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Iraq - Democrats Lied About WMDs
USS Neverdock ^
| 11/3/05
| Marc
Posted on 11/03/2005 6:14:35 AM PST by areafiftyone
Iraq - Democrats Lied About WMDs
Yesterday, former President Jimmy Carter
accused the Bush Administration of manipulating pre war intelligence about Iraq's WMDs.
But here's what he said back in Feb 03.
"He obviously has the capability and desire to build prohibited weapons and probably has some hidden in his country.
Here is a handy list of what the Democrats were saying about Iraq and WMDs before the election campaign.
See here for more debunking of the Bush lied myth.(Info from the Link posted below)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Bush lied" campaign collapses
The Democrat's and anti-war movement's "Bush lied" campaign has collapsed.
First, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have been found
here, here,
here and
Second, links between Saddam and Al Qaeda proven
here and
Third, it seems Saddam was trying to buy Uranium from Nigeria after all.
Inquiry will back intelligence that Iraq sought uranium
That is in addition to
US reveals Iraq nuclear operation
The US has revealed that it removed more than 1.7 metric tons of radioactive material from Iraq in a secret operation last month.
Fourth, there was
no pressure put on US intelligence over Iraq.
The unanimous report by the panel will say there is no evidence that intelligence officials were subjected to pressure to reach particular conclusions about Iraq.
Fifth, the Iraq war was about oil alright as we can plainly see from the UN oil-for-food scandal.
The evidence proving Bush was right is also coming from some unlikely sources.
Russia Warned U.S. About Iraq, Putin Says
Russian President Vladimir Putin said yesterday that his intelligence service had warned the Bush administration before the U.S. invasion of Iraq that Saddam Hussein's government was planning attacks against U.S. targets both inside and outside the country.
Clinton defends successor's push for war
Clinton, who was interviewed Thursday, said he did not believe that Bush went to war in Iraq over oil or for imperialist reasons but out of a genuine belief that large quantities of weapons of mass destruction remained unaccounted for.
Noting that Bush had to be "reeling" in the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, Clinton said Bush's first priority was to keep al Qaeda and other terrorist networks from obtaining "chemical and biological weapons or small amounts of fissile material."
"That's why I supported the Iraq thing. There was a lot of stuff unaccounted for," Clinton said in reference to Iraq and the fact that U.N. weapons inspectors left the country in 1998.
Front Page goes further.
An article titled "The Big Lie Campaign", contains this:
In either case and in both cases what we are confronting in this spectacle is an unprecedented event in American political life. In the midst of a good war and a noble enterprise, a major American party [the Democrats] is engaged in an effort to stab its own country in the back for short term political gain, and is willing to do to so by the most underhanded and unscrupulous means.
Terrorists the world over must be laughing at how we are tearing ourselves apart while they make plans to speed up the process.
UPDATE: More on the Uranium - Niger - Saddam story and it was Joe Wilson who lied not Bush.
Happy Anniversary to Joseph C. Wilson IV
And the
The Senate Intelligence Committee Report by
Dan Darling.
Also, this demolishes 2 of Richard Clarke's key claims with respect to Iraq: that there was no Iraqi involvement in terrorism post-1993, and that there is no evidence whatsoever of Iraqi support for al-Qaeda. Both of these claims, to put it quite simply, can now be shown to be factually untrue.
Here is a handy list of what the Democrats were saying about Iraq and WMDs before the election campaign.
UPDATE 2: The UK Lord Butler Report backs Blair and Bush on Iraq's attempts to buy Uranium from Niger.
499. We conclude that, on the basis of the intelligence assessments at the time, covering both Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the statements on Iraqi attempts to buy uranium from Africa in the Governments dossier, and by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons, were well-founded.
By extension, we conclude also that the statement in President Bushs State of the Union Address of 28 January 2003 that: The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa, was well-founded.
More Democrats who claim Iraq had WMDs
More Chemical weapons found?
Joseph Wilson lied
TOPICS: Politics
KEYWORDS: demlies; iraq; wmd
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To: areafiftyone
Terrific roundup! Thanks for putting it all together.
posted on
11/03/2005 4:26:20 PM PST
(Bill Whittle for Pres. in '08)
Comment #22 Removed by Moderator
To: iraqikurd
we can not win the War on Terrorism solely on the military front.That is the ONLY way we can the WAR on Terrorism..we are fighting terrorists...
The Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights assume that people are civilized to a certain degree..unless you can assure me that OBL, Zarqwai, and their followers will demonstrate some degree of civility, they deserve NOTHING but the muzzle of a weapon..
you advocate negotiation with terrorists..appeasment...and surrender..
