Posted on 01/09/2012 6:31:20 AM PST by marktwain
(CALGARY, Alberta) - There were sombre ceremonies across Tucson, Arizona on Sunday, January 8, 2012, in remembrance of Jared Loughners shooting spree a year earlier where he seriously wounded Representative Gabrielle Giffords, killed six and wounded 12 more.
I suggest that the Untied States, is the only country in world, where remembrances could be held virtually every single day of the year for egregious killings of citizens by other citizensall indirectly supported by the National Rifle Association.
The day before the Tucson ceremonies, on January 7, there was a funeral in Brownsville, Texas, for a fifteen-year-old eighth grader who was gunned down by police three days before. Jaime Gonzalez Jr., had a "gun" tucked into the waistband of his pants. Asked if it was a gun, he apparently said it was. The school was locked down and when the police arrived, he would not put the gun down but instead pointed it at the officers. Two of them fired their weapons, fatally wounding Gonzalez.
Gonzalezs "gun", it turned out, was a high-powered BB gun that resembled a black Glock semiautomatic handgun and was only the latest case in recent years where dozens of police officers in Texas, California, Maryland, Florida and other states have shot children and adults armed with what they believed were real handguns but that were found later to be BB guns or other types of air pistols.
It's important to acknowledge that this is not a police issue. If someone threatens them with what appears to be, in an instant, a real gun, they have no choice, for their own lives, but to fire. In the same situation would you hesitate, saying to yourself--hmmm, is that a real gun or a replica? In 2007, a 21-year-old man threatening customers outside a fast food restaurant in Denton, north of Dallas, was shot and killed by a police officer after he raised what turned out to be a pellet gun at the officer.
Some Texas municipalities have passed laws prohibiting the public display of pellet and BB guns or making it illegal for minors to have them. The Texas State Rifle Association opposed the laws, arguing that those laws limited the rights of legal gun owners.
Its long past time for the American people to wake up and realize that their so-called Second Amendment rights have gradually turned the National Rifle Association into a terrorist organization through its adamant refusal to repudiate gun violence using the legal technicality that its every Americans Second Amendment right to terrorize his (not often her) fellow citizens.
Guns + testosterone + NRA = Homegrown American terrorism.
Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Daniel Johnson as a teenager aspired to be a writer. Always a voracious reader, he reads more books in a month than many people read in a lifetime. He also reads 100+ online articles per week. He knew early that in order to be a writer, you have to be a reader.
He has always been concerned about fairness in the world and the plight of the underprivileged/underdog.
As a professional writer he sold his first paid article in 1974 and, while employed at other jobs, started selling a few pieces in assorted places.
Over the next 15 years, Daniel eked out a living as a writer doing, among other things, national writing and both radio and TV broadcasting for the CBC, Macleans (the national newsmagazine) and a wide variety of smaller publications. Interweaved throughout this period was soul-killing corporate and public relations writing.
It was through the 1960s and 1970s that he got his university experience. In his first year at the University of Calgary, he majored in psychology/mathematics; in his second year he switched to physics/mathematics. He then learned of an independent study program at the University of Lethbridge where he attended the next two years, studying philosophy and economics. In the end he attended university over nine years (four full time) but never qualified for a degree because he didn't have the right number of courses in any particular field.
In 1990 he published his first (and so far, only) book: Practical History: A guide to Will and Ariel Durants The Story of Civilization (Polymath Press, Calgary)
Newly appointed as the Deputy Executive Editor in August 2011, he has been writing exclusively for since March 2009 and, as of summer 2011, has published more than 160 stories.
The authors ideological blinders have blinded him to reality.
And, instead became a liberal,lying pussy.
Liberals can only advance their vile agenda through fraud and lies.
One of their methods of lying, and a very effective one against morons who are actually allowed to vote, is to redefine the meanings of words. Orwell pointed this out.
conservataives and liberals may mouth the same sounds, but they are speaking two different languages.
If the NRA [indirectly] supports Tuscon-like shootings, then gun-grabbers support genocide. (See 20th Century).
So, a couple of pellet guns makes the NRA a terrorist organization. This “voracious reader” of an author apparently has no reading comprehension. He probably thinks these same police officers will protect him. Being from Canada this idiot would probably wet himself if he ever saw a firearm. This article deserves a triple barf alert.
He’s a liberal. ‘nough said.
“The day before the Tucson ceremonies, on January 7, there was a funeral in Brownsville, Texas, for a fifteen-year-old eighth grader who was gunned down by police three days before.”
“Gunned down” is a term usually used for someone shot by a criminal, not by police in self defense.
The NRA has regularly and repeatedly repudiated gun violence throughout its history.
Mr. Johnson is, among other unpleasant things, a bald-faced liar.
“It was through the 1960s and 1970s that he got his university experience. In his first year at the University of Calgary, he majored in psychology/mathematics; in his second year he switched to physics/mathematics. He then learned of an independent study program at the University of Lethbridge where he attended the next two years, studying philosophy and economics. In the end he attended university over nine years (four full time) but never qualified for a degree because he didn’t have the right number of courses in any particular field.”
The author apparently feels the need to show us that he is intelligent, the evidence being 9 years (4 full time!) in college. What it actually shows is that he is a dumbass who is unable to accomplish in 9 years what most people do in 4. Perhaps he spent too much time reading. Perhaps he is undisciplined enough to complete a task that has actual requirements.
Note to Mr Johnson- Next time get the BIG glasses.
Did this little canuck fag not know about the young mother that saved her and her child's lives by terrorizing the bad guys with her two guns.
How about the 17 year old that saved his little sister from 4 vandals that were kicking in the door to their house, when he terrorized them with a shotgun.
What a giant ass, just stay in canada and STFU.
The “In Praise of Daniel Johnson, Deputy Executive Editor,” biography is almost as long as the article.
And seriously....”Deputy Executive Editor”? What a bunch of self-important prats.
Gun envy...
I would contend to Mr. Daniel Johnson, Deputy Executive Editor, Salem-News, that gun control itself is terrorism, in that the disarming of people so that they may not resist violent criminals nor a corrupt government, takes away their basic human right of self defense, and leaves them helpless to barbarism and murderous oppression.
As such, it is no more defensible than throwing people into a pit full of dangerous wild animals, or abandoning them in a raft far out at sea without supplies they need to survive.
Well, he does need to stay busy. This "writer" has written all of one book, twenty years ago, and that being a guide for another book. If this article displays the best of his cogent reasoning, then Will and Ariel Durant should sue.
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. Jefferson’s “Commonplace Book,” 1774_1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764
Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Daniel Johnson is the product of a controlled socialiest society.
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