Posted on 09/28/2011 6:36:05 AM PDT by Tribune7
ConocoPhillips announced, yesterday, that it is joining Sunoco in ending oil refining in the Philadelphia region if it cannot find a buyer for its refinery in Trainer.
Joining the Obama bread-lines -- or SNAP lines rather -- will be 400 workers,
Also hundreds of hazardous-waste impregnated acres useless for anything but oil refining will be idled and the United States will become further dependent on Hugo Chavez for gasoline.
And of course a large part of the tax base of tiny Trainer and the Chichester School District, which includes Marcus Hook which is the site of one of the Sunoco plants, will disappear.
Congressman Pat Meehan (R-Pa7) has been warning that this was going to happen almost since he took his oath.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
More bad economic news thanks to 0.
“More bad economic news thanks to 0.”
The average American will have no idea this is happening, and even if Pravda does mention it, there will be no connection to Obama. None.
Yeah, but they really care.
Obama and his Czars!
The large majority I suspect. I suspect they also voted for Joe Sestak for Senator and Lentz and Brady for Congress etc.
All greenie Democrats.
With the acquiescence of the Repuglibans since Nixon and the GreeNazi EPA. Don't get me wrong, some regulations are and were necessary to clean up the more egregious damage our unethical corporations were doing to the environment, but the extremest actions taken that are undermining our Republic need to be fully curtailed. All part of Agenda21 and supported by the Repuglibans all the way down to your local governments.
I fear you are right Brit. Did you see where Gleason is telling those who want his favor to avoid the Tea Party?
For some added info, read through the FReeper Comments on this thread on Alan West (FL22) - the commie cancers have been in the foundations for better than 100 years, and now its putrescent metastasizing excretions are becoming very visible.
Thanks for the pings.
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