been improperly, perhaps surreptitiously attained by Muslim terrorists who have entered the United States only to commit acts of violence and murder.
But its necessary to remember who we are dealing with in Washington, DC.
To Janet Napolitano and her Department of Homeland Security, it is Libertarians, soldiers returning from combat, gun owners, militia members, devout believers in the Constitution and those who loudly mistrust and criticize the federal government who are the true threats of engaging in hostilities against the United States.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Remember when we thought the Department of Homeland “Security” sounded like a good idea? And people being asked to smoke in the back of the of airplane? Wasn’t it Mark Twain who called it, “How to cook a frog”?
I warned the people arguing against birthright citizenship that giving the state the power to strip citizens of citizenship, would backfire.
And I was right. The only thing protecting YOU is citizenship. Chip away at that, and what have you got? Nothing.
Spot on!
Does that mean we get everything for free? We'll get the backing of major portions of commerce.. free university educations.. and .. and
.. that in many cases we'll be above the law! What a deal!
Alien and Sedition Act 2.0
Second on the list anyone possessing a registered firearm.
Third on the list any member of the”Tea Party’ and/or anyone the government and/or media has recorded attending a “Tea Party” event.
Forth on the list all FReepers.
First on the list is the cheeky Kenyan bastard.
He can fall back on his Kenyan and Indonesian citizenships
It's been pretty obvious for about the last 50 years that it has been governments leave us all with nothing.
How does that apply to this situation?
So, you’re in favor of giving millions of illegal alien spawn citizenship, and by extension, their parents and realtives?
Just askin’.
More evidence that the real threat to my Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness isn’t in is in WASHINGTON DC! The Ruling Class is preparing to make war on the American People.
Like anything else, it is good when practiced by a good administration, and tyrannical when in the hands of a corrupt administration.
What makes you a citizen is that you were born in America. Nobody questions this, nor do they challenge your rights, as an American.
The problem is - if we look at the parents and not the actual birthplace, if we let the state determine who can and cannot be citizens - then what is protecting you from having the state declare you to be a non-citizen and thus not entitled to the rights that you have?
The solution, to the problem, and this is going to be radical -
DON’T LET THEM IN. You can’t guard the barn door after the horse has escaped. If you want to protect America - protect it at the border! If that means erecting a fence - then so be it. If that means having patrols, so be it. That’s part of the obligation of the federal government - to protect the American borders.
How are you protecting americans by stripping away birthright citizenship? You might think that it’s not going to apply to you, but that’s not the case here, is it?
A slippery slope to undermine the constitution...sedition, terrorism, acts of hostility, this is what prisons are for...although it seems one way or another, liberals are hell bent on stopping constitutional conservatives, make no mistake about it, this is the ultimate goal.
“First on the list is the cheeky Kenyan bastard.
“He can fall back on his Kenyan and Indonesian citizenships.”
Second on the list is John McCain. He is dual. He is both Panamanian and American.
Never give yourself or your friends something that can be abused by your enemies.
Are there any Presidential candidates opposed to this bill?
I bet there is at least one!!!
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