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Dragon Hunter
News Which Cannot Lose ^ | August 16, 2007 | Alexander J. Madison

Posted on 08/17/2007 6:58:10 AM PDT by Calpernia

‘Those dirty communist bastards’. This phrase and similarly worded curses are being uttered by more Americans each day as the headlines in normally apologist media outlets are documenting case after case of Chinese malfeasance this summer of 2007.

Headlines such as “More Tainted Chinese Toothpaste found”, “Mattel: 9M More Chinese-made Toys Recalled”, “Melamine in Pet Food may not be Accidental”, and more ominously “China Warns America It May Sell US Treasury Bonds” are perking up American ears. Nothing rattles the average American consumer like stories of beloved family pets dropping like flies, or Polly Pockets and Little People posing a danger to our real little people. All those bloody knuckles caused by poorly made socket wrenches are nothing compared to liver failure and lead poisoning. US consumers are rattled…and angry.

The investor class is also worried. As our political leaders gingerly attempt to address China’s currency devaluation and trade surplus with our country, powerful communist apparatchiks (yes, I know –it’s a Russian term) are hinting at a US treasury bill dump, a dump that could have severe financial consequences. China has pegged the value of the yuan to the dollar. Instead of floating in a natural balance against the dollar like other major currencies, this peg allows the Chinese imports to our shores to maintain their relative ‘cheapness’, not only here, but on the world market. It is China’s stated goal to leapfrog the US as the #1 economic powerhouse in the world, and undercutting US manufacturing is a very comfortable part of that plan. It has given them a staggering $233 billion trade surplus with the USA in 2006, a total that will easily be surpassed in 2007. But more likely than not, US negotiators will be reigned in and the status quo will continue, for now.

But how did we get here? Why have politicians and business leaders in the US allowed us to arrive at a place where a communist enemy holds such leverage over our economy? A place where a few words uttered by a ‘respected’ Chinese academic can rattle our markets? A place where we have allowed substandard food and materials onto our shores for years? And for that matter, a place where we pretend there is really only one China – Taiwan being a renegade province and such? The full answers are well beyond the scope of this article, but the short version is this: greed and a lack of strategic thinking.

The free-trade lobby will tell us that opening China up to free trade will bring about the desired political reforms and lead to a ‘partnership’. The problem with this argument is that it has been made for the last 25 years and relations have not improved, rather, they have deteriorated. But the siren song of the Chinese ‘comfort women’ is too much for big business to resist. “Come, build your new plant in China. We have cheap labor and negligible regulations…Oh, and by the way, we will be co-owners with you and you will need to share your manufacturing secrets…but hey, you will still make more money.”

Unfortunately, President Bush has his hands full in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is hesitant to tackle the problem. His legacy is tied to success in the muslim world now and a financial showdown with China is not in the making. The majority democrat party is certainly yapping about China (dead pets, you know), but their leading candidate was bought and paid for with communist dollars.

Scanning the political horizon for 2008, there is only one man standing that vows to put an end to this entire charade, Duncan Hunter. Duncan Hunter is, and has been, a Dragon Hunter.

Just as his mentor, Ronald Wilson Reagan, decided to change the rules for how the USA dealt with the Soviet Union - from détente to “we win, they lose”- Hunter is demanding a new set of unmarked playing cards for this high stakes poker match with China. The underlying philosophy shared by Reagan and Hunter is unabashed anti-communism. Whether it is the Lenin/Stalin model or that of Mao Tse-Tung, a communist deserves nothing short of defeat in Hunter’s view. Having entered office in 1980 with the Gipper, Hunter was instrumental in the House of Representatives for strong-arming through Reagan’s tough, anti-communist agenda. And being a Vietnam combat veteran who fought Chinese backed stooges, Congressman Hunter has several lifetimes’ worth of disdain for such an ideology. That disdain was only reinforced in the aftermath of our withdrawal from Vietnam, in the skull-filled killing fields and the rat infested ‘re-ducation’ camps. A brief China-Vietnam war in the late 1970s did not change his view of either side.

