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Are Ron Paul Supporters Real?
Blogger News Network ^ | November 7, 2007

Posted on 11/07/2007 5:54:10 AM PST by theothercheek

Second-tier presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) pulled off a first-rate fundraising coup, netting $4.3 million in online contributions from 38,000 donors in a single day, bringing his total haul to $7.3 million in 4Q 2007. No other Republican comes close to Paul’s 24-hour feat, but Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) has him beat at $6.2 million.

Paul supporters flashed their cash in honor of Guy Fawkes Day, which commemorates the would-be assassin of England’s King James I on Nov. 5, 1605. Guy Fawkes was also the inspiration the novel-turned-movie "V for Vendetta," in which the lead character takes on a fascist government in England. In several GOP presidential debates, the libertarian Paul has all-but called George W. Bush a fascist – taking issue with the Administration’s policies on domestic spying, for instance.

So does this mean Paul has a shot at the nomination? In a word: Nah. The Stiletto agrees with WaPo political blogger Chris Cillizza’s: take:

Paul was widely seen as a political gadlfy when he entered the race, but through skill, luck or a little of both he has built himself into an Internet phenomenon. …

It's not yet clear that Paul's online national community can deliver actual votes for him. … While Paul is at the center of a national movement, it won't help him in Iowa or New Hampshire if thousands of people from California or Illinois are backing him. …

There has always been a pot of money that exists for unconventional candidates who believe the system is fundamentally broken and are only tangentially affiliated with a party. …

[H]is money and his message make him a actor in New Hampshire ... he remains a decided longshot ... the excitement and attention he is drawing would seem to be a perfect lead up to a third party candidacy if and when he loses the Republican nomination.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Jonathan Bydlak, the Paul campaign’s fundraising director posted a message on the candidate's Web site that the ka-ching means just one thing: “Ron Paul is for real." Maybe. But it appears his supporters are real (second item).

Note: The Stiletto writes about politics and other stuff at The Stiletto Blog.

KEYWORDS: 2008election; 911truth; campaignfundraising; libertarian; paulbots; ronpaul; thestiletto; thestilettoblog
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To: ejonesie22
******(BTW the irony of your post is the number of times I have had to explain that the total disregard for their own lives is what causes the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction to not be applicable to containing the nukes if Iran goes hot and why only an aggressive solution will do)******

While a small percentage has a total disregard for the own lives, most, including most Muslims, do not want to die. Twenty some number of virgins or not. .01% of a population is not a population that has total disregard for their lives.

221 posted on 11/07/2007 2:18:46 PM PST by jmeagan (Our last chance to change the direction of the country -- Ron Paul)
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To: jmeagan

But it is enough to stay in power and effect an attack...

222 posted on 11/07/2007 2:19:53 PM PST by ejonesie22 (Real voters in real voting booths will elect FDT.)
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To: ejonesie22

But it is enough to stay in power and effect an attack...

Not really. You would have to get to around the 3-5% range for that to happen.

223 posted on 11/07/2007 2:41:35 PM PST by jmeagan (Our last chance to change the direction of the country -- Ron Paul)
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To: The_Victor
Just that there was at least one Ron Paul supporter among the leftists, commies, and anarchists at the rally. Deduce whatever you want from that.

BFD - is he part of Paul's official campaign? As if Paul's supposed to babysit each and every person that is supporting him. Get real.

224 posted on 11/07/2007 2:46:10 PM PST by Extremely Extreme Extremist
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To: Red Badger

Uh, she’s not wearing the tin foil hat. But you must still have your’s on. You post is disturbing. Maybe the ASPCA should be called....

225 posted on 11/07/2007 2:51:56 PM PST by oneamericanvoice (Support freedom! Support the troops! Surrender is not an option!)
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To: jmeagan

Oh, Ok,

So explain Iran then...

226 posted on 11/07/2007 2:54:20 PM PST by ejonesie22 (Real voters in real voting booths will elect FDT.)
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To: oneamericanvoice

Just Gooooogle “Tin Foil Hat” and click on IMAGES. You’ll see ALL KINDS of tin foil hat photos!..............(There’s even a Tin Foil Bikini)...........

227 posted on 11/07/2007 2:55:03 PM PST by Red Badger ( We don't have science, but we do have consensus.......)
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To: George W. Bush
Spammer 407 checking in. I sent my $100 spam Monday as well.. ;)

Remember, remember indeed...

228 posted on 11/07/2007 3:21:22 PM PST by billbears (Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. --Santayana)
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To: Red Badger

Sounds like fun! I might even see the Paulite that came to our meeting last night, because I’m sure she usually wears one.

229 posted on 11/07/2007 3:29:45 PM PST by oneamericanvoice (Support freedom! Support the troops! Surrender is not an option!)
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To: tcrlaf
His money is coming from THE LEFT, desperate to make Republicans look bad,

Does that even make any sense? The only issue the Dems have is the war. Why would they want to promote the idea that the War in Iraq is anything but a partisan issue? Why would they want to risk energizing the significant portion of the Republican base tired of the big government liberalism of Bush, et al?

