My doctor asks me every fall, “Do you want a flu vax?”
I say, No, thank you.” (see...I can be polite.)
She moves on to the next item.
Note: She knows better than to ask me “Why not?”
That’s how I feel about the second pneumonia vax. The first one nearly crippled me. I have refused the second one so far.
I do the same thing, just a simple “no, thank you.”
My DH, on the other hand, always asks the doctor if they’ve gotten the efficacy rate for the flu shot up for the elderly. The doctor just sighs and changes the subject.
The VA, who harps on me about most everything (I usually take a wait and see attitude)
not one time asked about the flu shot when I said no all those many years ago.
and not one time was I asked about getting the jab(s).