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To: Robert DeLong

You can’t reason with these folks

On the one hand Russia is still ussr and Putin Stalin bent on world hegemony

Then it’s Russia can’t defeat Ukraine

So how can they take over the world

The gas station with nukes

32 posted on 06/09/2023 8:27:52 AM PDT by wardaddy (Technology is not by default an improvement )
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To: wardaddy
Oh I know, but I enjoy reminding these people, especially this one, what idiots they are.

Furthermore, they the temerity to believe themselves to be the patriotic Americans, while relegating us to be Putin supporters.

This particular idiot told me he chose to come to this site because of the diversity of opinion regarding the Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Lastly, apparently he is unaware that Russia has 1o times the nuclear capability as do we. He's a clueless idiot, or he is pure evil.

35 posted on 06/09/2023 3:01:50 PM PDT by Robert DeLong
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To: wardaddy

Your narrative is incorrect.

The Russian federation is not the USSR though Putin aspires it to be the USSR. the RF is a local power at best, not even a first rate power.

But, we didn’t know that until we saw the Russian military get crushed by the Ukrainians.

This is analogous to the Tsardom of Russia’s situation until the 1853 Crimean war — until that time the Tsardom had attacked central asian khanates and the ottoman and Persian empires - all of which were stuck,, military-wise, in the 17th century. So the Russians ran over them.

But when they faced modern opponents, they crumbled.

This was also seen in the 1905 war with Japan

This was also seen in the start of the Great war in 1914 - when Russia thought artillery was the way forward and lost quickly to the Germans at Tannenburg etc.

However Putin seems to have ignored all of this and is still parading the narrative of “from Lisbon to Vladivostok” - which is now as hilarious as Mongolia saying that — but “almost” as , Russia can still do a lot of damage, but can’t win

So, your question is “is Russia a threat yet they can’t defeat Ukraine” - and the answer is both — They are a decaying power that is not yet decayed, and worse does not realize it is decayed.

The ordinary Russians over 40 still have grandiose ideas of conquest, they still are fed the “stab in the back” idea of why the USSR fell. They do not acknowledge that their day in the sun has past - like France and the UK in the Suez crisis, only far worse - meaning Russia is far weaker than France in 1953.

It is a bully who doesn’t realize that the other boys have grown up - but he is still slightly bigger.

48 posted on 06/12/2023 5:44:21 AM PDT by Cronos
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