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DCA: Is this the cure for cancer?
Nuke's ^ | 3/22/09 | Nuke

Posted on 03/22/2009 9:29:42 PM PDT by grandpa jones

“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

The key word here, though, is “probably.”

Two years ago, I blogged about a promising new drug that held out hope for a major breakthrough in the treatment of many forms of cancer. It’s called dichloroacetate, or DCA for short. Two trials have been completed at the University of Alberta. Also, clinical trials in patients with solid tumors that have failed standard therapies, as well as in patients with malignant brain tumors have begun.

Desperate people, however, can not and will not wait for the formal clinical trials to be completed, published, reviewed, and submitted to governmental authorities for approval. They don’t have the luxury of time. And, thanks to the miracle of the internet, people are finding out about DCA, and are self-administering their own treatment programs.

Forums, blogs, and journals have sprung up across the web to bring the needed information to families who are willing to grasp at any available hope. Normally, I would suspect these people would be ripe prey for a con artist, and a healthy skepticism of generally anecdotal evidence would be called for. But, what impresses me the most is that these folks who are blogging their experience are not doing so to make money. They are offering no advertising, nor selling a product. They seem to be motivated only by their desire to share their experience, and to pass along any helpful information that they discover.

I don’t know how long it will take before the FDA will approve DCA for use in cancer treatment. At this point, however, it really doesn’t seem to matter. People are taking the matter into their own hands, and their reported results are truly remarkable.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Health/Medicine; Science
KEYWORDS: cancercure; dca
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1 posted on 03/22/2009 9:29:43 PM PDT by grandpa jones
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To: shrinkermd; neverdem
2 posted on 03/22/2009 9:35:33 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
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To: grandpa jones

I am fairly familiar with the trends and research as a very dear friend of mine might lose his life to colon cancer.

Cancer is multiple diseases, but most have common characteristics.

The cure for cancer was discovered in 1993. It utilizes the bodies own immune system. It is totally natural, worked 100% of the time, and prevented any and all cancers from recurring for more than seven years. Multiple peer reviewed studies have confirmed it.

But you or I or my friend will probably never get it. You can’t patent a natural substance. If you can’t patent it, you can’t make any big bucks on it.

3 posted on 03/22/2009 9:36:57 PM PDT by djf (Sara Haines finally confessed her love... sorry, sweetheart, I already lost interest...)
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To: djf
"If you can't patent it, you can't make big bucks on it."

That is the problem with DCS. Can't patent it. It's been around too long.

4 posted on 03/22/2009 9:41:24 PM PDT by grandpa jones (L.O.M.A. (loyal opposition my azz))
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To: grandpa jones

If it restores apoptosis & mitochondrial function then it may very well be helpful. When bad cells can die in vitro, it can’t be a bad thing. I am very apprehensive in using the word, “cure” though. Get on with the trials and let us see if there is some fire behind this spark.

5 posted on 03/22/2009 9:47:52 PM PDT by WildcatClan (Iam fimus mos ledo ventus apparatus)
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To: djf
"If you can’t patent it, you can’t make any big bucks afford to conduct the bloated FDA-mandated clinical trials on it."

Fixed that for you. The patent on aspirin ran out a long, long time ago, but pharmaceutical companies still profitably manufacture and sell aspirin and you can still buy it. The enemy here is government, just like it always is.

6 posted on 03/22/2009 9:51:01 PM PDT by Fabozz
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To: djf

if it was cured in 1993, how come we haven’t heard about it, and why are people still dying because of cancer?
To blame it all on the profit motives of the pharmecutical companies is farcical.
we have plenty of ‘cures’ for cancer, but they don’t work all of the time on all of the people on all of the cancers. Some can simply be excised from the body and never heard from again. Others can be excised, poisoned, and irradiated till kingdom come and the cancer still survives until the patient’s ultimate death.

7 posted on 03/22/2009 9:51:08 PM PDT by Nipplemancer (Abolish the DEA !)
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To: WildcatClan

Kick that P53 gene into high gear, eh?

8 posted on 03/22/2009 9:51:49 PM PDT by djf (Sara Haines finally confessed her love... sorry, sweetheart, I already lost interest...)
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To: WildcatClan
"Get on with the trials and let us see if there is some fire behind this spark."

Absolutely. And for those who don't have the luxury of waiting for the trials, they feel like they have nothing to lose by trying this.

I hope it works for them.

9 posted on 03/22/2009 9:51:51 PM PDT by grandpa jones (L.O.M.A. (loyal opposition my azz))
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To: Nipplemancer

My friends chemo costs him FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS A MONTH.

So you’re saying the drug companies would rather sell him something that costs $1.75 a week?

Nice try.

10 posted on 03/22/2009 9:58:09 PM PDT by djf (Sara Haines finally confessed her love... sorry, sweetheart, I already lost interest...)
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To: grandpa jones
I don't know about the cancer angle, but Dr. Peter Stacpoole may know more about DCA than anyone else.
11 posted on 03/22/2009 10:02:02 PM PDT by aposiopetic
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To: djf

yes, medical care is expensive, but i don’t think that the lack of a cure for cancer is profit motive but a lack of sufficient knowledge. Cancer is a very broad disease category. There is no one treatment for all of them, but certain approaches tackle broad categories of the disease (radiation and chemotherapy). Much of the approach to treating cancer is a very brute force methodology. We know how to kill tumors, but we don’t know how to do it well and without harming the body it happens to be attached to.
is this a vast conspiracy to profit off of the dying? no. it’s a fundamental problem that we’re only now getting a firm grip on. we still don’t know what exactly causes most cancers in the first place, however do you think we can cure them all?

12 posted on 03/22/2009 10:09:16 PM PDT by Nipplemancer (Abolish the DEA !)
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To: grandpa jones
I hope it works for them.

So do I. If they are going to do this, I also hope they have a physician following up so they can get RLP's etc.

13 posted on 03/22/2009 10:11:21 PM PDT by WildcatClan (Iam fimus mos ledo ventus apparatus)
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To: Nipplemancer

Listen, I agree on a number of your points. There is an evolution of things going on now that will change much of what is accepted medical theory.

Early on studies showed that radiation and chemo had SOME efficacy in dealing with the problem. But you are correct, it is a brute force approach towards a problem that we really didn’t understand the underlying causes of.

As bichemistry and cellular and molecular biology studies continue, we find things out.

The studies are out there. They now know the pathways that happen that turn a cell from normal into cancer.

To say that the profit motive in not there is kinda youthful and utopian.

Pubmed has MILLIONS of articles and abstracts from clinical studies indexed. We don’t hear about 99.99999 percent of them.

But the answers are there.

14 posted on 03/22/2009 10:23:45 PM PDT by djf (Sara Haines finally confessed her love... sorry, sweetheart, I already lost interest...)
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To: grandpa jones
DCA has some toxicity issues at the levels needed to have any benefit.

If your aim is to aid immunity and trigger cancer cell apoptosis, take grams of Ascorbic Acid per day and Selenium suppliments at the USRDA level. Also, Zinc helps for those cancers that are related to viral causes.

15 posted on 03/22/2009 10:24:58 PM PDT by PeaceBeWithYou (De Oppresso Liber! (50 million and counting in Afganistan and Iraq))
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To: djf

The government (the scumbag politicians) depend on people dying before they suck up too much social security. It is absolutely not in the interests of the politicians for people to live to be any older than 62.

16 posted on 03/22/2009 10:32:20 PM PDT by Lancey Howard
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To: grey_whiskers

thanks, bfl

17 posted on 03/22/2009 10:39:42 PM PDT by neverdem (Xin loi minh oi)
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To: grey_whiskers

I was treated with Trifluoroacetic Acid for warts on my fingers in medical school, but it was topical and took a while.

18 posted on 03/22/2009 10:48:25 PM PDT by neverdem (Xin loi minh oi)
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To: djf

What is the natural substance?

19 posted on 03/22/2009 10:58:02 PM PDT by diamond6 (Is SIDS preventable?
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To: grandpa jones; All

BTW, Ascorbic Acid is also known as Vitamin C.

20 posted on 03/22/2009 11:01:34 PM PDT by PeaceBeWithYou (De Oppresso Liber! (50 million and counting in Afganistan and Iraq))
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