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White slaughter in South Africa?
World Net Daily ^
| February 9, 2004
Posted on 02/09/2004 5:59:12 AM PST by joesnuffy
FROM JOSEPH FARAH'S G2 BULLETIN White slaughter in South Africa? Plans made to conduct campaign of genocide after Mandela's death
Posted: February 9, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern
Editor's note: Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is an online, subscription intelligence news service from the creator of a journalist who has been developing sources around the world for the last 25 years.
© 2004
While former South African President Nelson Mandela, 85, scoffs at rumors of ill health, plans are being made by the nation's Communist Party to slaughter all whites in the country upon his death, G2B sources say.
One of the operations planned entails 70,000 armed black men "being transported to the Johannesburg city center within an hour" in taxicabs to attack whites.
The plans are variously dubbed "Operation Vula," "Night of the Long Knives," "Operation White Clean-up," "Operation Iron Eagle" and "Red October campaign."
Operation "Our Rainy Day" was to be carried out after the death of Nelson Mandela and would have entailed blacks being transported to the largest cities in taxis.
The assailants were expected to "take over" fuel points and massacre whites. The attacks would lead to a coup.
Sources say most blacks in the country are aware of the plans. When racial disputes occur, blacks often tell whites, "Wait until Mandela dies.
"White people in South Africa can deny it to the end of the earth, but we are in real danger," one resident said. "This is no joke and any person with half a brain can see that this rumor has spiraled out of control."
Many whites are now convinced a vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing will follow Mandela's death whenever it comes. Some are making preparations for retreats.
"I have prepared myself and we have a gathering place where we can fortify for four weeks after Mandelas death," said one white South African. "If nothing happens it will be a miracle."
The Red October campaign is allegedly a Communist plot to oust President Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki would be replaced by Cyril Ramaphosa.
"I was starting to think I was going nuts!" said another white South Africa resident. "'Operation Uhuru' or 'Operation White Clean-up' is definitely no rumor. I spoke to someone who told me that some blacks in Zimbabwe have also confirmed that this 'event' will take place. My cousin stays on a farm in Mpumalanga, not too far from Johannesburg. A black police officer in that district told his white colleague that they are going to kill us like flies, and there is nothing we can do about it. And that they also don't care if we know."
Meanwhile, Mandela, obviously aware of the growing rumors, last week assured the public he is well.
"My health is all right," he told reporters in Cape Town. "I'm doing very well. Others have gone further and said I am on the eve of going to my grave. If that day comes, I will go and knock at the door of heaven. ... They will look at the list and say: 'Your name is not here ... can you try next door?'"
Concern about Mandela's health surfaced last month when he canceled a scheduled meeting with visiting German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. The former president was at the time relaxing on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius.
Mandela joked that when his time comes, "I will look for a branch of the ANC (the ruling African National Congress) in that world (and) I'll join it."
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TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: africawatch; ethniccleansing; massacre; southafrica
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To: Siamese Princess
To the left, people of non-European Christian or Jewish stock are by definition non-White, even if they are white-skinned
The libs are daft. Why do we still have that stupid Race box in the census? How many English-Jewish-Native American-Greek-Italians have married Irish-French-Indian-Arab-Chinese? That box is of no use except to divide up 'Americans'.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:37:42 AM PST
To: Cronos
Which takes us to the earlier post of the eight stages of genocide.
(many countries which list the us as an enemy view the USA as a nation of "muts". Even if you were from the old country, the USA has "contaminated" your being.)
To: longtermmemmory
You mean MUTTS, Mongrels, pariash, half-breeds, barbarians, non-kulturny, canaille, etc. etc.
Well, the US has corrupted your sense of being English or Irish or Italian or whatever. Once you're in America you are American, you have an American culture and an American language. Period. Nothing else, no African-American, no European-American, no native-American, no hyphenated Americans at all.
posted on
02/10/2004 2:08:38 AM PST
To: joesnuffy
Basically the communist plan is to give credit to this slaughter for progressism to progressism itself, and not to an individual like Mandela...
To: Cronos
True, most likely the Indians would take over Eastern Africa -- after all, most of the economy in East and South Africa is run by indian merchants. When Idi Amin chucked them out of Uganda, he destroyed his country's economy -- to the benefit of the UK who had some pretty smart businessmen come across -- like lord Paul who saved the London Zoo from going under. That's a good point!
