For every one of those 16,000 Californians that fraudulently voted, 16,000 honest hard working Americans who went out of their way to votethat day were disrespected to a level that I have not hear nearly enough outrage over. Did Al Gore, or George Bush, really win??? or is our system a trumped up crock of BS backed with absolutely identified high levels of voter fraud.
Many good Americans gave their lives for the right to vote and maintain our country according the the constitiution and principals of a representative republic. They have been betrayed by every person who was allowed to submit a false, fraudulent vote.
People who submite graudulent votes outght to be charged with crimes against the government and for outright fraud.
What the hell am I hearing today on TV that making people identify themselves to vote constitutes disctimination to immigrants ? Those are the ramblings of the thives who support the lying and deceit and would love to cheat America out of our proper elections.
There must be a Federal Level Law requiring standardization in voting - not at a State by State basis. How dare the importance of a vote in say Pennsylvania be made any more or less influential, valuable, or weighted than a vote cast in California ???
To belittle my vote by diluting the voting pool with false votes deprives myself of my full right to vote, and it is my constitutional right to case a full vote !!!
Anyone who has registered to vote would get a voter registration card mailed back to them. If you're homeless, but still a US Citizen - go physically get the card when you register to vote.
How dare non-US citizens vote. That's like me flying over to France during the elections to cast a ballot in a country in which I have no say !!! Even worse, the majority of the false Californian voters aren't even real people, totally fictitious characters.
US citizens who are comvicted Felons still do not have the right to vote, even if their families have been in this country since the Revolutionary war - get it ?
What are the Californian voter precinct volunteers smoking instead of giving a damn about the US political system, or is it OK / justified in their minds that they can create a majority where one does not exist ?
The Carmel Pine Cone is like most of the other vile/anti conservative throw away fishwraps.
They hate conservatives and GW.
Are we beeing setup for the Nov 3rd story of 'Bush didn't win, it was them phoney votes'? I still think Pat Buchanan will pull 3-8% of the vote in Florida despite not being on the ballot.
Governor Arnold I garuntee you at least has staff that will come across this article and post at FR.
I suggest you staff members please get The Gov. to impliment changes to clean up the voter rolls.
As long as cheating can happen, those that can best cheat will benefit and gain the most influence in California which is not good.
Time to act!
And if you try to pass laws requiring proper identification to vote you are a racist!
This story is six years old. Bill Jones is not the Sect'y of State anymore, the embattled Kevin Shelley is.
A follow-up to this would note that Jones ended up purging (as I recall) over 160,000 names from state voter rolls against vehement opposition from the Democrats in the Assembly and the Senate.
You wrote this article for WND in '98 under the pseudonym "Joseph Farah"? Amazing.
From the post: "Once again, here's evidence that we don't have a two-party system in America. We have a one-party system with factions that protect each other and preserve a status quo of official lawlessness. " From 1998 - to today - nothing changes. And how can you get a federal law making every state follow the same requirements when both sides look the other way "when told" to do so - ?
When one(people) doesn't pay attention to the important issues - they get what they deserve - (such as corrupt elections). A cause for America's downfall - ? What a way to go - and so easy - !
I believe the issue here is that this potential still exists in many states.
And my question to you folks is (drum roll, please...)
Is it Kerry voters who take advantage,
GWB voters who take advantage???
"Uh-uh. Jones is content to collect his paycheck..."
Bill Jones is not the secretary of state.
We need a national biometric-based identification system, or votes and jobs will continue to be stolen by ineligible people. If there' no solid way to ascertain individuals' identities, there's no way to secure the voting system, and no way to keep illegal aliens at bay.
More voter fraud PING.
This is going to be a real problem come elections.
Please Pass Emergency Anti-Vote Fraud Measure Immediately!
Vote fraud threatens the very core of our republic, and it directly threatens our sovereignty
Please send the following message to your Congressmen and Senators:
Please pass, on an expedited basis, emergency legislation to require voters to show ID at all polling places on Election Day.
Vote fraud threatens the very core of our republic, and it directly threatens our sovereignty. There is a significant amount of evidence emerging that evinces a wide-spread plot to engage in massive voter fraud. Thus, Congress must take immediate action to counter this potential menace.
Congress has the express power to dictate the time, place, and manner in which federal elections are held. The congressional power to make or alter time, place, or manner of federal elections extends to the regulation of voter registration. Federal regulation of the electoral processes, including the regulation of federal voter registration, is also consistent with the Tenth Amendment and permissible; although states do have broad discretion to enact and implement registration procedures, states may not transgress the Constitution. It follows that state voter registration and Election Day statutes that are inconsistent with federal voter registration and Election Day mandates are preempted.
As per the Federal Court in Byrd v. Brice, the government may require a voter to furnish proof of identity at the polling place on Election Day. Such a measure would go a long way in protecting citizens federal voting rights from fraudulent practices.
Please set to work immediately on enacting emergency legislation to require a valid ID at the polling places on Election Day.