This is why they changed from “Global Warming” to “Climate Change”. Just wait, they’ll come up with some reason why human activity is causing this, and we should all give up our cars to stop it.
From the book of Thunbergians: Greta wept.
Presenting data without error bars should be a criminal offense.
What we have here are very small variations without any information as to the accuracy of the measuring equipment itself, the inaccuracies of the measurement methods, etc. (I spent 10 years of my life as an experimental nuclear physicist, and there is no such thing as a “precise” measurement. There are always errors connected to everything, and a smart guy by the name of
Gauss gave us error propagation calculation centuries ago. Use it.)
There could well be a +/- 1° possible inaccuracy, which would render pretty much all of that data, or rather the conclusions drawn therefrom, mostly worthless.
Also, suppressing the origin, as in the first graphic, should be another criminal offense.
Facts don’t matter, only climate models matter.
Natural cycles have only been accurately catalogued for about a hundred years. And when the results did not match their “models”, they lied about it.