To: Cronos
Well, quite frankly both Russia and China have equally (non)-valid claims to Siberia. If the Chinese occupy that land, they're going for liebenstraum, the same as the Russians did in the 1800s. Well, I suppose that Eskimos had Siberia before either of one of them, but they are in no position to do anything about it.
To: Cronos
Yes, Zimbabwe is NOT a race thing and if we try to potray it as that we play into Mugabe's hands. It's a dictatorship pure and simple. Mugabe is the same asHitler -- he's targetting aminority group and exterminating his enemies from the majority group as well. I doubt he really cares about the colour as long as he stays in power. He buys and pays off support in exchange for land.
To: Cronos
Normally in Africa, the administration is pretty ably run by Western Europeans, the business by Indians and other things by Africans. If the first two get out, the last group goes into decay -- as in Uganda. Oh, yes. I also read an article several years ago in The National Review pointing out that the British did more than the French to develop their colonies -- building railroads, port facilities, providing education, etc. -- but with decolonization they just walked away. The French, on the other hand, did less to uplift their colonial charges but were also under no illusion that the colonists were competent to run their own affairs. So the French, at least at the time the article was written, continued to provide administrators to and pay the bureaucracy of at least some of their former African colonies.
To: Cronos
The libs are daft. Why do we still have that stupid Race box in the census? How many English-Jewish-Native American-Greek-Italians have married Irish-French-Indian-Arab-Chinese? That box is of no use except to divide up 'Americans'. It is ridiculous. There is so much intermarriage (well, sometimes people don't bother getting married, but that's another story and another problem) between ethnic groups and even races.
To: Siamese Princess
Oh, yes. I also read an article several years ago in The National Review pointing out that the British did more than the French to develop their colonies -- building railroads, port facilities, providing education, etc. -- but with decolonization they just walked away.
oh, that's right, the Brits were better. tHe Belgians were the worst, nothign more than beast who rapedthe land -- the Congo is a testament to their ability. The French still have colonies in all but name. And they make profits out of them in West Africa. The French also got us involved in Vietnam which was really their own colonial war, like Algeria.
posted on
02/10/2004 4:04:01 AM PST
To: nopardons
A few Afrikaners, who immigrate here, don't admit to being Afrikaners, but NONE would call themselves " a Dutchman from SA" !
Do I have to remember ver batum my conversation with 4 other employees, learning about this man, and his heritage, and lifestyle in SA?
Yes it's only one man, yes it was only a few missionaries. Last time I checked that's how most people learn what they know is from A) reading, B) Experience, C)Hearsay.
He did say he is from a dutch blood, making him in some English terminology a Dutchman. Just like there are Irishmen, Scottish, German, and Englishmen. It's a word describing a person from a certain culture/country. No he didn't call himself a dutch man, he said he was dutch, and that he was born and raised in South Africa. That his great great grandfather was the first to live there.
What slum are you talking about? If you took the time to read my posts, and other posts in this thread, you'll see I've already admitted to being misinformed. However, I'll not be called a lier.
For what reason would I lie to these good people? For you to push a "skinhead" motive on me would mean you'd have to know me, and that's pushing the line, Freeper!
BTW= I do have sympathy for the Native American. My family is related to Cherokee, although not significant bloodline, but we are related. And I've done a little tiny bit of research, and discovered the way the Cherokee Nation lost it's land, how it was diminished, and taken from them. Many Cherokees were proud Americans, and did serve in some battles, and as chief politics representing their tribes in some ways. (I stopped my research at that point).
Either way, Nopardons, you're insensitive, jumpy, and rude. I don't give orders online, nor will I take them. If I ever see you commanding me to "Shut Up", or falsely, loosely accusing me again of lying, I'll report you as a possible "troll" (which you hinted around to me being in a later post).
posted on
02/10/2004 4:58:24 AM PST
(Why can't all of America be Commonwealth?)
To: nopardons
"Okay, " expert " without portfolio, armchair adviser to the world,tell me WHERE they should go. Bear in mind, dear, that there IS a maximum ( and it is a rather paltry sum ) on how much South Africans are allowed, by law, to take out of their bank accounts AND out of the country.Visas, to other countries, are very difficult to come by there and an American visa is on a lottery system, which one has to pay a LARGE sum for, and very few are given out."
