Morning, lysie!
But your breakfast sure looks good, thanks.
I need a nap already.
A quiche? Haven’t seen one of those in a while!
Posts won’t post. Are we being blocked?
Thank you for breakfast, lysie!
Still trying to sort out things about yesterday, so a little food will help much!
Like the china also.
If your dog needs someone to comfort, I’m over here.
Thank you!
Good morning, lysie.
Love the quiche and LOVE the Blue Willow dishes. 😍
WOW, looks great lysie.
Thanks, I bought those little quiches from Costco for snacks at Christmas. They microwave great.
Praying our President is safe. So many nut jobs out there.
Why can’t we waterboard those Antifa people they arrested on live TV and see who paid them.
Put them on the floor of the House or Senate and let the world discover the truth.
People know this was not Trump people.
We should have stormed the Capital when we marched against Obamacare way back.
I cannot stand these Republican traitors.
OFF with their heads.
Have to run to Costco, be back later, worn out, stayed up to watch our country be handed over to traitors.
Have a MAGA Day.