So they didn’t evolve in 2 million years? It’s almost like evolving isn’t a real thing.
They evolved to perfection & then stopped. /s
So, you didn’t read the article, so your criticism isn’t a real thing.
Evolution ALWAYS occurs, except when it doesn’t. Lousy explanation. The tired mantra of climate, and geologic isolation selecting mutation or non mutation genes doesn’t seem to be operative in this case. It turns out the plant had other techniques already in place. Well, glory be.
Note: the enzymes already present in a eukaryotic cell that are involved in the transposon (DNA) cellular system, and the RETROtransposon(RNA) are why I believe adding any extraneous DNA or mRNA to the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell is potentially harmful to the health, and function of that cells genome. Any advanced college level textbook on cell biology should explain the process involved for the transposon/retrotransposon system.
Evolution is driven by environmental stressors. No stress, very little change.
Dinosaurs may be found lurking in the foliage.