They must be proud of Adam Schiff...
I’m waiting to see what the “celebrities” do when one of their own gets mugged, raped, or murdered.
These homeless druggies are going to have to be harshly dealt with. Kids can’t play outside because a bunch of freaks are living in a tent in the front yard. Ok.... that makes total sense in a woke society. Leftists are such sick freaks. Totally degenerate communists.
Case in point, here’s my former actor co-worker Scott Baio’s active “for sale” listing of his Hollywood mansion. He bought it, years ago, from a 2nd AD for over $1 million. Nice profit. Scott is moving to either Florida or Montana.
Sherman Oaks, the world-renowned detective, used to be the central character in a series of Minute Mysteries.
At least those elites won’t have to drive very far to find their drugs.
A couple vagrants are living in their car a few miles south of me. They parked on a jut out on the road a couple weeks ago. The entire area around their cars are already surrounded by piles of trash.
Beverly Hills
That’s where I want to be
(Gimme gimme, gimme gimme)
But, where would you move to, out where the peasant class lives? No situation is just need to vote in a few more SJW programs, show people how to do democratic socialism "right."
Just stay where you're at and continue to do it in your own areas.....the rest of us will look in from the outside and learn from your stupidity successes.
You're doing great!
Whatever you reward you get more of.
Whatever you punish you get less of.
Our cities are becoming hell holes simply because Democrats want them to be. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they want this?
Answer - it is easier to siphon money from the public treasury (all in the name of doing good) when there are so many problems.
Setting for a new “Beverly Hills Cop” episode?
Shouldn’t they be welcoming the homeless into their homes? Communism for thee but not for me.
Today’s good news story. I hope these so called homeless crap in elitists yards, climb fences and steal objects to buy drugs, dance naked in the streets and leave their virus infected needles laying all over the place.
I got an itch. Maybe I get a tent and go camping to Beverley Hills!
Tent dwellers are not homeless.
The tent dwellers ar those who choose to squat on public lands having tents as their homes.
Were the plains Indians who dwelled in Tipi’s homeless? No they lived in portable homes on tribal lands
This all started when they let those damn Hillbillies move in 60 or so years ago, and it’s been downhill ever since.
I don’t see the problem.