It was a done deal, first thing in the morning, Tuesday.
The problems began rolling in.
This provided enough evidence to me that the RINOs were complicit.
It is time to point the finger of devastation at the Demonicrats and RINOs.
They have now VOTED in favor of illegals raping our children, an economy that is imploding with debt, babies being sliced&diced as they exit the vaginal canal then being left to bleed out.
BRANCO’s cartoon shows everything that the Demonicrat voters asked for, begged for and now...OWN everything.
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All these things are theirs and I won’t lift an effing finger to solve any of it.
Romney owns it, McConnell owns it, Ryan owns it, Nonna McDaniel owns it, Cindy and Megan McNoName own it.
Let them fix it.
Make them accountable.
FOR GOD’s SAKE...DO SOMETHING! should be our cry to the RINOs in our locale.
I’ll just keep living my life as a free man.
Prominent pollster says time for America to mandate all ballots be counted on Election Day
FDA claims about boosters and kids branded ‘misinformation,’ research questions youth vaccination
In the Left’s New Tack on Abortion, Pro-Lifers See a Miscarriage of Facts
A veteran medical examiner who reviewed 4000 Covid deaths explains how many were REALLY from Covid (and how many were of healthy people)
Covid “vaccines” cause myocarditis and pericarditis but Covid infections do not. Huge 500k+ participant study.
What Happened on Election Night? I Think I Have Some Answers
(Before I get pilloried, I think fraud is responsible for a good deal of what happened, especially the close races, but I also think we are still stuck with a lot of stupid people voting.)
Yale University requiring bivalent booster shot for spring semester
Yale University is requiring students to get bivalent COVID booster shot by the 2023 spring semester.
Faculty and staff are automatically exempt from the mandates.
Democrats are stuck with Biden now
Don’t Blame Gen Z for Voting Democrat, Blame the People Who Told Them To
(I think fraud was why a lot of demonrats won the close races, but the fraud that would have had to have been committed to get them the W would have been so large and comically inept had not so many Gen Z people collected ballots from their friends, er, excuse me, I mean voted. But not to worry. They won’t be breeding.)
2022 birth decline in Germany and Sweden explained by ‘vaccines’
It’s Not Cognitive Dissonance. It’s Doublethink.
The Machine rolls on.
I seriously expect no defunding of Ukraine, either.
The UKR is a pay off to everyone to keep it going.
Something better Give, after a Four Year R&D coup against Trump, and Two More Years of the Communist installment of the Biden regime, many Re-Elected. Nothing answered by House or Senate R’s.