When you deal in cash and paper, making change is quick and easy. You count back the change, starting with the price, up to the amount the customer handed you. My dad taught me when I was a kid, and I made change that way at a job for many years.
So, I, too, couldn’t understand why other cashiers had trouble when I could count change quickly in my head.
But, then... I took a retail job with a computer at the cash register. My old method of counting change didn’t work there. We had to input the amount the customer gave us. Then, the price would vanish, and only the change due would display. One busy day, a customer decided to change her amount of tender after I input it, and I had my own brain-freeze moment. Now, I will never judge another cashier again.
>> Then, the price would vanish, and only the change due would display. <<
That’s a bummer! Thanks for telling us thag— I had no idea!