"Teach a doctor to perform an appendectomy and they'll pay you for a day.
Teach a doctor to cut off a teen's genitals, and they'll pay you for life."
Should Med Schools Strive To Produce Competent Physicians Or Social Activists?
Nurse: Doctor you have the scalpel upside down
Doctor: You sure
Nurse: Yes it’s why your thumb is bleeding
Ask the patients at Baylor Scott & White Surgicare in North Dallas.
Doc has bad record in surgery. Complains that they are "picking on him". So decided to make sure other doctors start having bad records as well by injecting various drugs into the IV bags.
Where would he have gotten the idea that this was an acceptable way to handle things?
He was just imposing equity. Every doctor at the facility now has equally bad outcomes.
Eliminate medical school and competency exams. Just give them a facemask and a scalpel and let them have at it.
Social activists that wont treat people with the wrong skin color, and treat terribly those with the approved color and fluidity.