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To: Cronos
Sheesh, "white" is NOT a race, it's a skin tone.

I know that ---- but saying there isn't such a thing as "white" would mean you'll have to tell the blacks there isn't such a thing as "black" and the hispanics that there isn't such a thing as "hispanics". It's all just a spectrum, but the blonder more north European end of that spectrum is going to fade away. It was just a mutation anyway and not all mutant strains survive.

337 posted on 02/10/2004 6:09:14 AM PST by FITZ
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I know that ---- but saying there isn't such a thing as "white" would mean you'll have to tell the blacks there isn't such a thing as "black" and the hispanics that there isn't such a thing as "hispanics". It's all just a spectrum, but the blonder more north European end of that spectrum is going to fade away. It was just a mutation anyway and not all mutant strains survive.

Maybe cloning will save "Whites" from extinction. The governments could mass produce and raise children, as in Brave New World.

344 posted on 02/10/2004 10:35:13 AM PST by Siamese Princess
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