But lets be civilized about this...I truly want to help the terrorists..
posted on
11/03/2005 4:59:00 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: iraqikurd
We have also dealt with people domestically who want to do nothing more than kill other Americans yet we allow them and ensure they are protected by these same unalienable rightsThose people, with the exception of certain gangs, do not have a worldwide religion, nor do they have followers willing to die in their cause. That is criminal behavior...not TERRORISM..there is a definite distinction between someone who robs a bank and shoots a bank guard, and someone who will strap on a backpack and kill inocents..or fly a plane into a building..or set a bomb on a subway...or behead non-combatants...or use chemical, biological, or nuclear devices against civilians..
posted on
11/03/2005 5:05:39 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: concretebob
I share your anger over the involvement of the ACLU, Red Cross and other humanitarian groups that want to treat the terrorists better than they deserve.
But with the world wide media being so anti-American, we unfortunately can't take the proverbial gloves off (as much as we all want to, especially including Iraqikurd) and treat the terrorist as they deserve. There is evidence that the televised beheadings and murders by the terrorists is having a negative result, opposite that which the terrorist want.
This is as much a war of guns as it is for the hearts & minds of the Iraqis and Muslims. After WWII, we could have been hard nosed with the Germans & Japanese. But they would have been humiliated and possibly rise to power like they did after WWI. After WWII we did take those responsible for crimes to task and either imprisoned them or executed them. We, or at least the Iraqis will, and they won't show the same "mercy" we are. So in the end, they'll get theirs.
I know it is hard to stomach, but please bear with it. If Iraqikurd can, its the least that we can.>
I would really like to see those who exposed the CIA prisons be indicted and jailed.
posted on
11/03/2005 5:11:13 PM PST
(Never Give Up - Never Give In - Remember Our Troops)
To: areafiftyone
This is great, thanks. Now if we could only get this info into the NYTimes! :-)
posted on
11/03/2005 5:13:11 PM PST
("Progressive" = code word for Communist/Nazi)
To: unionblue83
This is an email I received form Human Events about the book
Dear Fellow Conservative,
This is an email about one of the most powerful weapons of our time... "disinformation."
It's a weapon that is used on all of us over and over every day of our lives. How do I know this?
The deliberately suppressed list above is one reason. Here's another: Have you heard that Osama bin Laden is on kidney dialysis? I'll bet you have. Much of the Western media report bin Laden's presumed affliction as a matter of fact -- and most Americans believe it. But...'s just not true.
Now, you may well be thinking: "Why would the news media want to make me believe that Osama bin Laden is a very sick and perhaps dying man?" Well, here's why...
The news media are -- overwhelmingly -- against the Iraq War. The image of an aged, 6-foot, 8-inch Arab limping from cave to cave, trailing a camel loaded down with dialysis equipment -- eluding George W. Bush and the most powerful military in the world -- appeals to them enormously.
And so the myth lives on -- for SEVEN YEARS now! -- long past the normal life expectancy of patients hooked up to dialysis in the best hospitals, let alone the freezing, rugged mountains of the Afghan-Pakistani border.
There is a name for this phenomenon -- disinformation.
The term refers to the deliberate dissemination of FALSE information (and the intentional omission of TRUE information) for the purpose of confusing rivals or influencing public opinion.
Indeed, the false conclusion that "Bush lied, there were no WMDs in Iraq," is the main supporting claim of the anti-war Left. Without it, the movement collapses.
My name is Tom Winter, Editor in Chief of HUMAN EVENTS. It grieves me to admit that millions upon millions of Americans unknowingly accept blatant falsehoods as facts due to the power and prevalence of disinformation.
Take a look at some of the most pernicious lies that you have no doubt read or heard:
There is no connection between Iraq and al Qaeda
The U.S. funded the Taliban in the 1980s
Suitcase nukes are in place across America
Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA
Halliburton made a fortune in Iraq
There were no Jews in the Word Trade Center on 9/11
What do each of these widely publicized, widely believed "facts" have in common? Here's what:
They are undeniably false... as you will discover in Disinformation, the new blockbuster book by veteran reporter Richard Miniter, and it will be my pleasure to send it to you FREE in hard cover, just for trying HUMAN EVENTS.
Rich Miniter's career sounds like something out of a spy thriller -- except it's real. In addition to writing for newspapers in the U.S., Western Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia, he has traveled with rebels into war zones in Uganda, Sudan and Burma and along smugglers' routes in Laos, Thailand and Cambodia.
Few reporters are more familiar with the methodology of disinformation -- the clever misdirection, false rumors, press manipulation, and endless repetition of falsehoods until they morph into "truth." Disinformation is a dark art, and Richard Miniter understands its shadings and subtleties.
posted on
11/03/2005 5:23:13 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: areafiftyone
The truth means nothing to the leftist, commie bastards. They make up the "truth" as they go along, and so does the MSM. But, the People are seeing through it, and that pi$$es them off.
posted on
11/03/2005 5:28:14 PM PST
(I'll die on my feet before I'll live on my knees.)
