For starters he could have actually got down here on Monday instead of when he did. Brown ended up taking the fall for what was really his failure.
I voted for him two times. I still won’t give him a pass on that our how he ignored the problems with the economy and the deficit. The biggest problem with how he responded was that he refused to accept the enormity of what was going on and he did not have FEMA prepared as they should have been.
My God, this was like one of the biggest big one scenarios in the history of mankind. FEMA trucks should have been stationed in Jackson, Little Rock, Montgomery, etc with orders that they were to be deployed the minute the all clear was given and outside of New Orleans the all clear was given that Monday afternoon.
Just because someone belongs to your party or shares your political philosophy doesn’t mean you give them a free pass when they screw up. One of the reasons our country is so messed up is that we’ve been doing it for a very long time.
There are plenty of things to be upset with Bush over, the Kennedy Education Bill, Drug prescription Bill and immigration.
This is not!
And done what? His presence would have done nothing except hamper and interfere with the clean up- He could see everything he needed to see with the news. A president traveling to the site of a disaster does nothing except require that traffic be stopped and additional security be provided. What a waste of time and money that could better be used for relief.
Nope. It wasn't even the biggest hurricane to hit the U.S. in the past 10 years.
The problem was the complete and utter incompetence and corruption of the democrats that controlled and continue to control New Orleans and most of the rest of Louisiana. Compare what happened in New Orleans to what happened when major hurricanes hit Florida and Texas.
The storm WAS Monday. The storm surge didn't hit us until 10 a.m. The response with assistance was unprecedented.
Within days the National Guard was throwing U.T.H. milk and MREs onto our front yards.
Despite all his other super serious flaws, his response to Katrina was immediate and decisive unlike some other golfer/partier we both knOw and despise.