Duncan Hunter’s record of opposition to China has been as consistent as his opposition to abortion. He was nearly successful in stopping Permanent Most Favored Nation status from being gifted to China by Bill Clinton and the US congress in 2000. As Hunter mentioned in an August 13 interview on the Free Republic website:

“All of the Senators presently running for president, including Mr. Thompson, Brownback and McCain voted for Permanent Most Favored Nation status for Communist China, which I strongly oppose. I voted against PMFN with Red China because the Chinese are clearly using US trade dollars to buy ships, warplanes and missiles, some of which are clearly targeted on American forces and interests”.

Based on that statement, it is obvious Hunter does not use the bleeding heart, liberal argument to oppose China. He uses clear eyed realism centered around the defense of our nation. And his opposition did not start in 2000, and it has only intensified since. In 1998, Hunter sponsored a bill to strip away all satellite and satellite technology sales to China. President Clinton even signed it, due in part to pressure from the scandal investigations looking at laundered Chinese money in democrat coffers.

In June 2000, Hunter introduced the Nuclear Secrets Safety Act in response to continued Chinese espionage and weak procedures for securing classified information in our research labs and facilities. His consistent anti-China voting record shows that he opposed the sale of US ‘dual-use’ technology equipment to China (including supercomputers) and fought to give the Pentagon veto power over such sales. He voted to deny US participation in cooperative research and development, and to prohibit Red China from ‘ownership and control’ of any businesses involved in defense related systems or services. For decades, Hunter has supported robust arms sales to Taiwan, including missile defenses. Through the late 1990s, it was Duncan Hunter who led the fight against allowing China owned Cosco to lease the port at Long Beach, CA. He simply did not and does not trust them.

In a 1996 article Hunter penned for Knight Ridder, he wrote:

Advocates of continued Most-Favored-Nation trade status for China claim that this is a ''normal'' part of U.S. international relations and that China hasn't done anything odd enough to be an exception.

“China's friends seem to have adopted a rather jaded view of normality.

“Are thinly veiled threats to attack Los Angeles, like those made by China during the recent Taiwan crisis, ''normal'' diplomatic discourse?

“Was Beijing's attempt to influence elections on Taiwan by military demonstrations and missile firings ''normal?''

“Was the movement of two U.S. carrier battlegroups to positions of potential confrontation with China a ''normal'' gesture of friendly relations?

“Or, do these actions indicate a strategic relationship with China more on a par with Cuba or North Korea, countries with which we do not extend MFN?

“We didn't grant MFN to the Soviet Union either, when it was aiming missiles at U.S. cities……Renewing China's MFN status without a strategic quid pro quo would be another sign of relative American weakness.”

Alas, Hunter failed in his bid to stop his own party from supporting the misnamed ‘free trade’ nonsense in 2000. Why is it nonsense, you ask? From Hunter’s point of view, there are three main reasons.

First, you can never trust a communist! They are not honest partners in trade, international relations, or in any other endeavor. Hunter has been prophetic in this regard. The blatant dishonesty from the Chicoms is on par with the best fraudulence the Soviets regularly coughed up. China consistently uses bribes, much like a third world nation: Bribes for getting our business and requiring bribes for getting theirs. They demand ‘offsets’. If you want to sell airplanes, for example, you must allow them to manufacture parts (offsets), or in Airbus’ case, whole planes, giving up valuable industrial secrets to help China close the technology gap. Hunter calls offsets "a strategic threat to the U.S. defense industrial base."

They cheat. As evidenced by the recent products discovered to contain worthless toxic fillers. They lie, as demonstrated by numerous cases where they purchased our high-tech goods for ‘civilian’ use, only to have such equipment disappear into some PLA black hole. They steal, as clearly shown by hundreds of cases of corporate and governmental espionage in recent years; everything from biomedical research to our nuclear secrets. They also pirate roughly 95% of our software and other intellectual property, depriving US businesses of billions in sales annually.

