Was it the coin rapture ?
If all our good coins were taken in the blink of an eye, are the coins that got left behind evil ?
Funny. I *DO* kinda wonder how coins “unexpectedly” went low in circulation.
My sister works for Brinks. She says there is NO coin shortage. It’s just another scam.
We turned in about a hundred dollars worth of coins that we had collected over the past 20 years last April. I am glad that we helped out all the coin hoarders.
Have you noticed that only the coins that say “In God We Trust” are missing?
I have asked banks where all the coins disappeared to, and the answers were all as logical as my new theory.
( Not a dig at pre tribbers, I’m one )
I think it’s a manufactured *shortage*.
They are blaming it on COVID and the mint production down because of the virus, but I don’t believe it for a second.
OK well the explanation I heard was by a cashier at Dollar Tree a couple weeks ago. She said that POTUS is sending all of the coins to Putin. So that must be it. She also (chatting with a customer) said that the only way to get rid of POTUS will be assassination. She had a few other things to say about POTUS, including that he was conspiring with Putin to kill our military members in Afghanistan for some special “bounty”. The customer with whom she was discussing all of this was in full agreement.
Are they trying to force everyone to do electronic payments?
My question is:
How many people, like me, have no change to ride the bus, or do their laundry???
Not every town that has a city bus, has a “monthly fee pass”. Whwrre I live, the “pass” is only good for senior citizens and handicapped folks to pay with less change, than the rest of the population.
The coins are under the bed with all the toilet paper.
Can’t wipe with coins.
But when paper currency is inflated, or outlawed, you can supplement your dwindling TP supply.
Bank lobbies are closed. People cannot deposit their coins they collect like they usually do.
“What really happened to all the U.S. coins ?”
In my wife’s junk drawer.
Supposedly it’s a problem of circulation because people have moved to cashless payments and so many retail outlets closed down during quarantine. I am not sure what supply chain issues the mints would have but it seems difficult for businesses to get coins from banks at least in ATL. One problem that’s out there is many designs of self-checkouts (if not all?) have to have coins to accept cash.
I have seven rolls of quarters I’ll sell for $100
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I had a chat with a cashier about it yesterday. She believes that it’s because so many people are staying at home / working from home. And they are doing a lot of shopping online using credit cards, which means that their coins are not circulating.
There is at least one drive through coffee place near me that only accepts payment by credit / debit card. They put this policy into effect back in March. Not sure how many other places have a similar policy.
There’s really no mystery. They got the rona in one of the coin making spots and had to shut down, and they slowed down the other by staffing less to get social distance. Make less, have less. Very simple math.
They all swarmed behind the new ‘Bat’ quarters, which are all one can get right now.
People din’t use change much, dump their change in jars, use credit cards more with C19. The coins are in dressers in homes.
BTW — 1/10 oz. gold coins are sold out now. Few 1/2 oz. out there. 1oz coins are still available.