To: trooprally
So those young warriors who swore an oath to preseerve the Constitution and died doing it are what???? Symbols???
you don't hand over the rights people died preserving to the people responsible for their deaths...convicted felons lose their rights...end of story..and end of this discussion...
posted on
11/03/2005 5:28:16 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: trooprally
Germany and Japan SURRENDERED...and re-joined the world commuinty..and haven't tried to kill our citizens on a continuous basis..
posted on
11/03/2005 5:30:36 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: Neets; Darksheare; scott0347; timpad; KangarooJacqui; The Scourge of Yazid; Conspiracy Guy; ...
posted on
11/03/2005 5:58:04 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
Comment #32 Removed by Moderator
To: concretebob; iraqikurd; trooprally
I'm inclined to agree with Iraqikurd on this one, Bob.
I agree that all of our Constitutional rights should not be extended to suspected terrorists, but basic human rights should. I have always felt that torture was a barbaric and subhuman thing to consider, but that doesn't mean that modern interrogation techniques, including moderate brainwashing or de-conditioning, and chemical pursuaders should be forbidden.
I took pride in the fact that in the first Gulf War, Iraqi troops surrendered in droves to our men (and Machines!) It seemed to prove to me that civilised treatment of prisoners of war was the best way to win battles. Convincing your opponents to fight to the last man is just plain stupid, and costly in our lives as well as theirs.
We need to convince our friends and enemies that we have a better lifestyle, with freedom and justice for all, and not just a better war machine.
posted on
11/03/2005 6:42:41 PM PST
(If I were not a husband and father, I might be wealthier, but I wouldn't be richer.)
To: NicknamedBob
There is a rabid dog in your neighborhood. He has already attacked several of your neighbors and their children
You gonna break out the Kibbles & Bits, or the 30.30?
posted on
11/03/2005 7:46:53 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: areafiftyone
Thanks, areafiftyone!
posted on
11/03/2005 8:04:27 PM PST
Watery Tart
(Quote me as saying I was misquoted. --Groucho)
To: areafiftyone
The Democraps will allege that they didnt have all the information that Bush had, and that their information wasnt timely, and that only Bush acted, and that he acted without objectively evaluating all the information.
Its specious and inconsistant but its good enough for govt work.
To: NicknamedBob
The McCain Amendment -- SA 1977 -- Says The Following...
No individual in the custody or under the physical control of the United States Government, regardless of nationality or physical location, shall be subject to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment."
No cruel or inhuman treatment... that sounds reasonable... or does it?
But the phrase degrading treatment which could have been invented by Amnesty International -- is so vague and full of holes you could drive a Hummer through it.
Solitary confinement, harsh language, ridicule, mild threats, good-cop-bad-cop -- the Senate wants to outlaw all of these standard questioning techniques and restrict interrogators to the etiquette of a ladies lawn party.
These terrorists are butchering women and children all over the globe -- as well as launching sneak attacks on our troops and were supposed to walk on egg shells when we try to find out which Americans they intend to kill next?
Exactly what are our troops suppose to do when questioning these terrorist thugs in an attempt to save American lives?
"Pretty please Mr. terrorist... I beg you...could you please tell us the details of your NEXT attack on innocent Americans?"
That's about the size of it folks. After all, we will now have to be extra careful not to do ANYTHING THAT WOULD DEGRADE OR INSULT THESE KILLERS!
The U.S. Senate hasnt gotten the message: Were at war with fanatics who hate Americans.
These jihadists are willing to die for their faith, and we arent even willing to be ill-mannered to protect our freedom.
posted on
11/03/2005 8:09:35 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: NicknamedBob
We need to convince our friends and enemies that we have a better lifestyle, with freedom and justice for all, and not just a better war machine.Our friends don't need convincing and our enemies think our lifestyle is a tool of's why they are our enemies..
they tried to DESTROY that lifestyle on 9/11
anyone who believes TERRORISTS...islamo-extremists...alQueda... is worthy of the same treatment as criminals or prisoners of war is not thinking clearly..or does not understand the evil we are dealing with..
posted on
11/03/2005 8:44:14 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: NicknamedBob
(d) Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Defined.--In this section, the term "cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment'' means the cruel, unusual, and inhumane treatment or punishment prohibited by the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, as defined in the United States Reservations, Declarations and Understandings to the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment done at New York, December 10, 1984.Hell, let 'em vote too..and give 'em medial care, and social security.
posted on
11/03/2005 8:55:48 PM PST
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.)
To: concretebob
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