Second, China has a strategy to become a superpower, to surpass the US in industrial, military and economic might. The world can ill afford to have the US lose influence around the globe to a communist power. All of the underhanded activities mentioned above are designed to give them the upper hand. They recently showed off ‘their’ technological prowess to the world by blowing a satellite out of orbit. As Mr. Hunter notes, they have purchased “with our trade dollars” the most sophisticated weapons from Russia. They are using every method imaginable to obtain technical and manufacturing expertise.

While China does not adhere to an USSR-like vision of empire, they nonetheless have sought to dominate Asia and blunt US influence in the region. They have every intention of “re-uniting” with Taiwan, by force, if necessary. They are using Soviet style practices to marginalize Tibetans. And they have sold nuclear technology to rouge regimes across the globe. China has consistently used its position on the UN Security Council to block US and Western initiatives.

Third, China sides with our enemies. They have courted everyone from the Sudanese genocidal rulers to Fidel Castro to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran. They prop up North Korea’s freakish leader, not because they like or respect the little dictator, but because he is a thorn in the side of the United States (and he makes a hole-in-one each golf outing). They have feted and made deals with the megalomaniac in Venezuela. And, as an added finger in America’s eye, they have been selling armaments that make their way to the terrorists in Iraq.

They are playing a game of bluff with the US, confident of our cowardice. They brazenly held some of our airmen in 2001, demanding an apology from us, for their own pilot’s foolishness. While President Bush muddled through it reasonably well, the Chicoms would certainly not have tested a man like Duncan Hunter, who immediately demanded a cutoff of all trade with the communist regime. As Hunter succinctly stated back then, “the fact is, while we trade with China, they prepare for war”.

So what is Hunter’s solution to the China dilemma?

First, he proposes to treat them as the communist adversary that they are. That means no more generous, unbalanced trade deals. All trade deals will be reciprocal. No more Chinese tariffs on US products, if they expect the same. Second, put a halt to high technology sales of dual use equipment. If it is a potential breech of security, it stays on our shores. And from our side, Hunter wants to eliminate taxes on our manufacturing exporters. As he stated on Free Republic, “I would reduce taxes on domestic manufacturing to zero or as close thereto as possible and immediately stop China’s cheating on trade that is moving high-paying jobs offshore.” Hunter will also demand that China float its currency. He currently has a bill in Congress that would require the President to force China to do just that. Pirated software, espionage, and other nefarious activity will be treated with harsh sanctions. Hunter understands something the Wall Street Journal crowd does not; that China needs us as much or more than we need them. After all, many other low wage countries exist that can produce TVs, microwaves, and GI Joes, but there is no one to replace the USA as China’s main market for their crap….er..goods. Hunter fully intends to use this leverage, leverage that others are afraid to even contemplate.

On the military equation, Hunter promises to increase spending on our defense budget to near Reagan levels. With two major battlefronts in Afghanistan and Iraq, our current defense budget is still roughly only 3.5% of GDP. Hunter is calling for an immediate increase to about “4.5% to 5% of GDP”, paid for by a freeze in discretionary, non-military spending and cutting billions in domestic bureaucracy and programs. Hunter has been on the leading edge in his support for military technology, on everything from bunker busting bombs, to stealth aircraft to airborne laser weapons. Duncan Hunter will insist that America lead the way in space based weaponry, to stay far ahead of the Chinese (and the Russians). From his days as Reagan’s point man to the present, Hunter has been and continues to be the most stalwart supporter of missile defenses (space, land, sea, and air based) and offensive firepower.

Hunter has no misty eyed sentiment that one day soon the US and China will sing Kumbaya together and advance world peace. That can only happen after the communist party collapses.

Indeed, Hunter intends to grab Red China by the throat.

