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RitaOK wrote:


Many conservatives believe the Vax is still harmless enough to take. POTUS has claimed to have taken it. Bannon and team do not discuss any fear of the ingredients, nor does Lindell and his team seem to fear the ingredients.

No personalities known to be for Trump speak of the Vax as anything to fear.

Why is that? Are we That boxed in, by the Cabal?


I believe there is a threat held over the US if POTUS and his people speak against the 'vaccines' and that whatever it was, it was worse than allowing people to be 'vaccinated'. Whatever it is is worse than losing one's job, housing and the respect of one's neighbors or family. I now believe this part of the 'show' is largely driven by the Pfizer contract

I now think that America, and her President(s) and their administration(s) are bound by the contract Pfizer (the stalking horse of China) likely made with China Biden.

I do wonder if perhaps Obama made the contract with PFizer during his term- and Hillary was to have conducted it. The plandemic was prepared and ready to go when Hillary lost - that may have been part of the panic - they promised China military bases in the US and elsewhere if they didn't fulfil their PFizer contract requiring them to make promises to 'vaccinate' according to a rigid schedule and terms (why? because it's wartime strategy). 

The Biden regime is expected to utilize excuses like posing 'vaccine hesitancy' as a DHS 'terrorism threat' in order to ostracize, arrest, put in camps those most resistant to tyranny PRIOR to China/UN arrival. If the Biden Regime can frighten and bully the entire American public into lockdown (e.g., Australia), the UN (China) could take the country and enslave us all without firing a shot.

What sort of opposition would China and our enemies face conquering the US if we were first 'secured' in our homes under lockdown, fear etc and a portion of us required medical attention to recover from vaccination while hospitals had collapsed by  design?

This determination to invest all this time in game playing to get us to surrender to our enemies rather than fight seems to support the analysis that China doesn't have the confidence it portrays - it is actually quite weak and lacks infrastructure and capacity. China needs our traitors to hand them what they cannot take for themselves: The United States of America.

We don't know exactly what our country's contract with Pfizer states, but we can make some assumptons based on the requirements of other nations' contracts. Portions of the plot to overthrow the United States are not written in the version of the Pfizer contract available to the public (eventually) so we only glimpse part of the threat held over us.

This battle appears to be played on the edge of knife - with POTUS et. al. holding to the rule of law (the contract(s)) because the alternative is conventional warfare against China, the UN and all its allies as China asserts that the US violated its contract and is therefore 'entitled' to seize sovereign assets by force, including military bases in the US.

Imagine what would it be like to have China occupy key military bases in the US.

It appears that the contract requires US administration people to support the 'vaccines' and if they don't - then China gets bases and other assets like tax payer dollars, military hardware etc.

This is likely the Faustian Bargain that BardsFM talked about - he said POTUS was faced with a Faustian Bargain, which by design those who accept the bargain lose either way. 

So my interpretation of that is POTUS had to stand back, give the 'vaccine reins to Pence', and not interfere (which means we are defeated medically) or refuse to do so and either engage in a combative struggle wtih China and all their UN allies or per the contract give China American miliatry bases, hardware and money to defeat us from within. We would chose between a 'contract violation' that would pit the US against most of the world or adhere to the contract and equip all our enemies to defeat us swiftly.

Once again, this is another sign they are not confident they are equipped to win a conflict - they are grasping at US resources to do so (*lookin' at you, China Biden*).

So I think BardsFM is correct, it's a lose-lose Faustian Bargain. However, Bards also made the point that POTUS was WINNING. By definition - he's supposed to lose either way, but he's not losing...unless WE THE PEOPLE fail to come through.

We are suffering terrible casualties - this is indeed war, but we can still win the Faustian Bargain for our country, our President and his warriors, because We the People never signed the contract. If We The People resist the mandates, vaccines, lockdowns while the POTUS and all his people support them per contract requirements, AMERICA WINS. Whatever the contract terms are, China/UN are in a far weaker position if our government complies with the terms in 'good faith', while the  American people do not. 

Our President and his administration are counting on us to resist.

We either face UN/China/their allies in a conventional war (just add some space ships and lasers) or we say "NO!" to mandates, lockdowns, masks. POTUS et. al. desperately want us to save ourselves from harm, and in so doing, save our country.

God expects us to resist - in the Bible, time and time again, God would tell the oppressed that if they would not stand up against evil, even after He promised that He would fight for them, then He would give them over to their enemies to become slaves.

Biden's regime is even more fake than we realize. They pretend they have more power to force/compel than they actually have.

Biden controls window dressing military and portions of corrupt stae and local governments. But remember what happened at the Richmond, Virginia Second Amendment Protests? The rest of the country didn't leave Virginians to fight that takeover effort alone. People from all over the country, and even patriots and foreigners overseas flew in to attend the protest because they saw the domino effect beginning. Lose in VA, then other states seize guns, then America is disarmed, then all other nations are left without the Champion of the Free World. Freedom won that day.

