Soccer, the sport of the third world.
Just saw a video of a slum in the Phillipines -- groups playing both soccer and basketball.
Soccer is a beautiful game...
...and I am a proud SIKH American TRUMPer (Trump Supporter)
Soccer, aka REAL football is also the sport of choice for most of the developed world outside of the US. Enjoy your boring-ass gridiron with kneeling players and constant commercial breaks.
Soccer, the sport of the third world.
Right, because the National Felons League playing a knockoff of rugby (when they're not kneeling) is so much better...
“Soccer, the sport of the third world.”
Oh, please! I guess Europe is the third world. That’s where it started, that’s where it’s the number one sport, and the rest of the world including the third world has taken a liking to it.
Yes, but strangely Made In England.