Hunter wrote the following in a 2001 San Diego Union Tribune article:

“In March of 1941, Rep. Carl Anderson from Minnesota warned America about the danger of arming potential adversaries. He said then that the chances of war with Japan were 50-50, and that if our Navy were to meet the Japanese, we would encounter a fleet which was built with American steel and fueled with American petroleum. A few months later at Pearl Harbor, 21 American ships were sunk, 300 planes were destroyed, and 5,000 Americans were killed and wounded by a Japanese fleet that was indeed built with American steel and fueled with American petroleum.

“Why is it that we still have not learned from this valuable lesson? Today, China is using its $80 billion trade surplus with the United States to build a formidable military. Tragically, the weapons China procures are targeted toward the very Americans who supplied them through their trade dollars.”

In a 2004 Armed Services Committee hearing, Hunter said:

“First, the balance of power is changing across the Taiwan strait. China continues modernizing its military with the most advanced technology available from Russia. Taiwan, on the other hand, continues cutting its defense budget. These diverging military trends highlight a political problem, in which China constantly seeks to strangle more assertive demonstrations of Taiwanese democracy, lest the people of Taiwan decide that they don’t want to surrender their rights in order to become part of greater China. Those trends are accelerating, undermining the fragile standoff that has secured peace across the strait for most of the last fifty years.

While we seek diplomatic means of solving these problems, there should be no doubt that the military stands on the front lines in ensuring that they don’t get out of hand. We absolutely must be ready, willing, and able to defeat aggression in the region in order to deter it. Everyone must know that force is not an acceptable way of resolving Taiwan’s status”.

And finally, in the July 2007 GOP candidates’ debate, Hunter was asked by Fox’s Wendell Goler if the billions in American debt held by the Chinese constitutes a security threat. He replied:

“If we don’t do anything about it, Wendell, it will be a security threat. And the other thing that will be a security threat is the fact that China is buying ships, planes and military equipment with hundreds of billions of American trade dollars coming there way. They bought the Sovremmeny class missile destroyers from the Russians that were designed to do one thing: Kill American Aircraft carriers. So there IS a security threat as we allow China to cheat on trade, they are arming with American trade dollars and they are lending our money back to us. Some people say they will treat us right if get into a crunch. And I say ‘yeah, just like they treated that guy in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square’. It is time for us to enforce trade rules with China, to create a two way street, not a one way street and that will give us much less exposure on the economic side that you’re talking about, and the security side”.

Indeed, Duncan Hunter is the Dragon Hunter. The only one left.

TOPICS: Politics
KEYWORDS: 2008; b4dh; china; dragonhunter; dragonsfury; dragonsfuryseries; duncanhunter; elections; fairtrade; freerepublic; president; spartansixdelta; toxicchina
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To: Sun

As the last line in the article says: “The only one left”.

41 posted on 08/17/2007 12:36:03 PM PDT by pissant (Duncan Hunter: Warrior, Statesman, Conservative)
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To: pissant; All

“As the last line in the article says: “The only one left”.”

Thanks for pointing that out.

Today we had a worker come to our house, and we got to talking about losing manufacturing jobs to China, so I told him that DUNCAN HUNTER was on that, and has understood the issue for years, and voted against Most Favored trade status with China.

Yesterday, I infomed my brother and sister, again, of what Duncan Hunter stands for.

We all have our circle of family, friends and acquaintances, and can get the word out that way.

42 posted on 08/17/2007 12:49:06 PM PDT by Sun (Duncan Hunter: pro-life/borders, understands Red China threat!
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To: Sun

Yep. I’ve got my wife, my boss and our two secretaries on board.

43 posted on 08/17/2007 12:50:04 PM PDT by pissant (Duncan Hunter: Warrior, Statesman, Conservative)
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To: WalterSkinner; pissant; lakey; RasterMaster; Ultra Sonic 007; Kevmo; Calpernia; ...

This just in from the Pacific NW Hunter Campaign Coordinator: The recent Secured Borders sponsored event in Las Vegas earlier this week where Rep. Hunter was the featured speaker, was well attended by 160 people. It was a successful ice breaker for Rep. Hunter, and he may be back there again on Sept. 7.

