We’ll soon find some.................
Can Muslims be ham operator’s?
HAM license is on my todo but has been pushed back for my Masters and some industry certifications.
I think tbw2 has a list.
This is all I have
Jamestown1630;TxGrandMom;LurkedLongEnough;StoneWall Brigade;45semi;AlexW;LadyBuck;haywoodwebb;usconservative;bikerman;Blue_Spark;bitterohiogunclinger;Sylvester McMonkey McBean;scripter;Bobalu;buccaneer81;camerakid400;catsandmusic;Cindy;clee1;CodeToad;cva66snipe;Database;Dave in Eugene of all places;dragnet2;DYngbld;Erasmus;firewalk;fremont_steve;Fresh Wind;Grammy;halfright;hambran;Hillary’sMoralVoid;JackOfVA;JDoutrider;JoeFromSidney;JoJo Gunn;JRandomFreeper;Liberal Bob;miele man;Moose4;mwyounce;mylife;NCjim;nnn0jeh;Not now, Not ever!;padre35;reagan_fanatic;RFEngineer;Right Wing Assault;robomatik;Sally’sConcerns;SERKIT;sidegunner;soundbits;StegallTx;tenpops;The_Media_never_lie;theBuckwheat;tophat9000;Tuxedo;Varmint Al;vigl;VoiceOfBruck;Wilhelm Tell;Wiseghy;re_nortex;loungitude;ELS;aragorn;backwoods-engineer; ptsal; Hawthorn;
Wish I was an expert, or at least knew my around the operations part of it.
If the Internet and/or other communications grids are shut down or knocked out at some future time, Hams will be some of the most popular and important people anywhere.
I am. As of this month I have been in the hobby 64 years. Had to do the code for all 3 of my exams and I still operate CW.
Ham Radio is the greatest hobby ever. Mrs.teletech is also licensed and has 54 years in the hobby. She likes to be Net Control for a local VHF net. Both of my sons are also licensed and operate.
Studying to get my license. Have my gear.
K1QKZ, 73’s
I be one.
I’ve had my General License for about 3 years now.
Recent Ham thread
Kilo gulf 7 November Mike whiskey
Been in the hobby for 61 years.
FT-3000, IC-7300, AL-82
73s, NU4J
KC8OUX here. Not currently on the air. Yard too small for a decent antenna.
Amatuer Extra here.
I am looking into getting into this hobby, I have been reading a lot about the AnyTone AT-D878UV PLUS. Is this a good starter radio? Thank you.
The term "ham" was first a pejorative term used in professional wired telegraphy during the 19th century, to mock operators with poor Morse code-sending skills ("ham-fisted"). This term continued to be used after the invention of radio and the proliferation of amateur experimentation with wireless telegraphy; among land- and sea-based professional radio operators, "ham" amateurs were considered a nuisance. The use of "ham" meaning "amateurish or unskilled" survives today sparsely in other disciplines (e.g. "ham actor").
i’m a new amateur. will participate in an
active group here.