Nope. It wasn't even the biggest hurricane to hit the U.S. in the past 10 years.
The problem was the complete and utter incompetence and corruption of the democrats that controlled and continue to control New Orleans and most of the rest of Louisiana. Compare what happened in New Orleans to what happened when major hurricanes hit Florida and Texas.
That is no lie right there.
Mississippi took the brunt of Katrina, yet none of that mess was going on down there. When Rita hit Texas and western Louisiana, none of that mess was going on.
I will never forget the loads of people who drove into Tyler ahead of the storm. This was a good 5-7 days before the storm hit. They were the nicest people around. My boss at the time was giving away free meals to them, and they all were thankful. However, when the busses started coming in the days after the storm, it was a different type of people. They came into our restaurant demanding free food, demanding free liquor, and calling us racists when we didn't comp the liquor. You'll notice that we still gave away free food. That wasn't enough for them. They wanted that free liquor.
My parents helped one family who was put in federal housing at a newly built apartment complex. They set this family up with furniture and all sorts of things. It was a single mom with her kids, and the boyfriend. One month later the apartment was destroyed inside.
The church I belonged to at the time used their camp facilities as a shelter. The buildings there were torn up inside.
I get so mad thinking about that mess. New Orleans was the greatest example of what a welfare state will do to people. They were so dependent upon the government that they went completely primal when the government shut down.
Bubba, you're just plain-assed wrong. There ain't never been a hurricane like it and I've been through plenty.