The status quo greatly favored the Dems. No way the Dems are spending tens of millions of dollars just to disrupt the biggest advantages they have.

230 posted on 11/07/2007 3:50:10 PM PST by lgwdnbdgr
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To: ejonesie22
****Oh, Ok,

So explain Iran then...****

Do you think the present Iranian government has a death wish for their country?

I wasn’t aware of this until recently, but Iran was the first (only?) Muslim country to condemn the 9/11 attack.

231 posted on 11/07/2007 3:58:03 PM PST by jmeagan (Our last chance to change the direction of the country -- Ron Paul)
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To: theothercheek; All
I haven't read the whole thread yet, but I want to say I think it's hilarious that many people here still don't think that Ron Paul has any real supporters. LOL!!!

I love you guys, but some of you need to step outside of FR once in a while, instead of always preaching to the choir and not getting exposed to other people. Ron Paul most definitely has LOTS of supporters, and not just the usual, apathetic, "I'll vote for the lesser of two evils" type, but people who are passionate, determined and devoted to the cause of taking back our republic from corrupt, duplicitous, unconstitutional, big-government politicians in what appears to be a one-party system. You can laugh and scoff all you want, but it is real, I've been on lots of sites and there are tons of people who support Paul, contrary to what the MSM wants you to believe.

And from what I have seen, contrary to some lies told here, they are not "all liberals" - the liberals who like him for his position on the war DON'T like most of his other positions so they're most likely not going to vote on one issue and go against everything else they believe (that the government should take care of us cradle to grave). No, they are patriots, conservative independents, old-school Republicans, libertarians or young people who have never even participated in political activism before but who can see that we're heading in the wrong direction with globalism, the NAU, open borders, corruption, etc.

And if Paul continues to be ignored and downplayed by the MSM, it's not going to be over so easily. Even if you don't agree with him on foreign policy or other issues, and even if you don't support him, he HAS done something very good already - he has energized many people to the cause of liberty and to what this country is SUPPOSED to be about. It's not about him, it's about the message. People are finally waking up to the fact that our government and media are not honest, they don't care about the constitution, our sovereignty and the people, they have their own agenda that is bad news for everyone. It's a GOOD thing that people are starting to wake up, not a bad thing. And it's not going to go away, so get used to it.

232 posted on 11/07/2007 4:03:32 PM PST by incindiary
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To: B4Ranch
Bush hates the fact that we have any now.

OUCH. That has to leave a mark.

233 posted on 11/07/2007 4:04:03 PM PST by NathanR ( Duncan Hunter for SecDef)
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To: theothercheek

There is possibly lots of drug money to be given to libertarian leaning candidates.
They tend to support no laws against recreational drugs and that might be impressive to the drug lords and drug abusers.

That right there gets you millions IMO.

234 posted on 11/07/2007 4:07:33 PM PST by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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To: billbears
****Spammer 407 checking in. I sent my $100 spam Monday as well.. ;)

Remember, remember indeed...*****

I am a leftist under deep cover. (I have been voting republican for 23 years. Plus to make it realistic, I was booted of the Demo Forum, back in the late 1990’s, for life. But I can come out now as my cover has been blown here. As everyone knows, all Ron Paul supporters are leftists.) I spammed the fund raiser too.

235 posted on 11/07/2007 4:09:22 PM PST by jmeagan (Our last chance to change the direction of the country -- Ron Paul)
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To: ejonesie22
Are Ron Paul Supporters Real?

Is rabies?

236 posted on 11/07/2007 4:11:17 PM PST by Petronski ("Willard, you can’t buy South Carolina. You can’t even rent it.”)
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To: mvpel
Saddle burrs, when left unattended, can kill a horse.
237 posted on 11/07/2007 4:18:26 PM PST by NathanR ( Duncan Hunter for SecDef)
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To: A CA Guy

****There is possibly lots of drug money to be given to libertarian leaning candidates.
They tend to support no laws against recreational drugs and that might be impressive to the drug lords and drug abusers.

That right there gets you millions IMO.*****

That is one of the most illogical arguments I have ever seen. The big money is in drugs because they are illegal. The drug lords will be giving their money to the candidates that want to keep the status quo.

238 posted on 11/07/2007 4:21:40 PM PST by jmeagan (Our last chance to change the direction of the country -- Ron Paul)
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To: Extremely Extreme Extremist; All

Yes, see Bush 41 and David Duke.

When both Alex Jones and Cindy Sheenan openly support a “Republican” primary candidate, there’s going to be questions.

239 posted on 11/07/2007 4:22:48 PM PST by Baladas
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To: NathanR

It was meant to. Once it’s all gone, it will be very costly to get it back. Our kids shouldn’t have to pay that price because we were stupid or greedy for something like a fiat dollar.

240 posted on 11/07/2007 4:43:27 PM PST by B4Ranch (( "Freedom is not free, but don't worry the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share." ))
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