To break the hold on our country, we have to help other towns, other states, other organizations and schools for the same reasons.

Unity didn't happen enough in Australia, and hasn't been happening here much at all - yet, because our enemies carefully gauge how angry they can make us, incite just enough outrage, by directing their abuses at soft targets or small enough, strategic targets, without provoking us all to respond at the same time. 

The rest of us complain but don't drive 2 states away to stand outside city hall or picket the school board meeting. Many of us object to how the police and medical staff in our own towns are being treated, but we haven't joined the picket lines or flooded the town halls sufficiently or else they wouldn't still be enduring abuses. This is partly the reason why states are enacting 'quarantine' rules for those crossing state lines now; they want to prevent out-of-state support from flowing in from surrounding states. That's why the Soviets had to have papers and checkpoints - never let the public gather in force. Literally, United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

In Australia, they selected a few provinces (is that the right term?) to lock down first, never provoking the rest who watched, worried and complained. Once secured, they picked off a few more. They told people it was too dangerous (Covid) for them to talk to their neighbors. They threatened people with fines (and police thugs beat protesters). A significant part of the country is already secured, unable to support those remaining. Every day they lock down another region, they reduce the potential maximum size of the resistance from free people they'll face.

Across the world, many nation's governments are weaponized against their people. Our enemies are not wearing cammo - they are thugs in beaurocratics' suits. There's a book about sociopaths titled, "Snakes in Suits" and it could have been written about all those government officials across the world - lying us into slavery with fake promises of 'safety'. 

The Australian government is hardening restraints on the first secured countries, the fines doubled and the distance they can travel from their homes was cut from 10Km to 5Km. At the same time, the government is now drawing a few  more free provinces into the quicksand. This piecemeal plan is taking place in the US too - they are doing it this way because they could never resist 50 states worth of patriots at once. With the limited resistance occuring, the governments  pretend to restreat when they meet real resistance, just long enough to diffuse it through other means. However, these traitors will not stop until they win or we stop them. 

Yesterday I posted a thread requesting that people email/call/postcard the college locking down its students and almost all posts responding were indignant insistance by those who told me they would do NOTHING and it didn't matter anyway. Their posts to me were longer than the email they could send using the email address I provided - and one assured me he had better things to do with his time/money (free email? type a post to me?)

I believe it is excruciatingly painful for President Trump, General Flynn, Q etc. to watch us comply with our abusers. It is in their nature to fight and protect, and in their oath to protect us, but right now we're the tip of the spear. The fate of the country relies on the citizens to refuse to comply.

At the top of the current Q thread is a video Il Presidento Trumpo linked showing 'how it's done. In front of a school attempting to force compliance with illegal mask mandates, someone diligently pressed the police officer, presumably present to enforce mask mandates at the school (prevent school students from enterring without masks), to state what literal course of action he would take if students enterred without masks. The officer tried hard not to admit the mandates were not enforceable laws, while two masked officials stood in the doorway to 'explain' to students they couldn't enter.

At least one man present managed, through persistent questioning, to determine that the officer was saying he would not treat the mandate like a law (arrest for violating a mandate). The man turned to students and said, "Okay, they can't touch you, go in!" He coached them, the officials stood in the door while 'coach' kept saying to the students, "Go in! They can't touch you. They can't touch you." The police didn't intervene. The officials stood in the door not moving, but the students persisted closing in and finally the illusion of the Rule of Tyranical Mandate was broken, and replaced by the Rule of Law, and the students enterred the school.

We're allowing ourselves to be controlled by an illusion of power. Yes, there really are some some thugs with nightsticks nightsticks. Some regions have fully corrupt lawlessness in play and some law enforcment 'make an example' for the rest of the country by arresting people for not wearing a mask. They are criminals. They are the exception; there are more good people than bad. Most police are good and they are being victimized even more than we are; they want to be free too.

Together we have to stand up to criminals. We can't remain who we are if we never put ourselves forward and take some measure of personal risk. I believe chances of suffering the extremes we've witnessed (arrests, Biden's gulag) are smaller than your chances of dying of Covid, and MUCH SMALLER than either suffering or dying from 'vaccines'.

Some of us do have to step up and take that risk and it will be SO MUCH BETTER if thousands of us show up because they can't arrest us all, they can't beat members of a crowd that outnumber them at a thousands-to-one ratio.

Safety in numbers. Peace in numbers. Staying out of venues where FIB and C_A operatives can infiltrate and distort. Resist by walking out, joining picket lines, writing, calling, attending in overwhelming numbers school board meetings - whatever it takes to make our enemies, foreign and domestic, count our numbers, as they did at the peaceful protest in Richmond, Virginia, before they wisely retreated.

