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Romney on Advancing Same-Sex Marriage Bill: ‘Congress—and I—Esteem and Love All of Our Fellow Americans Equally’
Cybercast News Service ^
| November 17, 2022 | 11:32AM EST
| Staff
Posted on 11/17/2022 10:12:07 PM PST by Olog-hai
Sen. Mitt Romney (R.-Utah), who was the losing Republican presidential nominee in 2012, voted on Wednesday to move forward to a final vote in the Senate on the “Respect for Marriage Act,” which would recognize same-sex marriages in federal law.
“While I believe in traditional marriage, Obergefell is and has been the law of the land upon which LGBTQ individuals have relied,” said Romney. “This legislation provides certainty to many LGBTQ Americans, and it signals that Congress—and I—esteem and love all of our fellow Americans equally.”
“This legislation provides important protections for religious liberty—measures which are particularly important to protect the religious freedoms of our faith-based institutions,” said Romney. …
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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KEYWORDS: assistantdemocrat; assistantdemocrats; fdrq; gaymirage; gaystapo; genderdysphoria; gopestablishment; homofascism; homosexualagenda; judicialactivism; lavendermafia; magicunderwear; miltromley; miltromney; mitt; mittens; mittromney; mittwit; muttdumbney; mythromney; nevertrumpers; obamalegacy; obergefellvhodges; pervert; pierredefecto; pierredelecto; pierrerejecto; rino; rinomney; rinos; rmoney; romney; sodomandgomorrah; ssm; uniparty; utah; willard
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Lie some more, Mittens.
posted on
11/17/2022 10:12:07 PM PST
To: Olog-hai
Gosh,that is wonderful...Think about how many small businesses will go under if they don’t knuckle under the LGBT flag......Wonderful to see how many ruined families will be out there....(barf/Sarcasm)
posted on
11/17/2022 10:14:16 PM PST
Hambone 1934
(Dems love playing Nazis.....The republicans love helping them)
To: Olog-hai
It would explain why the Mormon church gave its blessings to same-sex unions.
posted on
11/17/2022 10:15:35 PM PST
(Some men want to see the world burn. It is they that want you to buy an ele, ctric car.)
To: Hambone 1934
I see you have the unfortunate gift of being able to read Romney’s mind.
posted on
11/17/2022 10:15:54 PM PST
("No Republican, no matter how liberal, is going to woo a Democratic vote." -- Ronald Reagan, 1960)
To: All
Be honest, Pierre:
You disdain and despise all of us peasants equally.
To: Olog-hai
Typical spineless GOP Establishment Mitt Romney
I voted for this piker because Obama was worse
But they’re quite similar - and Mitt proves that every week it seems
posted on
11/17/2022 10:17:27 PM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: Olog-hai
What a lousy piece of stinking scheisse. He's the ultimate king of the "seriously conservative" carpetbaggers.
posted on
11/17/2022 10:20:07 PM PST
Governor Dinwiddie
(LORD, grant thy people grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil.)
To: SaveFerris
“I voted for this piker because Obama was worse”
I did too but I wish I could have my vote back. Mittens was never going to win California (where I live) anyway, so my vote for him was pointless.
To: irishjuggler
Mitt constantly takes “the world wide-path”
He thinks he’s gonna be a “god” of some world so he always “goes with the flow”.
posted on
11/17/2022 10:25:10 PM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: Olog-hai
Lie some more, Mittens. He is like a screaming banshee. When he is on, I switch channels.
posted on
11/17/2022 10:33:30 PM PST
(Retired USAF air traffic controller. Father of USAF pilot. USAF aviation runs in the family )
To: Olog-hai
With the proposed bill, Congress establishes a religion that rejects the Bible, bans free speech, and dictates association; all, aimed at destroying the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights that have stood in the way of the liberals’ grasping for power.
posted on
11/17/2022 10:34:38 PM PST
To: SaveFerris
He thinks he’s gonna be a “god” of some world so he always “goes with the flow”.🤪😆🤗🤭😀😩🥹😂
posted on
11/17/2022 10:38:03 PM PST
(Retired USAF air traffic controller. Father of USAF pilot. USAF aviation runs in the family )
To: Olog-hai
To: SaveFerris
>> Mitt constantly takes “the world wide-path”
Matthew 7:13. ;-)
posted on
11/17/2022 10:44:34 PM PST
Nervous Tick
(Truth is not hate speech.)
To: Olog-hai
>> “Congress—and I—esteem and love all of our fellow Americans equally...”
So Mitt: if a border-jumping wetback rapist “loves” your 12 year old niece (or nephew!) at knife-point, you’re cool with that? Yeah, I guess you are, aren’t you, Mittens.
And all the rest of you twelve RINOs can joyfully follow Mitt down into the pit of hell. Fabulous!
posted on
11/17/2022 10:48:46 PM PST
Nervous Tick
(Truth is not hate speech.)
To: Dagnabitt
posted on
11/17/2022 10:49:48 PM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: Nervous Tick
The way of the world - whatever is "trending"
whatever Hollywood sells
whatever the media sells
posted on
11/17/2022 11:03:38 PM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: Mark17
posted on
11/17/2022 11:04:25 PM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: Olog-hai
"Congress—and I—esteem and love all of our fellow Americans equally.”
Except they don't treat all of our fellow Americans equally.
posted on
11/17/2022 11:09:16 PM PST
("Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." ~~ John Wayne )
To: Olog-hai
So he loves pedophiles equally? Can’t believe how many Mormons held their nose and voted for this weasel just because he’s a fellow Mormon. Just shows how gullible they must be.
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