To: Tribune7
I wonder how many of those who will lose their jobs voted for Obama. I wonder if these people can put one and one together and get two? Can they make the connection of Obama Administration policies and their situation? I doubt most will. This is a ludicrous situation.
6 posted on
09/28/2011 7:06:50 AM PDT by
(Good intentions are not enough.)
To: truthguy
I wonder how many of those who will lose their jobs voted for Obama. The large majority I suspect. I suspect they also voted for Joe Sestak for Senator and Lentz and Brady for Congress etc.
All greenie Democrats.
7 posted on
09/28/2011 7:14:17 AM PDT by
(If you demand perfection you will wind up with leftist Democrats) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson