Posted on 01/30/2009 8:08:14 PM PST by sswenviron
Like I said, he is going to get a lot of people killed. What he has done to our national security apparatus is bad enough. Now this.
Billions for ACORN while cutting funding for our men and women in uniform. What a putz.
I see fewer volunteers and fewer re-ups in our future.
Of course he cut the US military budget he’s BFF with Osama bin Laden.
This hard core Communists will destroy America. The RATS in the Senate better wake up before the revolution gets started and stop this nitwit and his Administration of fools in their tracks.
Quite correct, and it appears we will let him get away with it. Funny; not ha-ha funny, but strange funny. Remember how we often wondered how the German people let the Nazis get away it?
he was elected by a DA full of .... so now we are all going to suffer for it...and they who voted for this man still don’t have a clue what is happening...fear is what the germans felt in the mid thirties and they got their leader and his brown shirts....looks like we will be getting ours
Is the cut in place or is it going to happen?
Afghanistan is good war
Iraq is bad war
Someone was posting on Reighht Side of Life blog where Leo suggested the military sue for the BC. A poster said the Marines love Obama. 70% support him? WTF? Must have been an Obot. Obama wants to play catch and rlease to help his Islamic brothers.
Next week is going to be a one hell of a carnival ride as folks work out the impact of this baby. Obama has completely misjudged American sentiment and he is going to convert fear of financial collapse to fear of his administration betraying them to death. This could get ugly. Folks don't feel safe in their jobs and nothing the administration is doing is helping and much just adds to the carnage. But, closing Gitmo, Letting KSM potentially free to roam the planet again as his trial has been postponed and most likely canceled. And now cutting defense, it is screaming hit me and you know that they will. Especially with 50 AQ fighters dying from a botched Bio-Weapon, God help us all.
So much for “We support the troops”.
Unfortunately, I fear that Congress will play along with this proposal and thus fail in its duties under Article I, Section 8.
Here’s the gist:
We have to mobilize. Note it was a Friday dump.
Obama order pentagon to cut military budget by 11%
Obama orders closure of Gitmo
Obama gives orders to postpone trial of terrorist at Gitmo
Obama gives 20 Million to terrorist Garza
Obama’s first duties as POTUS: phone Islamist, grant interview to Muslim TV
The MSM is silent. Repubicans are silent. HOW can this be happening?
I will try to find the link. My guess is he was an Obot. I know O took pains to play basketball with some Marines in Hawaii. O will sell them out.
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