They like ripping the heads and feet off of chickens just for the fun of it.
So the NWS is calling for 2 1/2 days with good chances of thunderstorms with the wind never getting over 6 mph. ???
Tested retracting the window actuator to 50% overnight when the temp got below 70 degrees. It worked.
Now I want to try it with wind which is easy and will work just like the temp did, but also have it open/extend fully after wind dies down, which is tricky.
Guess I’ll shoot for 10 mph to close/retract it half way. Ain’t no way we get thunderstorms without some wind higher than 6 mph.
Thunderstorms with NO wind means it’s a slow-moving SOAKER. Do you need one?
The FIRST thing ripped off of my greenhouse are the roof vents. I’ve replaced both of them so far. If I get a wind from the East, they’re toast. My ‘weather’ normally comes from the West.
We’ve gone two full days without rain - but more is predicted for tonight. I REALLY need to mow - but when? Man, this season SUCKS from beginning to end. And if this weather pattern continues to hold, I’ll be butt-deep in snow all winter. Ugh!
Where’s this Global Warming they’re always advertising? My nighttime temps are in the 60’s! How can I ripen my tomatoes? I guess this season it’s Green Tomato Chutney, LOL!