Posted on 09/26/2011 6:25:21 PM PDT by moneyrunner
In todays lousy economy, men can take comfort in knowing that there is one sought-after good that is becoming steadily more affordable: sex.
Regnerus likens the price of sex to the housing market. Too many foreclosures in one community, and the price of neighboring homes start to plummet. This is why single women in New York sometimes feel as though sex on the first date is a given: According to the market, it is.
Every sex act is part of a pricing of sex for subsequent relationships, Regnerus said. If sex has been very easy to get for a particular young man for many years and over the course of multiple relationships, what would eventually prompt him to pay a lot for it in the future -- that is, committing to marry?
Did you answer, Love? Youre adorable.
Sexual strategies for making men fall in love typically backfire, because men dont often work like that, Regnerus says.
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
I think Dr. Laura said it - Women's lib hasn't freed women. Its freed men from their responsibilities to women.
Probably lots of nice looking gals out there that took lots of classes for a worthless degree that have lots of student loan debt to pay off. It’s a ‘sugar daddy’s’ market......
Lies! Lies!
Women’s liberation was invented by a man.
Pray for America
I don’t understand the continuing stigma against prostitutes when girls/women are giving it out for free by the boatloads.
Prostitutes at least are smart enough to get $$$ for it.
Probably a lot less men with money too. The demographic trend is women making more than men. Now they have to consider guys who make less money than they do.
Dr. Laura was right. Including on my point that prostitutes are smarter than “normal” women these days.
Amen! The slut movement began in the early 1900’s and continued on, at least till Obama’s mama. Then “Hollywood, yes it’s Hollywood”, that legitimized the c rap which has also been embraced by the Degenecrat Party, NAGS etc. Methinks Joe McCarthy was right, example the Commie hunt in Hollywood.
Bologna is the most reliably pro-communist city in Italy.
I'd say that falls under "It depends", depending whether such a thing might happen. The route to the heart is not necessarily through the stomach as I recall the old adage went.........
The hypocrisy in this statement is stunning. Who here, exactly, is the implied party using "sexual strategies for making men fall in love" that is "backfiring"?
Yet - "men dont often work like that, Regnerus says.
LOL - MEN don't? Seems to me that using a "sexual strategy to make a man fall in love" isn't exactly... how to put it... LOVING, on the part of the WOMEN, now is it?
Jesus put up with a lot. The only time he let himself lose it and get violent was over hypocrisy.
It's a lesson worth contemplating.
Lorena Bobbett?
Wait a minute. That didn't sound right. Don't hit the Post button. DON'T HIT THE POST BUT
***Getting married to have sex is like buying a 747 to get free peanuts. If all you want is free peanuts, there is a lot more cost efficient ways of getting them.***
I firmly believe that if a young man is ready and willing to get married, he’ll find someone pronto.
If he’s not, there is nothing in this world that will force, cajole or otherwise persuade him.
I do wish that men wouldn’t play with women’s hearts the way they do. Surely they can see that most women *are* looking for a real relationship?
My favorite story from world lit years ago!
All feminism has done is drive a wedge between the sexes, further broken down the modern family by robbing it of it’s caregiver, and blazed a path for the blurring of gender roles.
Quite bluntly, I do not understand how it benefits a man to get married in such a hostile, poisoned atmosphere. Both parties have a 50-50 chance of getting things wrong. If this happens early on, then a no fault divorce makes sense.
However, if you have kids when the dung hits the fan blades and you are a guy, your life is effectively over. There will be custody fights, visitation fights, fights over child support, fights over alimony (in some cases), fights over community property and pension distribution, and false orders of protection (usually used vindictively by the wife against the husband).
Fortunately, I chose wisely (and married later in life when I was slightly more mature and centered). I watched, horrified as friends I'd known for years went through all the fighting and mutually inflicted pain of divorces. I also watched divorce attorneys get rich off other people's misery while they stoked the fires to milk their clients for even more money. It was despicable.
To the young studs out there I'd only offer two bits of advice:
1. No matter how “smokin’ hot!” she is, there's always some other guy whose putting up with her crap.
2. If it comes down to the “smokin’ hot” babe versus the Ferrari of your dreams; bottom line is the car's cheaper.
Why by the cow when the milk is free?
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