So, what are YOUR credentials, wise and postulant one? It seems to me that the whites in South Africa would be better off taking their "rather paltry sum," and starting over somewhere else than staying there to be raped and murdered. This just seems like common sense, but common sense is said to be the rarest of all virtues (your post is proof).
"Since Nelson Mandela was and is a COMMUNIST and the ANC is made up of COMMUNISTS ,this article is spreading made up crap."
Duh! Anyone that has followed the events in South Africa in recent years has known that for a long time now. If you're going to wow me with your superior knowledge and wisdom-- you'll have to do better than stating the obvious.
"You should " wise up " and refrain from posting about topics you know less than nothing about and are incapable of understanding.Just a thought; else-wise, you prove what you you have just done.;^)"
Here's another thought to the wise: You would profit from following your own advice!
To: nopardons; AmericanVictory; hershey; Antoninus; laffercurve; Cronos
Again I would like to put forth my apology for only knowing so much. Those statements were based on the only knowledge I had on South Africa. When I read a post on the Freeper site, some I read and add no posts because I've learned something, some I read and add posts because I know something and want to share my opinion. It may not always be right, and I'm not trying to make points with anyone on this site > That is not my mission in life to kiss up to people by having cloned knowledge <. My mission in life is to learn, make mistakes and learn again. The people from South Africa do that too, don't they? ;) To Nopardons I am incredibly sorry that your bitterness toward the ignorance of some people on this site, has taken away from your compassion to understand, some people don't know it all. And maybe that's okay, as long as they are willing to learn. I am willing to learn, and if you'd taken the time to breath, read, and put yourself in my shoes from what experience I'd posted, you wouldn't have gone off the handle at me with such crudeness.
I was not crude, or outlandish in my thoughts, even if they weren't all correct. Now was I?
Nor was anyone else crude to me. Everyone so far has been very helpful, considerate, and educating. You have been too, but I'll not apologize to you for my ignorance.
Do you disagree with anything I've said in this posting so far?
posted on
02/10/2004 5:19:19 AM PST
(Why can't all of America be Commonwealth?)
To: Cronos
Thanks--didn't know that. All the more reason to hate Mugabe...
To: Nakatu X
All the more reason to hate Mugabe...
Yup, this ain't a black and white thing, it's mugabe's megalomania.
posted on
02/10/2004 5:55:08 AM PST
To: Siamese Princess
pointing out that the British did more than the French to develop their colonies -- building railroads, port facilities, providing education, etc. -- but with decolonization they just walked away. Former British colonies --- the USA, Canada, Australia etc seem to be the best off of any former colonies. Most former colonies are a huge mess.
posted on
02/10/2004 6:03:02 AM PST
To: Cronos
Sheesh, "white" is NOT a race, it's a skin tone.I know that ---- but saying there isn't such a thing as "white" would mean you'll have to tell the blacks there isn't such a thing as "black" and the hispanics that there isn't such a thing as "hispanics". It's all just a spectrum, but the blonder more north European end of that spectrum is going to fade away. It was just a mutation anyway and not all mutant strains survive.
posted on
02/10/2004 6:09:14 AM PST
To: Siamese Princess
The British left the best footprints, at least in colonies outside of Africa. They didn't leave alot of other colonies in the lurch, and they were better off. It also helped that unlike the French and Spanish (they were the worst) their society wasn't based on landownership and goldhunting. My mother is from Trinidad and Tobago which was chucked to the side by Spanish because they didn't find any gold. The British took it over, and the Spanish must be going OOPS because TT sits on top a lot of 'black gold'. Aside from that, most governments are run by black, by indians,etc. without incident. I strongly suspect that colonies away from Africa did well because they were far removed from pagan influence and the English government cared to educate the subjects properly.
posted on
02/10/2004 6:58:30 AM PST
To: cyborg
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Black natives of T&T drive the whites of the island for some reason or another in the last few decades?
posted on
02/10/2004 7:49:47 AM PST
To: junta
No that's not true. The problem now is recovering from the last government which was very corrupt, Basdeo Panday who gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clinton administration of all things with nothing to show for it.
posted on
02/10/2004 7:53:27 AM PST
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