We do have to step up and resist nationwide, countywide, city wide, town wide, school-wide. Peaceful, unflinching resistance to tyranny. Calm insistance on the Rule of Law, Constitutional Rights, the end to the nightmare they've put us through.

It's up to us - it's our part to play. We're the tip of the spear. That's what General Flynn meant by stressing there is no plan (i.e., no government plan to violate the contract); the public has been looking to the government to see what the government will do, but the truth is, we're the plan. 

The Biden Regime have quite a psyop going. They are pretending our Constitutional Rights have been replaced by whatever a demented fake wrote down that day, whatever he said in front of the camers. The MSM 'wags the dog' and makes it seem real, when it isn't.  The CDC issues 'guidelines' that are then implemented by schools, hospitals and employers as if they are laws that cannot be broken. We're in a fake medical dictatorship.

It's a sociopathic ruse and they are willing to punish a few of us to convince most of us they have control. But, it's fake, like everything else. Everwhere, we have to help each other see through the ruse.

We have God, we have legal resources, we have each other. The majority of the police and military are with us - we outnumber our enemies by far. 

THE PATRIOT'S DIRECTORY OF PLANDEMIC RESOURCES [OUTSTANDING Complication of legal, medical and activism resources every patriot should save and share]

Please pray against all False Flags, particularly those scheduled for the DC protests. As we break through the illusion of a country Ruled by Mandates Fabricated By Clowns, they will work to punish and frighten us back into obedience.  We can't back down. We can't stay silent. We must resist. 

Please pray that God lead us, and grant us courage, strength and discrenment, and that He defeat the plans of our enemies and draw us together as "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Despite all this, good news continues to make it past numerous censors. 

People are waking up, refusing to comply. They've been lying about Covid, 'strains', masks, and details like how have been vaccinated. So much of what we fear is not real. We have what it takes to face the rest. PRAYERS UP!

The fact that Biden is begging and threatening means he's losing, China's losing. They're 'all vax, and no chattel.'

We support each other wherever we are needed to make our enemies count their opposition and retreat. WWG1WGA!

2,219 posted on 09/13/2021 2:18:07 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote; null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; blueyon; ...


PING to # 2,219.

2,220 posted on 09/13/2021 8:28:05 PM PDT by LucyT
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To: ransomnote

The plandemic was prepared and ready to go when Hillary lost - that may have been part of the panic - they promised China military bases in the US and elsewhere if they didn’t fulfil their PFizer contract requiring them to make promises to ‘vaccinate’ according to a rigid schedule and terms (why? because it’s wartime strategy).
I don’t necessarily believe this. I don’t think the desperation to get a jab in every arm has anything to do with a desire to save our military bases. I’m sure that the “elite derps” have simply merged with China derps and are just fine with turning our bases over to China and/or the Taliban.

I do know that China’s economy is pretty weak/shaky-a lot of debt and “ghost cities” full of buildings with no occupants. Ironically, Russia may be in better shape than either the US or China-especially with the windfall they got from Biden no longer resisting the pipeline to Europe, and the fact that the USA is importing oil from Russia.

I do agree that we the American people are the plan. Peaceful resistance for now. I was impressed today with the doctors on the War Room. Truly they are a tip of the spear. And just as the founders did, these Doctors are risking their finances and sacred honor to stop the non-scientific tyranny.

As someone who is on Medicare, I know that I am on my own if I get sick-It’s been stated that Medicare will not pay for treatment, if mandates are not followed, and of course the only treatment available will be Quackster Fauci’s rules.

I am old and have comorbidities. I have tried to prepare. Maybe it will be enough God willing. Maybe not “shrug” It’s been a good life, and better health than anyone else in my family at my age. So I’ve been blessed whatever happens.

I don’t believe that DJT will be back until after the financial melt - down. Probably a good thing, given that who-ever is in power (or seen to be in power) when that goes down, will be a long time out of power.

It seems to me the USA is now in a catch 22. Raise the debt ceiling and the Dems Pass that monstrosity of trillions of dollars for Demonrat crap and the world will dump the dollar.

Fail to raise the debt ceiling and the USA defaults, and that’s the end of the dollar as the reserve currency. No more money going out for “safety net”, social security, schools, medicare etc.

It’s gonna be an interesting time financially and culturally.

2,224 posted on 09/13/2021 10:52:06 PM PDT by greeneyes ( Moderation In Pursuit of Justice is NO Virtue--LET FREEDOM RING)
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To: ransomnote
From Rita in your post: "No personalities known to be for Trump speak of the Vax as anything to fear."

Wrong. General Flynn has been opposed.

2,227 posted on 09/14/2021 1:44:59 AM PDT by Ymani Cricket ( "Pressure Makes Diamonds" ~General Patton)
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