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To: little jeremiah

If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, we would have seen on January 6th many very sizable demonstrations in state capitals and other major cities in addition to the big demonstration in D.C.

If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, that would mean that such as large number of people perceive things are not as they seem in this country. They would not be so cowed as they are now to be so silent and to cooperate so readily with the mask mandates, lockdowns, and all that.

If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, I would have heard co-workers talk openly about being done voting D. People at the grocery store would have talked openly about how they can’t wait to vote against the Demonrats, etc. There would have been a spirit in the air, so to speak, that would have made it clear that people see through the Demonrats and are not buying their sh*t.

Sorry. I’m not buying that Trump won by a huge, massive landslide. He won by a healthy margin, to be sure, and won the states he won in 2016 plus a few more. He won the popular vote by millions.

Too many people are still living in the matrixx for a huge Trump landslide to have taken place.

If the true margin is only 55-45 in Trump’s favor, that 10% point difference, while not a massive landslide, is still pretty damn big and a clear victory.

It really does not matter now. Trump has to show the collusion the Demonrats had with the Chinese and then people will take the evidence of election fraud seriously. He doesn’t have to show he won by 70%, 60%, or whatever. People just need to be convinced that there was collusion, treason, corruption, etc. The election fraud will be then believable and make sense. People will accept that it occurred and that Trump won at least 5 states more than are showing as a win for Biden.

And then people will lie and say they knew all along that the Demonrats were dirty and that they voted for Trump, so it will seem he won by a the largest landslide in history.

3,143 posted on 01/17/2021 9:31:37 AM PST by CheshireTheCat ("Forgetting pain is convenient.Remembering it agonizing.But recovering truth is worth the suffering")
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To: CheshireTheCat
If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, we would have seen on January 6th many very sizable demonstrations in state capitals and other major cities in addition to the big demonstration in D.C.

It was a middle of the week WORK day. We are not as organized and cannot just take off work, and show up en masse, like the paid left rioters can.

If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, that would mean that such as large number of people perceive things are not as they seem in this country. They would not be so cowed as they are now to be so silent and to cooperate so readily with the mask mandates, lockdowns, and all that.

Are you kidding? After all of the doxxing and censoring by the left? The left had the entire country skeert to death of the China Flu....just look at NUMEROUS posts, right here on FR, of folks very frightened of this bs, bio virus.

If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, I would have heard co-workers talk openly about being done voting D. People at the grocery store would have talked openly about how they can’t wait to vote against the Demonrats, etc. There would have been a spirit in the air, so to speak, that would have made it clear that people see through the Demonrats and are not buying their sh*t.

Nope. No one was openly talking about the election, or cheering for Trump, or putting Trump stickers on their cars, etc., at our office. They weren't showing support for Biden, either. In smaller groups, majority did say they were voting for Trump and feeling like it would be a landslide, based on NO support, whatsoever, at any Biden events. It was a silent majority. There WAS a 'spirit in the air'.

Sorry. I’m not buying that Trump won by a huge, massive landslide.

I see that!

Meet halfway and say it was 65 - 35....the above, that I posted, still holds true.

3,169 posted on 01/17/2021 9:53:21 AM PST by Jane Long (Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow,)
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To: CheshireTheCat

I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t dare mention how I voted, much less even talk about politics at work or with strangers. In fact, when people at work bring it up, I say, “I don’t follow politics,” which is a flat-out lie, and then either change the subject or leave the room. That’s what is for... because we certainly aren’t living in a Free Republic.

3,180 posted on 01/17/2021 10:01:28 AM PST by ponygirl (An Appeal to Heaven )
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To: CheshireTheCat
If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, I would have heard co-workers talk openly about being done voting D. People at the grocery store would have talked openly about how they can’t wait to vote against the Demonrats, etc.

That is what I heard in the streets...

There would have been a spirit in the air, so to speak, that would have made it clear that people see through the Demonrats and are not buying their sh*t.

Have you already forgotten the MAGA RALLIES, and spontaneous freeway Trump Trains? Worldwide I might add.


3,195 posted on 01/17/2021 10:13:41 AM PST by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: CheshireTheCat

If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, we would have seen on January 6th many very sizable demonstrations in state capitals and other major cities in addition to the big demonstration in D.C.

If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, that would mean that such as large number of people perceive things are not as they seem in this country. They would not be so cowed as they are now to be so silent and to cooperate so readily with the mask mandates, lockdowns, and all that.

If 70% of the country had voted for Trump, I would have heard co-workers talk openly about being done voting D. People at the grocery store would have talked openly about how they can’t wait to vote against the Demonrats, etc. There would have been a spirit in the air, so to speak, that would have made it clear that people see through the Demonrats and are not buying their sh*t.


I do not agree with your assumptions. Many people cooperate with mazks and lockdowns not because they agree or are duped but because they cannot shop without them, for example. A friend in CA says that if people go into stores without a mazk and refuse to leave or put one on, the cops are called. It’s that bad.

And how do you know people didn’t or aren’t talking in stores etc? I think you are extrapolating maybe from your particluar location. Just a small example - my DH talks openly whenever he goes anywhere about Trump, dems, etc. Almost everyone he talks to - strangers, guys he knows around town, the dentist workers - brightens up and is happy to hear and agrees with him. I live in OR which is a commie run state due to corrupt elections for over 2 decades and people are afraid of losing their businesses for getting narced on, getting fired, etc.

And the enthusiasm for Bitem during the campaign - nada, nothing, zero, zilch.

For Trump? off the charts into the stratosphere. That alone shows your assumptions are incorrect.

3,221 posted on 01/17/2021 10:34:21 AM PST by little jeremiah (Thirst for truth is the most valuable possession and no one can take it away from you.)
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To: CheshireTheCat
Nice try, Chessie.

Most elections, total turnout of eligible voters is about 50%.

So 70% is not 70% of all people, but 70% of 50% == 35% of the population.

3,226 posted on 01/17/2021 10:37:11 AM PST by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: CheshireTheCat

Trump won by a huge, massive landslide.

The bots, MSM disinfo, Aunti Fa crap, school indoctrination, etc makes our nation seems more to the left than it really is.

Propaganda works.

3,517 posted on 01/17/2021 1:54:08 PM PST by smileyface ("The illuminati's whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children.")
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