(An observation by said coordinator, “Mr. Hunter is every bit the gentleman and knowledgeable leader that we see in the debates. This was my first quality time with him, and his wife, Lynne, is a strong lady as well.”)

Among the topics Rep. Hunter addressed at a Republican fundraiser luncheon in Henderson that same day were, of course, his valid solutions for the illegal immigration problem; the second amendment; his opposition to NAFTA because it is hurting middle class Americans. When asked about his stance on gambling, though he is against it personally, he said he is a states’ rights conservative who wouldn’t attempt to ban gambling on the federal level.

The campaign schedule has him in Texas through the 21st, so it looks like he will be participating in the Texas 8/20 debate, and then is scheduled for a Young Republican Convention.

Busy man! Let’s support him by writing our most generous check to: Hunter for President, and send it to:

Go Hunter 08
9340 Fuerte Drive, Suite 302
La Mesa, CA 91941-4164

Thank you very much. GO DUNCAN HUNTER!

44 posted on 08/17/2007 12:51:42 PM PDT by Paperdoll ( Vote for Duncan Hunter in the Primaries for America's sake!)
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To: Paperdoll

Thanks for the update, doll.

45 posted on 08/17/2007 12:53:19 PM PDT by pissant (Duncan Hunter: Warrior, Statesman, Conservative)
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To: Sun

That is wonderful, Sun! Keep up the great work! :)

46 posted on 08/17/2007 12:53:48 PM PDT by Paperdoll ( Vote for Duncan Hunter in the Primaries for America's sake!)
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To: Sun

That is wonderful, Sun! Keep up the great work! :)

47 posted on 08/17/2007 12:53:59 PM PDT by Paperdoll ( Vote for Duncan Hunter in the Primaries for America's sake!)
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To: Sun

That is wonderful, Sun! Keep up the great work! :)

48 posted on 08/17/2007 12:54:02 PM PDT by Paperdoll ( Vote for Duncan Hunter in the Primaries for America's sake!)
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To: Paperdoll
I guess Reno, Nevada is a no go...

Thanks for the great update--it helps me plan stuff...

49 posted on 08/17/2007 12:54:50 PM PDT by WalterSkinner ( In Memory of My Father--WWII Vet and Patriot 1926-2007)
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To: Paperdoll; Sun

LOL! Just can’t say that often enough!

50 posted on 08/17/2007 12:55:31 PM PDT by Paperdoll ( Vote for Duncan Hunter in the Primaries for America's sake!)
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To: WalterSkinner

Let me double check that out, Walter.

51 posted on 08/17/2007 12:56:33 PM PDT by Paperdoll ( Vote for Duncan Hunter in the Primaries for America's sake!)
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To: Paperdoll

..thanks you really are a doll, Ros...

52 posted on 08/17/2007 1:09:58 PM PDT by WalterSkinner ( In Memory of My Father--WWII Vet and Patriot 1926-2007)
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To: WalterSkinner

I havne’t heard anything yet for Reno, but you never know. I have mentioned a few events for DH to attend here and there have been some ideas tossed around but I haven’t heard anything definite as of yet.

I am still working on getting at least a phone interview set up for DH in Reno. We’ll see how that culminates in the next few weeks. There are quite a few political events coming up that DH may want to attend in the future though. I’ll let everyone know when I find out.

PS: This article is FANTASTIC! Now to pass it on to others!

53 posted on 08/17/2007 1:25:53 PM PDT by sierrascrapper (DUNCAN HUNTER 08 for more info visit
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To: sierrascrapper
..thanks for the valuable input, sierra

The event I have been looking at is the U Nev / Brookings Institution event on the 20th--a debate which only 4 candidates were invited--DH wasn't one...

