Leggy tomatoes. Don’t try to dig a hole that will accept the entire height.
Dig a hole, fertilize; dig a small trench on one side; Lay your Leggy Tom roots in the hole (flatten them out...remove any peat pot or jiffy pot netting) and lay the stem in the trench with most of the top and branches above the soil line. Bury. Mulch around it to protect from mud splashing up on the leaves!
It should develop additional roots and do just fine. (There I Think I Learned that here...was that you Diana?)
“There I Think I Learned that here...was that you Diana?”
Nope. My motto is, ‘Stacking Them Deep and Selling Them Cheap!’ :)
Oh, probably. I live to serve. I’ll answer questions that aren’t even direct at me! ;)
Bet you it was Greeneyes if it wasn’t Diana. Miss her!