54 posted on 08/17/2007 1:31:53 PM PDT by WalterSkinner ( In Memory of My Father--WWII Vet and Patriot 1926-2007)
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To: Calpernia


55 posted on 08/17/2007 2:43:09 PM PDT by AuntB (" It takes more than walking across the border to be an American." Duncan Hunter)
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To: Calpernia; hedgetrimmer

But, but, Calpernia! I can go to Wally World and buy some Chinese trinket for 1.87 that I didn’t even know I needed or would ever want and will probably give away! Trade and an economy built on exploitation of third world peasants. Yeah, THAT’s something to be proud of.

56 posted on 08/17/2007 2:50:13 PM PDT by AuntB (" It takes more than walking across the border to be an American." Duncan Hunter)
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To: Paperdoll


If you wish, you may compliment me THIRTY-three times; I don’t mind. :)

57 posted on 08/17/2007 3:02:14 PM PDT by Sun (Duncan Hunter: pro-life/borders, understands Red China threat!
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To: Calpernia

Wow, an excellent Hunter article 2 days straight, great find, Cal! As Hunter supporters, I don’t think we sit around and invent conspiracy, but something is simply not on the up and up here. I think the media, Democrats and the powerful Wall Street Elite want Hunter out of the race, yesterday, as well as others. You want change? Hunter is your candidate, that is if the changes you want are going to be positive ones.

I say, when, not if, Hunter starts to catch on, the “Free Traders” will go def con 4 in a rush. They don’t have a boat, it’s a yacht, and you better believe they don’t want it rocked.

Hunter has defined his positions and his ideas on the critical issues far better than any other candidate. I find it both confusing and interesting that the GOP electorate is now so enamored with criminal lawyers, lobbyist, abortionist, political nuance and business as usual. It at least sounds like one of the candidates has been listening to some of Hunter’s message and tested it out in Iowa.


58 posted on 08/17/2007 3:21:21 PM PDT by WildcatClan (One vote, Three choices: 1) Socialism 2) Bush Redux 3) DUNCAN HUNTER)
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To: WildcatClan; Calpernia; hedgetrimmer; pissant; B4Ranch; dixiechick2000
I say, when, not if, Hunter starts to catch on, the “Free Traders” will go def con 4 in a rush. They don’t have a boat, it’s a yacht, and you better believe they don’t want it rocked.


Hunter also signed along with Tancredo and 20 other congressman Aug. 6 a letter to Pres. Bush regarding the upcoming SPP meetings. It says in part:

"We call on you not to pledge or agree to any further movement in connection with the SPP at the upcoming North American summit.

Rather, in the interest of transparency and accoutability, we urge you to bring to the Congress whatever provisions have already been agreed upon and those now being pursued or contemplated as part of this initiative, for the purpose of obtaining authorization through the normal legislative process. Only by so doing, can your partners in Canada and Mexico have confidence in the future application of such arrangements."

IN OTHER words: Take this through the proper chanels or we'll ax it!

I got this in an email (PDF) still looking for another source.

Greg Walden (R-Oregon) signed it. I'm stunned.

59 posted on 08/17/2007 3:37:27 PM PDT by AuntB (" It takes more than walking across the border to be an American." Duncan Hunter)
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To: AuntB

“Hunter also signed along with Tancredo and 20 other congressman Aug. 6 a letter to Pres. Bush regarding the upcoming SPP meetings. It says in part:

“We call on you not to pledge or agree to any further movement in connection with the SPP at the upcoming North American summit.

Rather, in the interest of transparency and accoutability, we urge you to bring to the Congress whatever provisions have already been agreed upon and those now being pursued or contemplated as part of this initiative, for the purpose of obtaining authorization through the normal legislative process. Only by so doing, can your partners in Canada and Mexico have confidence in the future application of such arrangements.”

IN OTHER words: Take this through the proper chanels or we’ll ax it!

I got this in an email (PDF) still looking for another source.

Greg Walden (R-Oregon) signed it. I’m stunned.”

Wow, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is a HOT issue!

60 posted on 08/17/2007 3:40:28 PM PDT by Sun (Duncan Hunter: pro-life/borders, understands Red China threat!
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